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What Are Guardian Angels?

Guardian Angels are thought to be spiritual beings that are "assigned" to assist people here on Earth in various ways. Whether there is one angel per person, one angel for several person or several angels for one person is open to question. But whether you believe in them or not, or whether you want one or not, believers insist that you do have a guardian angel. What is their assignment? According to "Encounters of the Angelic Kind" at Future365 (now defunct), "they intercept at many junctures in our lives and help wherever they can to make our lives run smoothly. Sometimes this is by inspiring a thought to spur us into action, at others it is to lend us super-human strength, such as in the case of a woman being able to lift a car long enough to free her trapped child. Or we hear of a runaway truck, with an unconscious driver at the wheel, inexplicably swerving sharply at the last moment to avoid a bus stop queue of people. In fact, there are many instances, which are often put down to luck, coincidence or even a miracle, but which have the touch of a hand of light behind it." So why don't angels come to a person's aid every time it's asked for? Sometimes, the article contends, "angels must stand back, whilst giving loving support only, as we work things out for ourselves - these are the times when we feel alone, the dark before dawn."

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I give now, unconditional Love and Respect to all who read this message.

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The unity of mind, body, and spirit

Spiritual well-being, and the role it plays in your life, is stronger than you may believe. The word "spiritual" refers to that core dimension of YOU - your innermost self. It provides you with that profound sense of who you are, where you came from, where you're going and how you might reach your goals. Spiritual wellness may mean different things to different people. For some, spirituality may be synonymous with traditional religion, while for others it relates primarily to the quality of personal relationships or love for nature. A basic foundation for spiritual wellness may be the sense that life is meaningful and you have found your place in it. The search for meaning and purpose in human existence leads one to strive for a state of harmony with him/herself and with others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world. Many of the behaviors associated with wellness are key components of a healthy spiritual life. Examples include volunteerism, social responsibility, optimism, contributing to society, connectedness with others, feeling of belonging/being part of a group, and love of self/reason to care for self. To cultivate your spirit, an organized religion can provide powerful insights and tools and sharing a religious community can act as a support group for motivation, and education. In many ways, practicing a religion might be thought of as taking physical and mental steps to exercise the spirit. The unity of mind, body, and spirit can have either positive or negative effects on the balance of health. For example, the National Cancer Institute warns about spiritual distress and its effects in those whose bodies are affected by a cancer. (They define spiritual distress as unresolved religious or spiritual conflict and doubt.) A serious illness like cancer may challenge a patient's beliefs or religious values, resulting in high levels of spiritual distress. Some cancer patients may feel that cancer is a punishment by God or may suffer a loss of faith after being diagnosed. Other patients may experience mild spiritual distress when coping with cancer. For example, when prayer is used as a coping method, some patients may worry about how to pray or may doubt their prayers are being answered. On the other hand, a number of studies demonstrate the positive effects of those seeking to cultivate their spirituality.

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Supporting healing for sudden or traumatic awakenings

Article reposted from:

Spiritual awakening is not always straightforward and well-paced.  Mine wasn’t.  That I am here at all caring for my family, working, able to express my experience,  speak with and inspire others, is to a large degree due to the healing work of Charlie Morris.   This does not mean the other supports,  incredible teachers, teachings and practices I have been blessed to receive are not also very significant.  But the most direct, efficacious and painstaking healing support for my awakening has come through Charlie Morris.

Charlie has put together a fundraising campaign to continue his healing work on Indiegogo. Please take a look and share with others. I would be honored if you can donate something. But most of all please share the campaign with those who may be interested, raise the awareness of this kind of healing support.

There is a real need for this level of healing work now. For example,  Adyashanti discussed many topics in this vein during his last visit to Asheville, NC.   “There are spiritual casualties.”   He quoted research that approximately 25% of people in mental health facilities are in some form of spiritual awakening emergency.   One of my good friends on Facebook recently posted this quote from Adyashanti’s book,  The End of Your World (Sounds True, 2008):

Before I go further with this, I want to add something that may apply to some people. There are some people who have had extraordinarily difficult times in their lives – who have experienced traumatic events that may have caused an even deeper grasping at this root level of being. For these people, the grasping at the level of the gut may be reinforced as they come closer to a deeper stage of consciousness. If this is the case for you, it is important not to force anything. You may need specialized help to deal with this aspect of awakening; it may be necessary to find some way to address the deeper sense of trauma you are experiencing before you will be able to let it go.” (pages 152-153)

This was exactly the case for me,  the traumatic events from my childhood, and even past lives, were still buried deep inside my energy body.   All the therapy, meditation, retreats and practices I had done just scratched the surface of it.  My life circumstances and karmic unfolding brought me to a situation that was virtually untenable. It was a dark time,  yet I was awakening and all my efforts to practice were not keeping up.   One of my best friends told me to call on my angels, to call deeply in my heart for help.  I recognized my own plight and prayed for help. This is when I had the good fortune to meet and begin doing healing work with Charlie. I know there are others like me who can benefit from the way that Charlie works, and our world will definitely be a more open, humane and aware place to live if they can receive it.


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© 2012 Howard McQueen


We are each on a journey,

 a journey into opportunities to uncover our courage,

 to encourage ourselves and others

 to look beyond and feel beyond the lenses of what we fear.

A journey to notice that when we contract in fear,

 we close like a beautiful flower

 and we deny ourselves of receiving life sustaining love

 and of giving life sustaining love.


A journey to notice that our contractions point to what we have neglected,

 an ignorance we have clung to

 that encourages us to perpetuate our denying love

 and closing down.


We are each on a solitary inner journey

 where there are constant opportunities to uncover common ground with others.

It is here where we are challenged to encourage connection and compassion,

 seemingly with the outside world.

Yet in truth, it is the opening and occupancy of our inner house

 that enables the eternal spring of encouragement to overflow.

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