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From Don Miguel Ruiz


Your heart can create any amount of love, not just for yourself but for the whole world. Open your heart, open your magical kitchen, and refuse to walk around the world begging for love. In your heart is all the love you need.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen


All will be well,

and as it should

in each moment,

we cease resisting

what we fear.


When we can actually encourage,

actualize courage

from within.


What we fear


When our relationship within



The work of relationship,

freeing ourselves from

bindings and boundaries,

from the resistance grown

and installed within our operating system.


Relax and release

all fear.

Freedom awaits,

consciousness celebrates

our coronation.

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Version 2.4 |  12/26/10

© 2010 Howard McQueen


We know, from our intimate experiences

with those we have loved and trusted,

and that have loved and trusted us,

that we, as one family,

have occasion to turn toward the infections of fear and confusion,

and become unconscious - overwhelmed.

This infection has spread,

till it seems to be so near,

seemingly at times,

so everywhere.


Rather than practice the long-standing patterns of avoidance,

we wait for the infection to erupt and confound,

and plunge ourselves straight into its core.

We are blessed with a conscious partner,

one where the agreement has been consecrated

“to remain holding on to one another”.


Rather than fling ourselves into separation,

we hold on as the storm rages.

It is such a tempest, such strong emotional eddies surge through us.

We remind each other that we are learning to share

the encouragement that comes

from holding on.


This holding on is a miraculous medicine

any two or more can invoke, 

just by holding on - together.


Holding on opens us to the direct experience of witnessing what we fear the most,

as seen through the eyes of another.

We learn by seeing what we are trying so hard to manipulate and control

and, in receiving this, have the honor to nurture and console another,

knowing we are ultimately also nurturing ourselves

and learning to let go

of the need to control -- outcomes.


Resident and underneath our motives of needing to manipulate and control

lie patience, grace and a growing wisdom

to allow most things to just be.

When left alone, these things and we

are swept into the timeless mystery

of not knowing.

and in this timeless space we uncover an inner trusting,

a willingness to rest and relinquish control

until the healing inevitably comes.


It is this healing that now also spreads,

virally, throughout our one family.


Find at least another someone,

and then let it be a community of others,

and make a pact to practice this art of holding on

and healing our family!



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© 2010 Howard McQueen


Every moment of life is gifted to us,

so why is it we find ourselves

so often reminded

of when we experienced all the conditions to love,

all the conditioning passed on down stream to us,

conditions which suggested and often dictated

we no longer believe in the unlimited flow of love,

of nurturing,

of respect,

of being appreciated,

of being so interconnected with this great big human family,

this vastness of interconnection with all that is.



Our will, once influenced,

once infected with the false advertising of conditioning,

sets us to task to manufacture disturbance-based

strategies to avoid or to acquire

what we are already completely interwoven into

and inseparable from.

The sheer futility, the mental madness

The toxic emotional wasted-ness,

of hiding from, of by-passing, the sacredness of this life – well-lived.





Striving for,

Not being judged good enough,

Not feeling worthy or deserving

of this infinite moment to flow into the unlimited joy and love

of being alive.


We slip and trip in these personal pathways and corridors

so well worn by us,

so well trafficked by our fellow human family and all our ancestors.



These vast corridors that closet the mind

stretch into icy snow-drifted mazes,

which we believe are safe to seek comfort by hiding out,

from this great big unlimited flood of abundant love,

that comes rushing in at us,

not discriminating good from bad,

right from wrong,

pain from pleasure.

For all that judgment is left for us to decide,

or not to step into those corridors.



Set your resolve to become aware of what you are appreciating in the moment.

When you discover you have slipped into a corridor,

encourage your awareness to willfully step out of that corridor

into the freshness and vitality of the realness of this moment.

Then, you may choose how to go about unwrapping and more fully

appreciating this gift of life.




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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

To remain connected-in-love with another
is to honor the constant willingness
to uncover the sacred sense of self,
the self image evolved,
no longer depending upon the courtroom of judgment
or its minions of reward and punishment.

We step off all know paths
when we learn to love - without condition.
We choose compassion over revulsion
inclusiveness over exclusiveness.
Our awareness swells to take in
more and more of the full spectrum of what is humanly possible,
all the abuse
all the sorrow
all the broken and shattered expectations.
And, we begin the process to allow all experiences to settle,
and reassemble without judgment.

This Mystery, fully lived
bring us into a vast cathedral
of journeying with other beings,
cycling through spans of being incarnate
each given the opportunity,
time and again,
to awaken to our expansive and all inclusive.
most curious and compassionate,
innate nature.

* *** * *** * *****

Our work in clarifying what we hold to be true involves a conscious reexamination of how our personal awareness has evolved out of the lies and deceptions manufactured by trying to protect ourselves, by believing that we should be exempt from aspects of life.

The flowers and trees, they are not distracted by the mental derisions and masturbations we humans imbibe in. Life is lived without warranties.

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(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Each time I say "I Love You"
I sense within me
both an expansiveness
as well as the echoes of constrictions and restrictions.

This "I" that loves,
when not feeling secure,
constricts and closes down
the natural, living, abundant expansiveness.

This "I" that chooses to obsess over the experiences triggering restrictions
is self diminishing itself,
is separation becoming pervasive
is us receiving the consequences of believing in what was once seemingly diminished.

We need not continue to believe in or continue making this choice to suffer.

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