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Arising in Awareness


“Who we are is the moment arising in awareness.”

                                            – Eckhart Tolle


I have a very unconventional and life-changing perspective to share with you. 

 We can certainly all agree that we are persons.  I’m a person, you are a person, all who read this are persons.  And, with just a little insight, we can agree that we have awareness.  The reading of this article is happening in awareness.  The intellectual faculty with its capacity for reading and understanding words as representative of ideas is all occurring in awareness as you read, so we could easily agree that we are persons who have awareness.


At this point, I would like you to pause and truly consider what you have just read, and see if you can bring this from an intellectual concept to living reality.  (Take a few nice long and easy breaths)


As you think about being aware of what you are reading, of holding this paper, and of the mind that is comprehending this article, extend that awareness to your body – be aware of your body and its sensations.  Do this for a few moments.  (Continue being aware of your breathing)


Now, look about you ---- see and be aware of what you are seeing – listen and be aware of the sounds of the moment around you.  (Again, for a few lingering moments along with awareness of breathing)


Now, a very profound Zen practice is to ask: “Who is it that is aware?” 


Realize – as you become aware of awareness, this awareness is you.  (Pause………..)  Become aware of this you that is awareness………  Feel and experience this truth.


So now, we are very clear that we are people who have and are awareness, and perhaps, as Buddhism would have us realize, a deeper truth is beginning to dawn………… that, far more fundamentally, we are awareness that has a person. 


Allow me to explain.  A conventional perspective says a person is a body, a mind, circumstances and situations strung together in time.  That makes sense, doesn’t it?  But something very important is being left out here, and it is that which the body, mind, circumstances, situations, and even time happen in. As you hopefully experienced a moment ago, body, mind, circumstances, situations, and time are happening in conscious awareness.  Body, mind, circumstances, situations, and even time are all things, and they are happening in that which is not a thing.  They are all boundaried concepts happening in that which has no boundary.  They are many things happening in that which is only one thing.  They are happening within that which is the essential nature of our existence - awareness. 


“Who we are is awareness.  But we block it with our self-centered thinking.” -          Charlotte Joko Beck, Zen Master


It could be said that all things arise in what is not a thing.  The forms of existence arise in the non-form dimension of existence.  And we experience it, and that experiencing is what awareness is.  We are now at the threshold of this most remarkable realization: that who we are is awareness. Who we are is the forms of existence – body, mind, circumstances, and situations in time - arising in awareness, the many things in the one no-thing.


Very challenging, I know.  And I also know that you do know what I’m talking about, but your thinking is getting in the way of what you know, and there is a particular kind of thought that is getting in the way the most. 


The problem is that thoughts centered around “I” being this body and mental activity in situations in time pull us away from awareness of awareness - and therefore the realization – as Eckhart Tolle teaches, the “felt sense,” that you are awareness.  That’s what the Zen Master Joko Beck is saying.  So I’m attempting to get you past thinking to what you already know.


What we’re talking about here is non-duality, not non-duality as a philosophical concept, but as a living reality. And non-duality is very difficult for modern human-beings to understand because modern human-beings live within a mind that abstracts its experience out of its context in Nature into representations of our experience called thoughts.  This is why Buddhism refers to thoughts as “mental forms,” and in abstracting our experience, we create duality consciousness with most every experience being separated into the thought form of “me” as the experiencer with “that” which I am experiencing being out there separated from me.  This creates what is called “duality.”  Every experience has at least two separate entities, the entity “me” and the entity, “that.”  Hence, the experience is dual, made up of two.


Non-duality is oneness.  It is experienced as connectedness, the wholeness of existence, which is the truth of the way Nature and the Universe are, while duality is experiencing Nature and the Universe as made up of zillions of separate parts, and representing these zillion parts with thoughts, abstractions of reality, an artificial reality of bits of information much like what a computer does, which is a very real experience for us, but it’s just not the way the Universe actually is. 


In our experience of the many things, what is the one thing that holds them all together, that connects them, that makes for one experience, the experience of “Me?”  Awareness.


Non-duality is everything in the great oneness of the Universe, and so, since duality exists, non-duality contains duality, and from the perspective of duality, which is how most humans experience life, it seems impossible to achieve this “felt sense” of the non-dual oneness.  It is, in fact, only very difficult – but not impossible – for a modern person to not only comprehend non-duality, but to experience it, and even live primarily from the perspective of non-duality.  It requires a shift from within what can be described as the human-being paradox.  We are dualistic egocentric humans, and we are beings, sharing universal natural beingness with all Nature.  This perspective and experience of living within the duality of human experience within the greater perspective that is the beingness, the non-duality of deeper Nature, is the heart of Zen. 


The required shift to enter the living reality of non-duality is the realization of the answer to the great Zen question, “Who is it that is aware?”   That answer is: awareness that has a person the world knows as me.  As for this “me” – as the Zen masters say:  “There’s nobody here.”  And there is.

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Watch Your Language

Well, Adorabella (as I like to call her) is 14 months old now, and walking all over the place.  She also wants complete free roam of the house, which means following her everywhere.  She’s a pure joy, but it is quite challenging to get things done as a work at home Dad in an environment with a baby who doesn’t believe in naps.  It’s all a big learning game that I’m sure will never end, and we are very fortunate to have such a happy baby.  We take her everywhere and she just loves to smile and wave at everyone she sees.  It’s great to see the faces of other people just light up when they see her.  Not a day goes by that she doesn’t brighten the day of a complete stranger (many of whom actually say so).  And, not a day goes by that I don’t marvel at her mere existence, much less her unbelievable preciousness.

I could go on and on, and Shelby has thousands of pictures of Adorabella on Facebook, but just to give you a small taste of how beautiful our little girl is, here is a link to pictures from a photo shoot done when she turned a year old -  Believe it or not, she keeps getting cuter :)

Anyway, though she isn’t speaking much English at this point (gibberish is our favorite language right now), she understands a great deal.  She knows all sorts of words and some sign language to boot.  We have learned to be careful what we say out loud and spell things from time to time when we don’t want her to pick up on something.  It’s really mind blowing how smart she is and how quickly she absorbs things.  You can almost see the new neural pathways being built as she moves about.

At this point, one of the logical issues that needs to be addressed is what words would we like her not to say once she graduates from gibberish.  I typically don’t swear much except when I drop something or injure myself in some way.  However, Shelby thinks we need to avoid profanity altogether, which takes me back to my youth when I decided I could say anything I wanted.  My rationale was that words were simply vibrations of the vocal chords given meaning by someone hundreds of years ago.  The meaning of those words was passed on from generation to generation and more words were added.  Somewhere along the way, certain words were deemed rude by someone and that rumor was passed on until it became widespread.  Today we have a list of words in the English language that are considered profane or vulgar.

In my youth I would have thought it silly to pass on such lessons to the newer generation, but now I’m faced with the reality that what I consider appropriate and what general society consider appropriate need to be balanced.  That’s just the nature of teaching our kids how to get along in the world, which means I have to find other words to use when I would ordinarily cuss (or curse if you prefer).  Right now I’m trying to use the word “bleep” in situations that need some added emphasis.

Then, of course, there is the teaching of basic language and what we say when we refer to things.  For example, we have dogs so she knows what the word dog refers to.  However, there are also stuffed dogs, plastic toy dogs, pictures of dogs in books, etc.  For me, this is where the potential for confusion comes in.  We are referring to all of these things as dogs, which basically means we are lying to her.  It seems like it would be confusing when we say “Look at the doggie,” pointing to a four legged creature covered with fur standing next to her, then turn to a book or a toy and do the same thing.  I’m sure she will reconcile the discrepancy sooner rather than later, but it reminded me that language is where we start losing site of what’s real.

Though it’s necessary for us to tell little white lies in order for Adorabella to get along in the world, the end result could be covering up everything she currently experiences with wide eyed innocence with words.  As we label everything for her, the world of mystery and wonder starts getting intertwined with words.  A dog is not really a dog.  Dog is a word invented by some Latin guy (I think they invented most of the words we use today) and passed on as truth.  The truth is that a dog is a beautiful being that a word doesn’t do justice.  But we have to call it something, until we don’t.  At some point we can unwind the labels from the objects so that we can again see things from that place of wonder.  When you drop the stories and labels covering up reality, then enlightened being is able to flourish.  Basically we have to learn the language, then unlearn it, as in recognize words for what they truly are – tools.

It’s interesting being a part of this long line of perpetrators who are passing on little white lies. We take what we were taught, customize it to our liking and pass it on.  Each generation gets to do the same thing, on and on.

The reminder here is to realize that words are actually hiding what’s real.  As Byron Katie likes to ask, “Who would you be without your story?”  What would a dog be if there wasn’t a name for such a thing?  Who would you be without a name?  I invite you to look at what’s hidden behind the labels we have for everything (including our selves) and do some unlearning of your own by loosening your grip on what you believe to be true.  All we have is an alphabet of letters arranged by, and given meaning to, by some ancient society.  Can we really believe that’s it?  What if there were no words for anything?  Then All is One.  No separation.  No distinction.  Even so, we never lose sight of the art of communication we learned as children.  We just see beyond the alphabet when we really look.

Word Up!


Posted By Blogger to Compassion at 6/20/2013 01:06:00 AM
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