healing (1)

Supporting healing for sudden or traumatic awakenings

Article reposted from: http://wp.me/p1iNwq-c9

Spiritual awakening is not always straightforward and well-paced.  Mine wasn’t.  That I am here at all caring for my family, working, able to express my experience,  speak with and inspire others, is to a large degree due to the healing work of Charlie Morris.   This does not mean the other supports,  incredible teachers, teachings and practices I have been blessed to receive are not also very significant.  But the most direct, efficacious and painstaking healing support for my awakening has come through Charlie Morris.

Charlie has put together a fundraising campaign to continue his healing work on Indiegogo. Please take a look and share with others. I would be honored if you can donate something. But most of all please share the campaign with those who may be interested, raise the awareness of this kind of healing support.

There is a real need for this level of healing work now. For example,  Adyashanti discussed many topics in this vein during his last visit to Asheville, NC.   “There are spiritual casualties.”   He quoted research that approximately 25% of people in mental health facilities are in some form of spiritual awakening emergency.   One of my good friends on Facebook recently posted this quote from Adyashanti’s book,  The End of Your World (Sounds True, 2008):

Before I go further with this, I want to add something that may apply to some people. There are some people who have had extraordinarily difficult times in their lives – who have experienced traumatic events that may have caused an even deeper grasping at this root level of being. For these people, the grasping at the level of the gut may be reinforced as they come closer to a deeper stage of consciousness. If this is the case for you, it is important not to force anything. You may need specialized help to deal with this aspect of awakening; it may be necessary to find some way to address the deeper sense of trauma you are experiencing before you will be able to let it go.” (pages 152-153)

This was exactly the case for me,  the traumatic events from my childhood, and even past lives, were still buried deep inside my energy body.   All the therapy, meditation, retreats and practices I had done just scratched the surface of it.  My life circumstances and karmic unfolding brought me to a situation that was virtually untenable. It was a dark time,  yet I was awakening and all my efforts to practice were not keeping up.   One of my best friends told me to call on my angels, to call deeply in my heart for help.  I recognized my own plight and prayed for help. This is when I had the good fortune to meet and begin doing healing work with Charlie. I know there are others like me who can benefit from the way that Charlie works, and our world will definitely be a more open, humane and aware place to live if they can receive it.


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