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The Wisdom In Silence

© 2009 Howard McQueenAll life arises out of the sacredness and pregnancy of Silence.Constant chattering breaks the silence, clutters up the purity.In many ways, you harm yourself by dwelling on the surface layer, constantly reporting and regurgitating your surface feelings and impressions.The parade of images is like the weather, not under your control and ever-changing -- so step back from this pre-occupation with verbally validating your external fascination and agitation.These things are best left alone, not dwelled upon and amplified.Left alone, perhaps, you can take on the practice of quieting your mind.Be still, rest in the silence and concentrate your awareness.Cultivate the great universal depth where the quality of vitality is not boastful, not prone to broadcast, not adolescent in its need to constantly plead “look at me”.MMMMMMmmmmmm.Take delight in the Silence. It is always accessible, ever-present and ever-nourishing.It is your refuge and port of call, during the storms inevitably to call.Invite in, welcome and invoke the blessings of this Silence in the privacy and intimacy of your inner Home.
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Immersion in the Flow

© 2009 Howard McQueenTo take a delight in life'smixed bag of experiencesLet life choose to sculpt and shapeyou into your true natureThis is surrenderto the greatest Force.Bye, bye ego,Aloha
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No Longer Separate or Alone

Howard McQueen; (C) 2009Letting go of everythingheld personaland stepping into freedomThe invitationThe invocationReside in the embrace with your Beloved Anam Cara [1].You have come homeNo longer separate or alone[1] The Celtic Mysticism of Anam Cara A Book of Celtic Wisdom, brings alive an inner soul-friend within each of us. My own evolving interpretation of the Anam Cara this is that this energetic entity is imprinted into our being, always available, always accessible. Sri Aurobindo also brings light to the illumination of an infrastructure Self in the book, Growing Within, The Psychology of Inner Development, as does the Intoxicating and Forbidden Love poetry of Rumi.
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Tony Parsons on "Enlightenment"

I used to believe that people actually became enlightened, and that the event was similar to someone winning the jackpot in a national lottery. Once the price had been won, the beneficiary would thereafter be guaranteed permanent bliss, infallibility and incorruptible goodness. In my ignorance, I thought these people had obtained and owned something that made them special and totally different from me. This illusory idea reinforced in me the belief that enlightenment was virtually unobtainable except for an extraordinary and chosen few. These misconceptions sprang from some image I held of how a state of perfection should look. I was not yet able to see that enlightenment has nothing to do with the idea of perfection. These beliefs were greatly strengthened when I compared my imagined inadequacies with the picture I held of whichever ‘spiritual hero’ I happened to be attracted to at the time. I feel that most people see enlightenment in a similar way. Certainly there have been, and still are, many who seek to encourage such beliefs and who have actually claimed to have become enlightened. I now see that this is as pointless a declaration as someone proclaiming to the world that they can breathe. Essentially the realization of enlightenment brings with it the sudden comprehension that there is no one and nothing to be enlightened. Enlightenment simply is. It cannot be owned, just as it cannot be achieved or won like some trophy. All and everything is oneness, and all that we do gets in its way by trying to find it. Those who make claims of enlightenment or take certain stances have simply not realized its paradoxical nature and presume ownership of a state they imagine they have achieved. They are likely to have had a deep personal experience of some kind, but this bears absolutely no relationship to liberation. Consequently, they still remain locked in their own individual concepts based on their own particular belief systems. These people often need to take on the role of ‘spiritual teachers’ or ‘enlightened masters’ and inevitably attract those who need to be students or disciples. Their teaching, still rooted in dualism, inevitably promotes a schism between the ‘teacher’ and those who choose to follow the teaching. As the following increases, so does the exclusive role for the master need to be enhanced. One of the usual symptoms, when such a role has been adopted, is a clampdown of any admission or sign of ‘human weakness’. This condition usually creates distance between the ‘master’ and his or her followers. As the specialness of the ‘master’ becomes more effective, and the demands of the followers become greater, so invariably do the teachings become more obscure and convoluted. As the obscurity of the teaching increases, so does the schism get wider, and many of the followers often become more confused and submissive. The usual effect on those involved can be unquestioning adulation, disillusionment, or an awakening and moving on. However, these kinds of influences have established and maintained an illusory sense of doubt and inadequacy in the collective unconscious about people’s ability to open to and realize something that is as natural, simple and available as breathing. Those who have fully comprehended and embraced liberation have absolutely nothing to sell. When they share their understanding, they have no need to embellish themselves or what they share. Neither do they have any interest in being mothers, fathers or teachers. Exclusivity breeds exclusion, but freedom is shared through friendship. --- from The Open Secret by Tony Parsons.
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Freedom to Manifest ... Whatever …

© 2009 Howard McQueenThe practice of choosing to embrace rather than avoid,Of accepting rather than rejecting,Of allowing rather than controlling,Of Surrendering rather than influencing (in the name of even personal preferences),Finding peace within whatever is appearing and arisingBrings about the gradual under-mining of habits of Self-avoidance,of Consciousness avoiding Reality.Thus we remember to uncloak that which was / which is / which will be - we release our pretending to be SEPARATE. .We rest in this newness, this Vastness of potentialAnd in this vulnerability of unknowing,Surrendering to Oneness, to for-ever-ness, to completeness, to connectednessWe experience this as the Gift, as much as it was once regarded as the Burden-Curse.Both the Gift and the Burden-Curse are thus contained in the moment, in the fullnessWhat was once our ignorance shifts to a perceptual, gradual or quickening acceptance of the constant birth-life-death of form, of thought, of sensation and of perception.We seem to oscillate between fascination with self and Self,This contraction then expansion of our sense of Reality,This inhaling, then exhaling,Limitless forms all dissolvingInto the apparent nothingness …And the seemingly eternal procession and danceThat mind alone cannot begin to comprehend.****This piece significantly influenced by Marta and a united appreciation for Loving Communications and an awesome new book, "The Transparency of Things" by Rupert Spira. This is a gentle, disarming book, and reading the first 25% of the book is fulfilling, as it became a bit tedious after that (revised 8/11/09)
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© 2009 Howard McQueenI was recently communicating with a friend about a series of disappointments and how my obsession grew into a deep, thick soup of resentment, using that thickening agent “you done me wrong”. As I was communicating with him about this, I really took the time to listen to him and empathize with where he was coming from.His coming from held a touch of sadism, grief, remorse, apology, courage, resentment, … – and after I took all this in, rather than start back up the blame machine, I rested in this primal soup of emotions and discovered that it contained THE full spectrum of the emotional condition, all polarities. My friend did not shed a tear, but he did tell the story of his estranged daughter and the price he has paid for the current state of that relationship. Thus I was also privy to his sadness, remorse and repentant qualities.I am left feeling that the experiencing of any one emotion, does, in fact, contain the full spectrum of emotions. The other emotions just happen to be dormant, waiting for their moment to arise and assert themselves. I experience this directly, as these emotions arise in me. Sometimes they animate me, sometimes they make a call to a deeper compassion for myself and for everyone around.I am continually amazed and humbled by the insights available through our ability to just be open and take in more and more of what life offers.Part 1 Wakeful Quantum Shadow Dreaming
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Human Conditions

© 2009 Howard McQueenThe human condition of constantly grasping or averting, moving towards or away from reward/pleasure/security or fear/pain/scarcity. We ping-pong between the polarities, the positively and negatively charged energies.To slow down and rest in peace.To show gratitude for the Abundance of what is.Not residing in the shadow of fearor cleverness of ego gratificationsWe open up to a flowing of a Selfconnected to Vastness, to the Unknowable.We allow a Force to breathe through usA current to flow out of usA compassion to arise and connect usA curiousity in the pregnancy of the Moment,to permeate our beingness.And we stop trying even to adaptBy surrendering constantly, completelyTo the mystery of it all.No thing to looseNo think to gainConnectedness, oneness ...
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Wakeful Quantum Shadow Dreaming

(subtitled: The Blaming Machine)© 2009 Howard McQueenLast night my fever broke.For over two weeks I have been carrying around an ever-escalating story that a friend has been “doing me wrong”. I’ve built an entire waking dream around this story. I’ve amassed dozens of diary pages to document the story. I’ve been up and down the story, engaged, disengaged, disappointed, discouraged, angry, at peace, and seen this cycle stop and start back up again with another friend that also lent their validation to my story / (aka my hallucination).I have diligently amassed evidence to backup my story, more than enough for a character assassination. But I backed off from that – better to stew in my judgment and contempt for this person, this friend of mind that repeatedly did me wrong.My friend and I had a session last night. He apologized for his behavior, and I heard this, but I remembered I have amassed two weeks of substantiated evidence backing me up, so I wanted his ear and a couple of hours to walk him through my obsession. He was insulted and insisted that I “let go of all that old history”. He also insisted that I see him, his life situation and his “modus operandi”, and stop playing in my victim role.As I accepted the possibility (and freedom) of releasing all this history, this mountain of evidence, I realized that I had created a huge standing wave of energy that had been progressively discoloring my relationship with my friend. On an energetic level, I was shrinking myself into the poor-me victim and projecting shadow energies on to him (and he inflated into his sadist persona). Don’t get me wrong, he provided me with ample queues to jump-start my projections, but I now see that each of these queues was a cross-road, an opportunity to rise above judgment, stay in the moment, realize that my triggers were being activated and that my own deeper shadow callings were arising from my own past.This is when my story shifted, a veil was lifted, and I opened my heart and saw my friend (again, for the first time in two weeks) in the Oneness of compassion, from a re-opened heart. There was tenderness, there was compassion, and the distortion and heaviness of shadow energies and the fiction of [bad him/poor me] dissolved.I am left writing about this, with a sense of wonder and also amazement that it took over two weeks for this fever to build, shift, transform and ultimately collapse through surrender. I sense from direct experience that part of this wonder is uncovered within this me, seeing and feeling my own vulnerabilities to sense the world anew, allowing myself to be with more of what is in this world, rather than rejecting it.There is no doubt that my friend is extremely self-centered and obsessed with his work, but it is equally true that he is a force of nature, an emerging spirit, pursued by his own demons and navigating through a tumultuous period in the history of humanity. He is unique, has his own modus operandi and there were aspects of this I became [not right with - mostly the influence of sadism]. Once this judgment was made, it was easy to become overexposed to his behaviors and then the machinery of judgment went into high gear, into the “you’ve done me wrong” and I really got down to the business of making me right and making him wrong and focusing on Separation.I have new evidence now to share as a lesson learned. The internal polarizing energies I summoned and activated discolored and recast my relationship with my friend in the last two weeks. I became diminished and dis-empowered, and he became hardened, callus and dismissively powerful, all as a result of these energy dynamics. These energies revised and rewrote the story of our relationship, and this story was a fiction, of two people sabotaging and discarding their love in favor of the pain of separation.Deep subconscious emotions call upon quantum energies to arise and play themselves out. Tolle refers to this as the “pain body”. When I look back now over this past two weeks, I am now aware and conscious of our pain bodies becoming activated, and that these pain bodies engaged in a relationship and danced their own pain body dream. While this was happening, my love and compassion for my friend receded into the background as the judgment and pain patterns arose and cast our love and camaraderie into a darker shadow.The trance, the waking dream, the fever, the illusion -- has broken.I feel compelled to share this story, as a reminder that from moment to moment we are constantly judging and choosing and shape-shifting our energies and our reality. What I have learned is to become increasing vigilant and notice when I start to weave a reality-dream that is built around reactive emotional energy, I AM discharging another shadow energy dream.A great, follow-up article, The Chemistry of Blame, lays this out.Always pleased to have any feedback. I am hopeful my words and writing this story does justice to what I experienced and desire to share. If you would like more information regarding this interpretation of energy dynamics can be found in the new book Emotional Freedom, By Judith Orloff (highly recommended).Howard
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A morning message to friends

© 2009 Howard McQueenI wrote this to a dear friend this morning, then realized it perhaps deserves much wider circulationWhat a great rideA great ride it is (being alive). I see some big hummer waves rollin in that we can catch and ride - together. We might even get tumbled around, scratched up, but what the heck - comes with having some wild abandon fun.Just now, I see you riding bareback on this beautiful white steed, on the beach, in the light surf. You are exuding joy and there are other riders and steeds following you towards this rainbow and bright light. This light is neither sunrise or sunset, for it is a growing collective vision for the outpouring of pure spirit entering this dimension. The properties of this spirit clense the soul, detox the heart, dissolve hardened shells and enable the higher self to be increasingly present in our moment to moment mindfulness.Hey, don't take it personallyAs we become increasingly aware that most of the human turbulence need not be taken personally, we see that folks are being buffeted and buffeting themselves around and exerting a HUGE amount of energy resisting what is. We invest all this energy and urgency protecting ourself and then mentally and emotionally wall ourselves off from the "negativity", emotional vampires, shadow energies, darkness, and ...Heaven on EarthI am finding myself deeper in peace, deeper in compassion as more and more folks around me "wig out". Sometimes I get temporarily entangled, but then my fever breaks and I see with clarity that it was the tiny little "me" wanting the world to go my way, to cater to me - then the perspective shifts and I see much larger patterns that need to work themselves out, be acknowledged, shown some light, accepted, and transformed into honest acceptance. As we focus on ceasing to delude ourselves, by building an aware community of conscious colleagues, this collective perspective and encircling of healing shows us that there is a "heaven on earth". This blog I contribute to helps us share pointers to peace and clarity.This world and life is our laboratoryThis is an extremely exciting time to participate in, be part of conscious laboratories and experiments and chronicle the evolution of individuals we connect with. Hard to chronicle the whole human race, as I find most of the news channels loaded with toxic or slanted messages. I'll assume that there are awakened individuals throughout the planet doing "the work" everywhere and for me, this is heartening!Honoring spiritRaising awareness and consciousness is not for the timid, but that could be just because I have yet to master the subtle energies. What I am finding that holds true (for me) is that if I am true to my personal authenticity and the courage stemming from this inner flow, then my external relationships and events shift, become unentangled and resettle into a deeper reality and appreciation for the illusions we are all working through. As I become become more in-touch with honoring and loving the spirit inside me, I gain this capacity to extend this outwards in my relationship with others. This helps to clear out the infectious fears of the mind that want to obscure reality, deaden emotions, cause us to close down, revert back to self-destructive addictions - generally sacrifice and dampen our vitality.You Wild ThingWe really are born to be "Wild Things" and grow to be wise elders, still honoring and embracing that sense of wildness, keeping it alive and not becoming smothered in security seeking or ego aggrandizements.Wild Thing ... You make my heart singYou make everythingGroovy...You move meThe Troggs:-)Love, hugs and kissesHoward
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Has anyone lived in a Yurt?

I am entertaining buying and constructing a 30' diameter yurt (see as an example.Anyone ever stayed in a yurt for a week or longer?Would anyone considering living in one for a year or longer?Thanks for any feedback!Howard
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[Subtitled: Rewriting the Human Infrastructure Programming]© 2009 Howard McQueen[this has become such a pivotal dream for directing my life - HM 8/2009]I was dreaming the other night.I was on a deck, happily saluting and commending a group of fellow comrades. My dad’s name was called and I was doubly enthusiastic to greet and honor him. He did not appear, so I took the stairs down below and found him hard at work.I said “Dad, we’re missing you upstairs at the celebration. Can you come up and join us?”.To which he looked up at me with a big smile and said “Son, I am really busy rewriting the infrastructure programming”.We hugged, deeply … AND I CAME to the surface of awakeness lucidly connected to this dream embrace. In this in-between state, my chest merged with that of my Dad’s and our chest rose and fell with gigantic inhales and exhales. I was enveloped in this gentle energy bubble, with my eyes moist, my body relaxed, maintaining this direct experience - holding back the interruptive nature of rational thought. This merging of me/Dad, of dream-state/awakeness persisted like a very slow wave rolling in from way out in the ocean. A great calm pervaded my entire being.In this elongated moment, I redeemed the reward for courageously facing the dark shadow that had obscured and troubled both my Dad and me when I was a child. I also believe that the spirit of my Dad experienced redemption.I innately understand that that my work of years of forgiveness and acceptance of my Dad had carried me up to 95% of the journey, and I was still holding back.This last 5% was all about total, pure surrender in the Face of Love (FoL). This FoL has us always projecting someone’s face (someone did me wrong, someone could have done better when I was a child and so vulnerable, etc. …). When we relax and release our judgments and then surrender to what was / what is, our internal defensiveness melts and we regain our supple heart, our childlike wonder and openness - we open back up to the miraculous vulnerability of being vibrantly alive. We see ourselves in everyone else, we stop being haunted by projected faces, we begin to heal and we learn to trust a prime directive – living fully in the moment cannot happen until we reclaim a oneness with our fears and defensive/protection beliefs and patterns.My message and intentTake it all in. Don’t run from the fear, don’t hoard the love. Keep a lightness of being with yourself and in your relations with those caught up in their dark shadows. With so many active delusions in this world, we who are able to shine the light of Love know our job description – keep carrying on sharing Love and Compassion, allow spaciousness and then step back and just let things be whatever they will be.AcknowledgementsI’ve had a boatload of support doing this last 5% of work. This exceedingly potent, non-conventional help came directly from the Asheville Loving Communications (LC) community (Fred Keyser and Heidi Fox, founders). Other folks contributed to my quickening: Richard Koerber, Asheville Acupuncturist; Jack Boyd, Asheville Structural Integrator, my long-term Chiropractor in Savannah, Steve Goldberg, Ruth McKinney and my community of Asheville spirit-based warriors (you know “I love you all”). With their encouragement, I faced my own fear-inheritance and saw it for what it is – just passed down shadow energies by birth parents (doing their very best), entrusted to indoctrinate their children into this physical Earth school within the thick cultural conditionings passed down to them.
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Powerful Pointers

Ever since I discovered the idea of enlightenment a couple of years ago, I have felt compelled to find out as much as I could about it. I have been a researcher of sorts, taking in all of these things compiling them, sharing them with others, etc. My intellectual comprehension has continued to deepen, as has my experiential understanding. What I have found quite useful is reading certain things that resonate with me multiple times. I have found that I am not always present enough to hear what is being said the first time. In effect, I may not be ready to hear this now, but may be later. The other benefit to continuing to read about such things is that it serves as a constant reminder to look deeper. Otherwise, you read a book about enlightenment and say, “Well, that’s interesting,” and then leave it at that. However, it seems to be that we all want the same thing: a sense of peace that is not determined or affected by what the world throws at us. We all want to be happy. So, it seems in order for us to do that, we have to be able to be completely at peace with who we are. How can we be happy when we are playing a role, trying to please others? Why can’t we just be ourselves and not care about pleasing others? What if being ourselves is all it takes to please others? Then we must first recognize who we truly are beyond the roles we have played all of our lives. Along my personal journey, I have picked up various pointers that have resonated with me. Pointers are wonderful tools that help guide the mind toward what we truly are. We, in effect, use this mind to search for ourselves, but can’t rely on it to understand what we are looking for. Intellectual understanding is great, and I think is a necessary part of finding yourself, but eventually those mental concepts become a hindrance and have to be put aside to make room for the actual experience of what is true. The pointers I have provided below have helped me bring about the experience of understanding rather than the mental movement of understanding (though both seem to happen). I invite you to experiment with them on your own to see what happens. Try sitting with one pointer, or one sentence of a pointer for a while rather than just give it all a once over and forget about it. You may find that some of them work some of the time and not at others, but I recommend try them all over and over. It might be helpful for you to copy and paste them into a document you can print out for future use, or write some on post it notes to place around as reminders. Lately I’ve found that the most simple, yet profound, pointers are those that just tell you to look at yourself. In fact, according to John Sherman, if you simply look at yourself as often as you think of it, you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for, which is what you have always been and didn’t realize it ;) Pointers: When needless thoughts arise and you notice them, turn them into gibberish or replace them with blah blah blah. Witness the thoughts as they turn into meaninglessness and disappear into silence. What’s more real, the thoughts in my head, or the fact that I am here? Check in and see. Simply look at yourself. Not in the mirror. Just look at yourself. Ask yourself, “Who am I?” and follow your attention inward, as if your point of focus has rotated 180 degrees. Look at who you think you are. Look at your mind made image of yourself, how you see yourself, how you think others see you. What is really there? Point your finger around at different objects, looking at what it points at along the way. Then point the finger at your own face. Look at what it is pointing at. Who or what is looking through my eyes? Close your eyes and “look” (or focus your attention) at what’s right behind your eyes. Focus your attention on your inner body. Feel the life underneath your skin. Feel your breath. Be still and notice the stillness around you. Listen to the silence underneath the noises you hear. Focus on the empty space around you. Look around and become aware of the space that encompasses everything. Think about this: Nothing ever happened. Everything in the past is just your imagination. There is just this. Just what is in front of you at this moment. The only thing that really exists is just this, only this. Right here, right now. Look at things for the first time, as if you had never seen them before. Drop your stories and labels and just look through the eyes that don’t know anything. What was it before you knew what it was? Let it (everything) be, just as it is. Look at the simple isness of it. See it only for what it is. It is simply here, just here, in your presence, and you are aware of it being present. Look at your hands as they manipulate things. Watch them as they move around with their own innate intelligence. You don’t need to control them, they know what they’re doing. What will they do next? Just witness. You are not the doer. See what it’s like when you stop pretending to be in control. Just let the body lead the way and see where it takes you. I am ALWAYS right here. I am, and always have been, aware of my own existence, my here-ness. I am never not aware that I exist. In every circumstance, I am always aware of the space that I am in. The one constant, never changing fact is that I am aware of myself. I am totally conscious (aware) of being here (present) where ever I am. I see that I exist even when I am unaware that I am aware. “I am” even when I don’t know “I am.” Look at a past memory. What was it that was there witnessing it? What hasn’t changed since then? What has always been there, where every you have been, what ever you have done? You. Your simple “you-ness” has always been present at any given point in your life. Quietly watching your life unfold. What if this same witnessing presence that looks through your eyes is the same witnessing presence that is looking through everyone else’s eyes? Look around at others as if your witnessing presence is actually the same presence looking through their eyes. In effect, take your awareness and wrap it around behind the eyes of others. The only difference is your outward appearance and your past experiences. You may have different thoughts, but that which is always here for us (our witnessing presence) is the same for all of us. If I’m asked, “Are you enlightened yet?” I would say, “Yes. I always have been. I just haven’t fully realized it yet.” Driving (or walking) Meditation: As you drive down the road (highways and byways where there is not stop and go traffic is best), focus your eyes a slight bit higher, or lower, or to the left or right of where you would typically look. As you do so, open up your field of vision so that you are focusing not just on what is in front of you, but also what is in your peripheral vision. Expand your view so that you are taking in more of the scenery all around rather than just what is right in front of you. Experiment by looking around at different points in front of you (i.e. a little to the left of center, a little above center, etc.). As you do so, remain aware of your peripheral vision. You can simultaneously be aware of what is in front of you and what is all around you. You can enjoy looking at the sky as you drive down the road just with a slight shift in your perspective. Even the lines painted on the road are more alive when they are noticed. Take it all in. Be aware of it. As you do this, notice if you feel any tension in your body. Relax into it by taking a smiling breath. This is life. It’s always all around you even when you don’t notice. Don’t be afraid to look around when you drive. You don’t even have to turn your head to do it. Surrender to the fact that you don’t have any control over your fate when you get in a car (or in any other circumstance for that matter). There’s nothing to fear if life is giving you everything you need to experience to bring about your own fulfillment. In short, you’re not driving, you’re being driven. Since we’re all on a hunk of rock that’s spinning a thousand miles per hour and hurtling through space at half a million miles per hour, why not sit back and enjoy the ride?
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Coming Home

© 2009 Howard McQueen (Version 1 22-Oct, 2008)I sit back, deep into the seat of my soul. I sit here because I know thru wisdom, the sheer futility of running away. There is no longer an option to run away or hide.The Here & Now are my home. My task--to remain awake and aware and, when (not if) I stray, to return to this seat and humbly continue this life’s work: uncovering and cleaning the heart of the dust-from-neglect, now caked into mud, from the tears wept returning home.Home is where I am completely vulnerable. And yet, paradoxically, in this energetic space of here and now, I am peace, I am sustained.I grow roots, sending these deeply into my heart. I then nourish this me-as-tree-of-life, letting the spirit of my heart expand outwards, growing leaves, blossoming. This inward-radiating-outward love, expression of myself-as-part-of-the-wholeness-of-life, provides a centering to accept and not resist the external world’s impermanence and ongoing disruptive sensations.The ever-changing theatre of the external world is just that: constant beauty mixed with ever-shifting drama. The compassion of strangers interspersed with the eruptive mental illness of humans trapped in their heads. Having had encounters with contagious mental illness, my response is an ever growing depth-of-compassion for those caught in pursuing the myriad strategies of the mind: acquire-before-they-expire, hide-before-they-can-be-hurt, imagine-shame-while-anticipating-blame, etc. This is the run-a-muck locomotive mind, not feeling emotions, the heart hijacked from its conductor’s seat.The external world is like the wind, ever shaping and scouring our surfaces. As the tree, I tap deeply into the earth like the great sequoias. I am openness, allowing the wind to play and have its way with my branches and leaves. I remember to bend when the winds are strong and erratic. The winds calm, the birds and butterflies return, and lightness of being with all creatures of nature is again restored. These states evoke a full spectrum of sensations and I let them all in, remembering to let them pass thru on their own way home. I remember (over and over again and again) to not construct elaborate expectations—just more fleeting castles-of-sand.Since I am spirit that bore tree, I am learning to celebrate fire as inevitable and elemental. Fire offers up destruction, creating the space for transformation of life. This body, like all vessels born into the external, is on loan, gifted, also returning home. I celebrate this gift, with all the uncertainties and lack of external warranties. To just exist and be connected to unconditional love, even momentarily, even while shouldering this struggle to be human, is wondrous, breath-taking, such a privilege to become … aware.Thus I serve that which runs through my heart. It is the current sustaining and interconnecting all life, it enables my reflection, it contains light and dark, it is everything--and I am Home.---Two authors motivated me to write this piece. Mark Nepo is an awesome spiritual writer and flat out fantastic teller of stories. Michael A. Singer's first book "The Untethered Soul" is also inspirational. - HM
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The dilemma of pulling things up from below

By Dr. Steve Goldberg, Chiropractor and Naturopathic healerForward by Howard McQueenForwardI sent Steve an email describing a big chunk of deep fear that broke free from a Fearberg inside me. I was working to keep a balance on my journey and shared my experience with him. Below is Steve’s response, which he allowed me to republish.THE DILEMMA OF PULLING THINGS UP FROM BELOWI respect your searching, the dilemma of pulling things up from below. The analogy for me is fishing in the Back River at Tybee.A line can be dropped from a boat in the middle of the river where it is the deepest. Something will take the bait, get hooked. Because the salt water here is so dark compared to the Caribbean or Pacific waters, we can't see what has come up from the depths till we get it out of the water.The dilemma then is what to do if we caught a toad fish or something non edible or something from the unconscious that makes us uncomfortable. Do we realize, sanitize, and neutralize what stinks or throw it back into the depths and hope it sinks out of sight and out of mind -- for a while anyway. Then, head for dry land, take a break and go lie on the beach in the sun; but, being mindful of sunburn. This dilemma of life is un-escapable.A question is how do we navigate our way thru the mess and manage to be joyful and peaceful. Create a mask or semi-permeable barrier to still let in life giving oxygen, but neutralize the ever present smell of crap from the accumulation of the toxic waste? Where is the Safe Zone? How do we manage to sustain a healthy open heart?Somehow, [our work is to] clear up and clear out our inner pain, deception, fear, mistrust and transform the toad fish into something nicer to be around. Be compassionate with the ignorance, selfishness and harm that others cause. Just visiting here may be the best attitude. Maybe, our attitude is probably one of the only things of permanence we really own? Be in this world, but not of it. Peace and Joy must somehow be the reward of this effort.Ah, yes, time to go to work...
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© 2009 Howard McQueenPhoto By: Marta Fakhoury (Asheville, NC)What are the contents of this photo?A photo of snow falling from the sky?A photo of stars in the Milky Way?Our mind expands when we don’t have a fixed perspective, when we cannot judge because we cannot find a scale. We begin to imagine other possibilities.Snow flakes are crystalline worldsLike some butterflies or the day lily, their opening, living and loving life all occur within the duration of what we humans label one day. These life forms then begin their journey back to the formless.The snowflake is born high in the sky, rides the currents, is drawn by gravity, intermingles with other worlds of its own form, and drops to earth. This journey could begin and end in the duration of one minute.And the fate of this snow flake is to dissolve and merge into the surface of another, much larger form. This merging triggers a transformational change in both forms as they touch: solid crystal form turns to liquid water, nourishing this earth; earth as form then responds by absorbing water and manifesting a myriad of other forms, some microscopic, some gigantic, like the giant sequoia. Through direct experience, available virtually everywhere we walk, nature presents us examples of vast cycles of interconnected-ness - our birth-right. Deep down inside, we feel this calling to a stewardship and reverence to honor ourselves and all life forms nourished by Mother Gaia, the furnace of Father Sol and sustained by that which created and sustains the cosmos and this utterly fantastic interplay.One follow-upNow take a moment and view your body and all its organs, connective tissues, systems, structures and cells and realize that this body is your own domain, your own cosmos. And, for the most part, this complex interplay is sustained without any significant effort on your part. What a fantastic arrangement! Honor what you put into your body, how you exercise it, how you treat it and all the surfaces that it comes into contact with. Honor also the interface and interplay inside your mind and the belief structures stored in your mind and how they bring health or dis-ease to this exquisite form you inhabit. Honor your body-as-form for it too is of finite duration.Slow down | Stop | Take part in the unfolding | Connect with that which is greater than your mind-made self
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And the Story Goes On

Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather and the sky that gets larger as the leaves on trees disappear. I wanted to pass this along as an invitation to take some time for personal investigation. I almost called this one “That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It” but opted for something a bit simpler. Byron Katie likes to ask, “Who would you be without your story?” In fact, that’s the name of her newest book. Eckhart Tolle tells us that “You are not your story.” I recommend spending some time looking at what who you are without your story. Seeing yourself without your story involves dropping your past. If you set aside all of the ideas of who you are, who are you? Where are you? What are you doing here? What is all this? It’s a return to innocence we are talking about here. If you have kids, or watched children, then you have vicariously witnessed what the world looks like to someone who has no preconceived notion of what it is they are looking at. The fascination with the world around them is present without the mental constructs and labels grown ups have. It’s joyful to watch an infant looking out at the world with a sense of awe. That’s our true nature, but we lose site of it along the way as we carve out identities for ourselves and for others. You are not your name. When that idea first came to me it was a bit shocking. It was as if the question, “Who would you be without your story?” had taken on a new depth to it. Before, I was Trey looking at who Trey would be without his story. Then, all of the sudden, I had to take Trey out of it. If I’m not my name, who am I? We’re so attached to our names, because we have been called by them all our lives, that we don’t even realize that who we are is far more than just a name. What was it before you knew what it was? Look at anything around you and ask yourself, “What was that before I knew what it was?” There was a time when you didn’t know what it was. What was it then? It must have been a complete mystery. Just as the infant looks on the world with the same curiosity and wonder, you can look at that with the same nameless sense of wonder that permeates everything we have come to know. Throughout each day, we are adding to and narrating our story. Our minds are like story tellers weaving a tale about everything that pops up in our life. I’m constantly telling stories in my head. In fact, for each one of the blogs I actually write up and send out, I mentally write half a dozen. My mind is busy writing instead of Being a great deal of the time. Or it’s caught in a vicious, repetitive, ego dominated conversation with someone who’s not there. When I realize it’s happening I have a choice to either stop the story, or just notice that it’s going on. But I still get sucked into my story over an over again. Recently I started compiling my past blog posts into one big journal. I’ve been writing these for the past few years and decided I would put them all together into a book. It was beneficial for me to go back and read what I had once written, but in the process of compiling them I realized that I was contributing to the story of the guy who shares these ideas, insights and teachings with others, still seeing myself as my own mind made identity (or the “little me” as some have called it). Why not just stop telling my story? In my case I think it’s my mind’s self-defense mechanism. When I am setting aside my story, dropping my thoughts, becoming present, connecting with the witnessing presence underneath, becoming still, allowing everything to be as it is (however you want to state it), the mind tends to come in with an attempt to describe it, or grasp it, thereby ensuring its survival. It is attached to the story and doesn’t want to let go. Who would I be without everything I hold as true? It’s a bit scary so the mind starts seeking and the story is then reborn. In fact, the story of the little me who can not see my true nature due to my attachment to my story, is yet just another layer to the story. Raman Maharshi said, “The only blockage to self realization is the idea that there is a blockage. You already are what you are seeking.” I believe this is a quote by Papaji but I did not cite it when I wrote it down. “So put your story away. It is not who you are. People usually live carrying a burden of past and future, a burden of their personal history, which they hope will fulfill itself in the future. It won’t, so roll up that old scroll. Be done with it.” Gangaji invites us not to deny the story, but not to indulge the story either, and take an opportunity to see what is untouched by the story. Byron Katie tells us, “We do only three things in life: We sit, we stand, and we lie horizontal. That’s about it. Everything else is a story.” The story is sticky because we’ve been telling it for so long, but what we truly are is far more substantial than just a name or a history or a set of beliefs. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself who you would be without a story. See what the things around you would be without a story. In peace, The story formerly known as Trey ;)
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Surrendering is our natural state

(C) 2009 Howard McQueenWe practice surrendering all the time. We don't need to be taught to surrender - We are adept at surrendering!Most of us, however, have been surrendering to ideals that are impermanent, things that are forged and made from the mind of man.We've been surrendering to money, to corporations, to government programs, to our fantasies, to our vanities, to our insecurities, to our fears.Then, when we spend an hour or two each week, believing we are dedicating ourselves to that which is holy, that which is sacred, we surrender ourselves yet again often to something else external and/or conceptual.Were we to surrender to our integrity, imagine the possibilities.We are only beginning to learn and to trust in our innate ability to honor that which is within us, to uncover that which is authentic, that which is at peace, that which knows no separation exists. Perhaps it is this that we need to honor and surrender to.And not just one or two hours a week, but constantly in surrender, in the service of that which is sacred within us, within you, within me, within the street beggar, within the ultra wealthy, within the muslem, the dirty politician, every single ONE of us.If you cannot yet feel an internal surrender taking place, pick a mountain top, a patch of ocean, a baby creature, anything not made by the mind of man, and begin surrendering with it. You will be amazed and feel a deep inner resonance. Thus, you feel a sacred presence within, and through connection with that which appears to be external, you honor All that is.Howardp.s. Perhaps the synonym for surrendering to the external made in the mind of man (when heart is not equally present) could be called slip-sliding and succumbing – sufferin’ succotash. Welcome to OUR work.
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Let It Be

Hello all, I hope your new year is off to a great start and feel certain that this will be your year to shine. I wanted to pass this note on to those of you you might find it helpful in some way. Be well. This could be considered a follow up to my previous post (And the Story Goes On), but I am beginning to fully realize, on an experiential level, the profound simplicity of the words, “Let everything be as it is.” This is something repeated by Eckhart Tolle and is also referred to as “accepting what is,” or accepting the “isness” of the present moment. I knew what it meant intellectually, and have been heeding this advice for a while now, but just recently experienced the meaning of the words more deeply. Despite the seeming redundant nature of this realization (based on previous experiences), I am slowly internalizing these pointers for what they are, due in part to continuous and repeated exposure. In this particular case I was peeing in the toilet and as I looked down I dropped the story of what a toilet was and looked at it from the present moment perspective, as if I had no past reference to tell me what a toilet was. I just let it be as it was. As I did so the pure simplicity of its isness shined through. It had no name, no story, it just was present. I became simultaneously aware of the one looking at the toilet and thoughts subsided. The toilet was still a toilet, but I just let it be completely as it was, in its natural state of nothingness, as in no name or description. It was simply a never seen before object. It was just a presence, or something here, now. (BTW - I was still able to close the lid, flush, wash my hands, etc., but those actions took place without my needing to do anything, and I was able to just enjoy witnessing each step happen.) It seems so simple to just let something be as it is, dropping the story and just accepting what is present as an indescribably mystery, as nothingness. That is, in essence, what it is. The word essence is one of those terms I had a mental image of, which meant I was missing the literal meaning of it. Essence for me conjured up the idea of some luminous core. But in simple terms, essence is just the simple or basic substance of something (you might want to look it up in a dictionary). A toilet is, in essence, a molded ceramic object. But it becomes even more simple than that when viewed from a present moment perspective. It is, in essence, just some nameless thing with a certain shape and texture. But at the deepest level, when you are so present you have no past reference at all, it just is. This slight shift in perspective is what it all seems to be about. Take any object and look at it. Remove the idea you have in your head about what it is. Look at it as if you have never seen it before. What is it? If it has no name, no known purpose, no labels, what is it you are looking at? What is it, in essence (or on the most basic level), that you have in front of you? Let it be there, just as it is, nothing more, without trying to figure it out or describe it. For me, what “it” is becomes much more clear. It takes on a richer texture, a new vividness, and an aliveness all its own. Then, it can’t even be said to be an object, because what is an object? It just is. It is just as it is. Nothing more, nothing less. The innate beauty is available for viewing and experiencing when thoughts are removed from the equation. Thoughts about “it” cloud the simple isness of what it is. Its presence (or here-ness) is all there really is to it, but it is a wonderful thing to see. Taking all of these terms and pointers in a more literal sense cleared things up for me. However, I have to say that becoming fully present is still not easy for me to do very often (sometimes it’s easier than others). It takes a willingness, or one could say a determination, to see what is for what it is. The mind likes to step in and describe or instruct, but thoughts too can be viewed in this same simple way. They are present and can be viewed as what is in this moment, especially when you view them from the perspective of not being “your” thoughts, or not taking them personally. This creates some space between You (the witness of the thoughts) and your thoughts, which makes them less likely to suck you in. In short, you can change your perspective and change the world. In peace, Trey
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