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© 2009 Howard McQueenI was in a group awareness circle a couple of weeks ago. A friend immediately to my right spontaneously burst into a puppet show, using only his two bare hands, contrived voices and facial expressions. The entire group rose into waves of hilarity. As his act concluded, I was aroused further by a memory of my own and I spoke up and proclaimed my presence to speak in the circle.Everyone’s attention turned to me and I spoke very briefly of an event this spring with my family. There was still so much residual laughter flowing I had to stop and wait before continuing.It was very awkward and I felt very vulnerable feeling into this laughter, i.e. it brought up sensations of being laughed at. Everyone was looking directly at me. The facilitator even left his spot to my left and moved into the circle so he would have a front row seat to observe me.I thought flashed through my mind “how am I ever going to top the previous puppet act? A bit of anxiety followed this comparison. Nope, this has nothing to do with topping. What I was drawing to myself was all about a group of people laughing “at me”.Flash back to the fall of 1964The first day classes began for seventh grade I began not knowing a single face. My family had moved that summer from Goldsboro NC to Savannah,. Ga and my dad had retired from the Air Force. Teacher had just asked each person in the class to stand up and tell what they did during the summer. I was a bit nervous, not knowing anyone and such. When I stood up and began to speak, my voice cracked (like the skinny tall kid in Spanky and Our Gang).EVERY SINGLE CHILD LAUGHED.I deeply contracted at the laughing.I spoke some more and my voice cracked some more and there was the roar of laughter, filling my head with fear. I suspect I forgot to breathe. I looked at the only adult, the teacher and she was smiling, which my mind construed to believe that she was holding back, if only momentarily, her own laughter.I became motified, terrorized by the taunting laughter of my peers. This fear escalated further that year and the fear deeply etched into my mental/emotional bodies. I tried sedation, i.e. sneaking in prescription cough syrup and guzzling this just before I had to speak. I would move to the rear of the room to avoid being seen or called on.Later on in life, in my mid 30s, I became a workshop leader and a polished presenter. I relied heavily on powerpoint slides and scripted linear presenting. I knew my material inside out, and this allowed me to take questions improvisation-ally. Inwardly I realized I was still holding the fear, but the ultra well-preparedness and “expertise” helped offset this.That is, until I have to speak from my most authentic self, a self that has too little experience with itself.Back in the circle, real timeI am now back in the circle, allowing the laughter to wash over me. It is a little bit edgy for me, as I keep feeling the pain and terror of the past trying to animate me. I just allow it to play out, and everyone becomes quite, and I tell my story about being at lunch this past spring with my family and grabbing my plastic cup with a top and animating the the top so that it was speaking for me (the "high maintenance customer"), which set everyone at the table into insane hilarity. I realized that this is the gift of spontaneity, responding in the moment, not trying hard to entertain or call attention to yourself, just being joyful and free.The group was no longer laughing, but there were smiles on their face as they joined me in this experience, this coming to terms with what was so emotionally jolting and imprisoning back in 1964.Healing can come whenever we step into the moment and rest in peace with what is animating us. Healing is so incredibly multi-dimensional, reaching back into our past, paying forward our increasingly authentic experience welcoming more and more responsiveness with life.If you have stories to share, I will maintain anonymity if you so desire.
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Part 2 (Awakening in the Tulip Fields) / (continued from Part 1)© 2009 Howard McQueen | howard@mcq.comAs I look back down upon my reflected, mulch-covered nakedness, I see that the mulch clinging to me is being transformed. It somehow is being absorbed by my body and I am being adorned with these large splotches of brown, gold and bronze pigments. They are slowly moving and spreading.I am sensing they are in orchestration to join in formation the symbolic patterns that arose and faded in me just a few minutes ago.The sound of the magic flute resonates within me, and then there is this felt-resonance and response within the tulip fields, like they all joined in and blew a kiss my way.I am transfixed by this sense of kiss and am moved to rapture ... this moment unfolds,and I am pulled out of rapture by something flying by overhead. It is carrying a golden sack and a seam opens and a deep goldenrod stream of pollen like flakes slowly drift down toward me. As they touch my skin, they melt and join the body painting already underway. These golden flakes also more deeply penetrate, seemingly finding there way into the flesh surrounding my heart.There is a perceptible shift, just for a moment, and I witness my visual perception looking out from the moon. The earth is aglow with organic fireworks, like everywhere there are carnival celebrations with fireworks marking their spots. As I watch the earth, the colors seem to fade, but then they shift to a mandala pattern, like that of looking into a kaleidoscope I remember this pattern being laid down by a traveling Buddhist troupe visiting Savannah. They spent two weeks piping colored sand pigments into this vivid energizing pattern - then they swept it all up and poured this gift into the Savannah River. Oh my god, I get it ...The earth collage now warmly pulses and I feel this pulsation, my own body taking up the synchronized rhythm.I am back now amongst the tulips and am eager to pee. As I begin to urinate, the stream is multicolored and braided and way lighter than it should be, as it does not touch down. The stream defies gravity and floats in the air, weaving a serpentine path. As I watch this navigating phenomena, the stream unbraids into countless tiny rivlets. I close my eyes and my consciousness is teleported to that of a hawks view. The various colored rivlets are each magnetically being pulled to the corresponding colored tulip patches where they are received and absorbed.I teleport back to my body and feel a visceral itch like wave rippling across the entirety of my skin. As this feeling unfolds, colored patches of my epidermis are sloughing off. As this old skin pulls free of my body, this old pieces of me float upwards and gently explode, creating translucent colored clouds of spoor. Emanating from these clouds are sounds, something akin to the soft whispered warblings of ancient Irish bag pipes. I sense that it is the vibratic sound making them rise upwards into the rich vanilla-ness of the sky.Something about the sky seems to have changed near the horizon. There is movement, like a mirage. It is growing and coming towards me, rapidly.I drop down on my knees in deep wonder as large streams of butterflies dive into the spoor clouds. I can see that they are harvesting the spoor, as the colors are being collected on their wings. The odd thing is they are gliding, almost never beating their wings.How is this all possible?The rules of engagement and interaction have been retired and are being rewritten by you and others responds my heart.Wow. Ask the right questions and you shall receive. I bow my head in deep reverence to this unfolding mystery. Tears stream out of my eyes and ears and nose and …I remember a long forgotten golden guidance"stay in my heart and remain transfixed in being with the diret experience. It is the much preferred teacher to the head that just wants to incessantly ask questions and not really know how to join into the heart-felt yummyness of magic and miracles.And thus my heart provides, know that you are in the tulip fields of magic and miracles. More will be revealed as you take it all in and more fully explore.Yes Way! May I please have more of this grand experience, this magically interconnected ecology with my new world.Hmmm. I feel a hankering for a big bowl of rice pudding coming on real strong. It is about time to set forth and begin a broader reconnoiter with this thus far yummy world ...(to be continued)
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Note: This is my first foray into pseudo fantasy-fiction. The intent is to stay true to the felt-feelings and let those weave the story …© 2009 Howard McQueen | howard@mcq.comMmmmm.I am gently awakening up towards the surface of life.I smell a deep fragrance.I sense that I am exquisitely comfortable in my body.Absent are the nagging aches and pains.Hmmm, I don’t feel like I have my PJ on or sheets covering me.NOPE, not gonna open my eyes just yet.I breathe deeply and my chest rises and I am not on bed linensMy head moves and I find it is cradled in something soft and slightly loamy.There are still notes from the magic flute of last night replaying in my head.This fragrance is so_ooO very intoxicating.I open my eyesand discover I am lying in a freshly mulched flower bed, surrounded by many tulips.How did this come about?Inquisitively I raise up my chin and my hands press deeply into the ultra-rich loamy soil.From two feet above ground now, I survey this situation.I am surrounded by bright, multi-colored tulips as far as my eyes can carry me.The sky is this translucent, rich, almost iridescent vanilla.In the distance, it appears that there is something hanging, perhaps moving.Thank goodness my glasses are still round my neck.I reach up to wipe my eyes and I discover my face, hands, and arms are partially caked with the deep browns and golds of the richest mulch - something to be encountered only in a dream.No wonder these tulips are flourishing and at their peak. .On go the glasses and I raise myself up on one kneeAnd now I see I am surrounded by tens of thousands of blooming tulips all bowing down their heads in my direction.I grin deeply and feel a bit tipsy, like I am being held in some magnetic epicentric-ity.This triggers a remembering, in a vague, dreamy sort of way. I was giddily smitten at Jeannie Zandi's gathering last night.How did I get here?What is here?Hmmmmm. The words Divas of the Heart arise.I stand up. Indeed, I have no clothes on, except the blotchy mulch that clings to me from head to toe.This will do just fine, for now.There are tulips literally saturated everywhere and every single one is in the perfect crispness of bloom. They form swathes of colors, the larger pattern reflections call deep inside me and touch symbols that stir a warm inquisitiveness -- images arise like rising effervescence, revealing subtle patterns that then slowly fade away.Mmmmm, a gentle breeze carries the waif of a new scent, just as exotic and pungent as the one before.I can see a windmill, way off in the distance – Holland, California, Taos, The tulips of ZandiLand? – OK, we'll go with this naming - ZandiLand.I have no cell phone, no ipod, no watch, no currency, no idWow! I pause to marvel at this lacking of everything external and worldly,and am set warmly aglow, a bubbling over ebullience, and discover “its all ok”.I remember a word, predicament, but this holds no emotional content.I remember the words, alone, lonely, but these words as well find no home to land.A small formation of butterfly swing by, weaving theirintimately felt welcoming as their wings brush my skin as they spiral around me and depart.I marvel that I've never seen butterflies in formation. What the ?I realize that ever since I woke up, I have been living the rhythm of feeling perfectly in harmony with my body and everything else.Hmmmm. Check, check. Is this a dream?Yes, and No resonates within.Hmmmm.The perfect harmony remains intact, without a single crack.And what I feel now is the sheer delight of floating gently in the unresolved paradox.Why should any answer from the mind matter in any way whatsoever.This harmonious, felt sense of inner dialog,is radiating, it feels, like, out from my heart.I take a deep breath, and yet another againand I know I am breathing more deeply than normal.Perhaps I am taking in enriched tulip oxygen!Giggle and snort – I just made that up.A gigantic grin becomes plastered over my face, radiating and gushing hilarity and joy.Now I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the words that have jumped out and quivering about, speak and resonant a vivid, blissful ecstasy.I pause.I allow my mind to publish this very briefest of story lines and it writes"Perhaps I''ve been drugged and road-tripped,"and then I take the reigns back and finish off the verse"and I hope that no one returning expects to find my ass, ha!"Hmmm. Why can’t I raise up even the slightest vibration of fear or anxiety?I am just so completely connected to this unwavering, felt-depth of experience,this connectedness to natural beauty and the rhythm of this world I find myself dropping into!(to be continued … Go to Part 2 of Awakening in the Tulip Fields of Zandiland
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(inspired in satsang with Jeannie Zandi | Thursday Oct-22, 2009 | Asheville)© 2009 Howard McQueenI am feeling more than just a little bit giddybeing in the presence of Lovewith all of you.It stirs up song, holding hands, hugging and kissing, waltzing,giving in, completely and totally,to the service of whatever needs doing in Love’s kitchen.There is no rhyme, reason or meaning to be had from Loving.It is a luscious, in-light-en-ing, in the body experiencing.It is rubbing the love-of-self balm all over your insidesuntil you quiver and tingle on the outside,and all your cares of self wash away in jubilationand celebrationwhilst being swept into a giddy reverence,a sacred sweaty river dance,in the full moon lightexpressing loveunconditionally,irreverently,boldly,quietly,giggling sometimesand sometimes slack jawedand speechless at the profound liberationfor witnessing love and joy bloomin another,even if but fora few seconds …We children-of-love, we don’t discern seconds,we live in the timeless envelop of love and joy.And, in our reckless abandonment of all the rules, regs, policies and procedures,we are a beacon, encouraging others to come home to roost in the sweet innocence of play.Love demands that we let go and completely surrendereverything false:Pride,age,shame,blame,all habits,including the manufacturing of revenue;and the baked in mis-representations and gospels of our culture.All this held-in-evidence, Love cleanses and sets on fire,Inviting us to put everything personal asideand just glowand quiverand be completely vulnerableand cluelessand Innocentand blissfully ignorant;empty of answers to all the wrong questions.Like “what’s going to happen to me in the future”or“what will others think of me”.Love invites a pure, clean letting go of the future,Love removes all bookmarks and road-blocks stored in the past.We are invited into the complete unknowing of the momentto die and be carried by the universal vibration and current of Love.Love asks everything, the complete 100% of you.Will you surrender to the embrace of Love and give it all up?The world is re-forming, awakening in youthe invitation to step into “making it all up,a fresh beginning, a starting all over again”.It just might be the yummiest undoing of your life!~ ~ ~;-) Dang, Love done come up and just plum swallowed me whole!!!
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© 2009 Howard McQueenImagine how we as a species may be able to evolveif we put our heads downand open up our heartsand become responsiblefor experiencing our dis-eased emotional being.Imagine this as personal energy reclamation.Imagine this as siphoning up the ghosts from our past.Imagine this as a healing from the inside out.Imagine this as using our latent gifts to create a heaven on this earth.Yes, I realize there is a lot of stored resistance and thatit lives by the names of bitterness, cynicism, betrayal, abandonment, despair, depression, avoidance.Yes, I realize we are constantly hi-jacking ourselves and heaping more suffering and misery on ourselves and projecting this externally.And yes, I realize that all this is part of what is still holding the current precarious man-made structures together.I sense you, like me, are feeling deep inside that more than just Rome is crumbling.This feeling is our early warning signal: Wake up and open to the personal invitation to connect to and step into our hearts.There is no other place to go, there is nothing more essential and preparatory to do.Been everywhere elseexcept in the heart,already reacted to this and that,over and over again.We’ve exhausted ourselves trying to energize our mental potentialities when we are not deeply connected through our heart.We’ve watched members of our species greedily exploit the planet and all life forms for personal, egoic gain. We’ve watched fear rampantly peddled and seen these fires flamed into brutality and destruction – all for the gain of the few.We’ve watched as our religious, government and business and communications (media) institutions have either sanctioned all of these activities, or were incented (through their own best interests) to turn and look the other way.We have essentially always been on our own to choose to be guided by our heart. We just slipped a bit and began to believe that our institutions were supposted to do this work for us.This is the wake up call. No one else, no matter how large or empowered, can breathe for you, can feel for you, or can awaken your heart or your loving intent.This is for you to do, with a bit of help,some reaching out to others,that can guide and assist you..Know that other hearts are already open and opening,so YOU ARE NOTAND HAVE NEVER BEENALONEReach out your heart and these hearts in others will become visible.The event horizon is fast approaching where the energy of the heartwill be tapped to empower the human dream on this planet.Imagine, a planetary-wide cleansing of fear-anger-grief.Between now and then,Rather than cave in to the increasing turmoilThe mass insanity and hysteria of trying to surviveby keeping the existing status quo alive,take up home and reside in your heart.Light your inner candles, stoke the fire,do your own inner work to cleanse yourselfof the two thousand years of darkness and mischiefdeeply etched into our psyche.Live in THE HEART and invite others to share this felt connection.Allow the heart to awaken, so it can assimilate and integrateour emotional woundednessour short-circuited masculine and feminine templatesour relationship models to express love and intimacy,this is the work of the heart.First.We are called to re-establish unconditional love within ourselves. This requires undoing and releasing all conditional attachments that prevent love. Lets call it a deep Intimacy with feeling everything arising within us, being able to feel into and see and through all the darkness and shadow.ThenRe-establishing unconditional love with others that were part of our journey, going back to this birth. Here we will receive additional gifts for peering into and feeling our dark inherited, passed-down energies.And againRe-establishing unconditional love in our most intimate day-to-day activities, be this work, family, romantic partners. And again, more opportunities to receive additional gifts for peering into and feeling our dark energies, these being what we have learned to pass along to those we have tried our best to share and experience love.And finally,through diligence and practice, our heart breaks open and we can be in the world to feel the immense joy always available and radiating.For it is weUsing the gift of conscious awarenessThat must choose to put down our burdensOur ingrained habitsOur flawed perceptionsOur corrupted conditioningAnd undo and disconnect ourselves from all the actively running programmingAnd lead ourselves through a complete emotional operating system reboot.Neither revolutionary nor pacifistwe walk the path of evolving defenselessness[1]We are and will transform our life to live through the heart,by relying exclusively upon direct, in-the-moment, personal, felt-experience.This is out teacher, our mentor, our guiding spirit.We drop all the crap and all the short-circuited energiesand radiate a unifying love through all our actions, expressions and intentions.~ ~ ~Two books by Michael Brown are easily accessible and very digestible experiental operating guides and perceptual aids for getting underway with the personal transformation. Bless you Michael!The Presence Process (Namaste Publishing)Alchemy of the Heart (Namaste Publishing)[1]Buddhism and Taoism and living like the properties and attributes of water.
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Responsibility (Defn:)Response ability, the capacity and capability to respond (and not enter a reactive state). The capacity to be consciously present within ourselves, and from this non-aggressive energetic space, choose to contain and constructively direct our internal energy, with the intention to liberate unconscious beliefs and behavior.I am developing the capacity to be responsible for my actions and my intentions.I am becoming aware that to use this capacity with others requires an ongoing commitment to understanding deeper and deeper subtleties in understanding myself and how to approach, inquire and develop awareness and compassion for my blind spots as well as extending this compassion for the blind spots carried by others.These blind spots are where my internal energy does not flow freely and has become frozen (or stuck).This stuck-ness in my internal energy flow causes me to revisit and re-experience my blind spots as current, in-the-moment reflections, brought to me by messengers (the people in my life that carry the messages that trigger my reflections and projections).It is very easy to become tripped up in our reflections and projections and the emotional and mental bias that is running rampant (yet to be seen and integrated) in our human operating systems.As we (I mean me and at least one other person here) learn to reward and reinforce each other for learning and taking responsibility for our side of relationships, we build trust and we grow the capability (muscle) and capacity (persistence /endurance) to transform unconscious beliefs and behaviors.This is the work that I am being called upon to awaken to.This is what I dedicate the rest of my life on this planet to.~ ~ ~I have taken the liberty to modify the definition of response from Michael Brown's book The Presence Process.Always a delight to hear from any of you -
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenOne pathway to be the embodiment of The Mysteryis to focus on receiving and responding to lifeby living through your heart.You will perceive an ever-deepening intimacy with your overall connectedness.This will bring on such a felt-fullness that it will crowd-outand displace all pettiness and worries.And what is left is abiding and residing is felt Oneness,direct connection to cause and effect,and the sense that we are all engaged in the same experience.Many of us are still resisting, coping, stuck in survival mode.Others are embracing, living and actively sharing in Love,having no idea what will happen from moment to moment,as the mystery continues to unfold.Their resolute response to experience is deep gratitude for just being alive!
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenWe are discovering that when we center in our heart,there is a quickening of non-aggressive energy.This energy courses through our human instrument,and when this intent is heldgently as encouragement to awaken,the white magic is set free to awaken in others.Others see this energy as their own imaginative reflection.They either drink it in deeply, or reactivate their own aggressive tendencies;They push their own "buttons" of stored resistance.The resistance arises as projections,pointers to internal, stuck energy,formed around experiences,now hardened into beliefs,that deeply sap and kidnap our authenticity.This is the Illumination Stage of Awareness,where we get to use our "new eyes" and vision toreal eyes the gifts hiding out in our shadows.All we need do initially,is rest with the reflected projection.Thenfeel and lean into this energetic dynamicand meet a hidden aspect of ourself.Continuing this type of processingis uncomfortable,as well as completely transformational.You will be undoing and up-rooting old fear/anger/grief behaviors and patternsand regaining a groundless freedom to allow love to grow and flourish.Compared to living in prisonI'' ve discovered adopting this processis worth whatever the price of admission.
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenThrough the use of aggression and force,not the least of which is mental and emotional brutalitytaught, rewarded and enforced by parents and other adults,especially those honored with the title, "those we look up to",we have substantially shut down our heartssuppressing our greatest inner treasure trove of wealthinstead, we are loading up on self-medicating, addictive behaviors,over the counterand under the thumbpharmaceuticalsand a vast array of things designed to numb and deaden us,as we practice repeated, habitual grim fun and avoidance.We spend more and more time hiding out,obsessing in the anxiety-filled corridors of our mind.We don’t die here,we are kind of anesthetically embalmed,to wither away in our mental illness-fortress.We’ve forgotten that to be vulnerable and aliveWe must shed our skins and dieIn order to continue opening to the sacred.Instead, we practice caving inBarely crawling on our foursRather than standing tallRadiating our authenticityOur child, still mired in perpetual resistanceBurns alive with the escalating fever inside.These baked in habits escalating,Fed and fueled not by U-232,but the radioactive reactor of the Human Catch-22.[1]Deep inside there is a growing knowing,the human race need not continue to projectthe world as it currently is.Surrender all inner aggression.Rely upon heart-felt insight to find your way.Be peace![1] The Human Catch-22Our emotional body,desperately in need of healing and rescuepays forward our toxic experiences,binding us to our past,now the continued and ongoing defilement of self.In the meantime,everywhere else except in the domainof human operating systems,peace reigns supreme.We don’t need tocreate,manufacture,pray fororeven acknowledge Peace.It is a constant given,a bright and continuous signal –that more and more of usare beginning to senseand receive this signal,feel it,take it inwardand radiate it outward!In my heart, I hold the signal and create expansive space for peace.~ ~ ~
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© 2009 Howard McQueenMichael Jordan had hang time in basketball. Ski jumpers in the Winter Olympics set new records hanging the longest, coaxing out every second in the air, before touching down.This story celebrates a somewhat different use of Hang Time.I called a friend on the phone this morning.I said to him “Ernest, you’ve got the most impressive hang-time”,meaning the incredible patience and grace he has shownwhile his core life has been coming completely unglued and shorn.He said to me, wow, Howard, let me take a moment and drink that in!And then there was a long pauseAnd then he saidA friend once said to me “gracious persistence” will take you a long way.He also told me he had not always been living from this space and that, in the past, he would either go unconscious and insane or be kind of frozen in fear.When I think of my now several year old motto “perpetual sabbatical”I see this as merely the foundational gift,the opportunity to slow down and openI also know more of my energies are now being diverted into gracious persistence,allowing life to mold and re-shape me by accepting my fullness of experience.I celebrate all this, with all of you, with a big warm mug of Gusto!Cheers!~ ~ ~An email response from a friend: 10/18/09I can relate to this writing - my external life is in total upheaval and chaos... about the only major challenge I haven't experienced within the last 6 months is a death of somebody close to me, or a major health issue.Deep down, I know this 'deconstruction' is just getting rid of the old elements of my life that don't work, to make room and transformation for new and amazing opportunities for growth and expansion.So even though I am going through a time which includes great pain and challenge, I'm grateful for it at the same time. In a manner of speaking, all the challenges in my life right now are little miracles hidden in the dregs just waiting to be brought out and polished so they can glimmer in my life and the lives of those who know me.My response: 10/18/09I was in my 50s before I began to appreciate deconstruction, and it took a good bit of Buddhist Psychology to ground me to the point where I could bear the pain and appreciate that I was paying forward and backward to begin to clear a space for peace and harmony to grow.Now, several years down this road, with a number of beautiful fellowships with others, there are fewer bumps in the road, and what comes up is welcomed with considerable more grace.So as others "wig out" around me, I can see myself in past relative vibrational episodes and say "this too shall pass".We never know "how", but by holding fast to intent and remembering to keep that torch lit, and held high, it is only a matter of time.Much love and compassion to everyone on this journey.Howard****Why is it valuable to feel into the expansiveness of emotional vocabularies?I do this not to just define a word, but to bring it deep inside my chest so the heart can be activated and so that new qualities of feelings can arise. These feelings emanate from the heart vibrational center, and like champaign bubbles rising, pass through the emotional-mental-physical layers of our human operating system, bringing fresh energy to stuck places. Our whole being becomes filled in with the deeply mystical and mysterious process of inner transformation. -
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© 2009 Howard McQueenBack in 1975 I ran into a major, traumatic conditional rejection.A girl friend and lover I had become very attached toapproached me one afternoon and saidif we are going to keep sleeping together,you will have to learn to also start having sexconcurrently with me and my friends.When I received these words, it was like an electric shock flew into my chest.There was an immediate physiological tightening down of muscles in my shoulders and my neck.I literally began hurting.Uuuugggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!And, to this day, I still have symptoms and occasional bouts,especially when I feel rejection and am emotionally insecure..Fast forwardThis past week, I sent a lady I had met in Sedona a follow-up email.We had met for the second time again this September, at an annual conference in Sedona.The conference was about emotional maturity, so a touchy-feeling, show affection to others was part of the prevailing mood.This trip, I found her gazing into my eyes several timesand at a break, I asked if I could speak to her.And in a crowded public space,we sat on a benchand I put my arm around her shoulderand gently kissed her cheek.She told me that she felt a stone in the kiss. We tried talking about this but the words I offered did not make any sense to her, so I suggested we just let things be.Later that day she said, to reinforce her feelingsI really did not appreciate your putting your arm around me or kissing me.I sat with this and after hearing the emphatic desirefor apology in her voice the second time,later, the next day, I slowly and sincerely apologized,and she showed appreciation and gratefully accepted my apology.The email I had sent her earlier this weekcontained a link to a blog entry on intimacy [1]addressing what can arise when you gaze into someone’s eyes.In my email to her, I said that I thought that she might be interested in reading the article, since she and I had our own sort of bump in the road over expectations arising out of eye gazing.Her email back to me caught me completely off guard.She saidcut the crap, HowardI made it clear in Sedona that I don’t want to ever see you again,so don’t contact me or even reply to this email.As I was reading her reply, this same energetic electric shock from 1975arose in my body.I wanted to run – to the bathroom, anywhere.Instead, I just sat down in front of her wordsAnd, in a meditative posture,leaned into feeling these wildly uncomfortable sensations.The feelings that came up around these sensations translated into sentences like“What you have done is too terrible to repair, I am abandoning you here and now”“Dirty little boy, how dare you show your affections under these conditions”“You want your addiction again. Ok, come defile yourself”And, as I sat with all this, I became increasing peacefuland the peacefulness settled into my emotional, mental and physical bodies.IN REVIEWCertainly, the public kiss was a bit forward as well as assertive,The intent: affection akin to something shared between two seven year old children (the two players in their fifties now).When received by the other,what was stirred up was a deeply emotionally charged projectionthat resulted in them completely shutting downto my reflections of affection.You can never really know how your words or affections will land on another.I take full responsibility for initiating the display of affection.I took full responsibility for offering the sincerest of apologies.In the momentWhen I take responsibilities for these feelings welling up inside meI realize I am actually triggering some healing energies for myself,Trauma and defilement of self stored in memory from 1975,and stored without words, but as uncomfortably held feelingsgoing way back to my childhood in the 1950s.I cannot put any clear pictures or images to the discomforts in the 1950s,But, by resting in 2009 with this triggered deep intimacy of rejectionI put my arms around the childand loosen this frozen-in-fear,bound-and-gagged energetic conditioning.About 2:30 am this morning I awokeand my chest and back was a bit raw and sore.I did a few minutes of very deep breathingand this alone broke up the soreness of the musculatureand the seemingly pasty hurt and painformed around my ligaments and bones.What an amazing way to energetically heal myself / (ourselves),By focusing your attention on the triggered emotional pain in this moment,We are stimulating the healing that was date-stamped 195x and 197x and … XXXx.~ ~ ~And, by the way, I suspect this is not the end of the story with this particular lady. I will honor her request to lay low. Perhaps a future blog entry will show a melting, warming and mending with her own stored emotional pain. I am holding space and sending blessings. I hold no animosity or energy relating to animosity. I hold no revenge or feelings is blame, or need to shame, and no aggressions. I rest in peace and allow her to be and process how ever things may unfold for her. These things I cannot know in her, but I can know them in me.This article on Intimacy and Eye Gazing can be found at (in the left navigational frame, choose “Naked”). This is a set of blog entries by the awesome author, Michael Brown (The Presence Process and Alchemy of the Heart).If you have any stories that support this type of emotional healing, I’d be delighted to hear from you (
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© 2009 Howard McQueenWhat if the Heart is the center of our Authenticity,our Gateway to interconnected Intimacy with life itself.What if the Heart is the receiver of vibrational energetic felt-sensitivities fromthe Deep Mystery, the womb and mother of Life.What if the Heart is the sender of these amplified currents of vibrational energy coursing through us, that we, in our highest embodiment, invoke the sacred names: love, conscious intimacy, compassion, gratitude, peace, joy, jubilation ...What if our hearts have become heavy from our toxic emotional and mental diet and habitsand is now out of alignment and substantially closed down. In this state, the Heart tries its best, but the heaviness distorts these vibrations as they pass into the emotional/mental/physical layerings of our currently maligned human operating system.What becomes energized is the fear/anger/grief congesting our Heart.What if all we are suffering from is radiating our radically diminished, short-circuited authenticity.What if we could open ourselves and allow the heart to clean house, to purify the personally held fear/anger/grief - and set us free.What if everything internal is undergoing an increasingly subtle Transformationwhile what is external and concrete appears to be breaking apart at the seams?What if I excuse myself now and go read some more Rumi!I would enjoy hearing from you -
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© 2009 Howard McQueenWithout a doubt, we are all being exquisitely set-up,not to take the Fall into Humiliation,but to see that we have already stumbled and fallen.We are all gifted with an ongoing setof confrontational-healing experiencesin the form of messengersour inner essence attracts to us.These messengers are highly polished reflectors,vibrationally aligned to heal the severed and atrophiedconnections to our childhood emotional umbilical cord.These messengers constantly arriving are the persistent,and determined energy of Grace and her sisters,come knockin’ on our doormeeting us face to face,introducing us again and againto our unresolved inner turmoil.These messengers advocate for our liberation and release,so we may rediscover our innate inner peace.Their arrival provokes suppressed, stored inner discomfort and pain.This is why people and their behaviors provoke and disturb us.When will we choose to step through the Parade of Charadesand into our heart, to heal ourselves?I am on watch and alert to meeting and honoringthese messengers from my mysterious vibrational intimacy.Their messages I do take inside and unwrapand rest, as best I can, in my provoked energiesthat string all the way backinto this child’s awakened and energized heart,reconnecting pathways to the emotional umbilical cord.Let us engage our energies of provocation and projectionand, as gently as we can, absorb and honor these,and be transformed to open and make roomfor our inspired, heart-felt Authenticity.~ ~ ~See follow-up What if the Heart is ...
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenAs we come to realize that life itself conspiresto show us again and again what we've avoided and tried to retire,we begin to feel that we are not really helpless and drowning,we are neither victims or victors.These are but role-based sentenceswe have chosen to believe in and empower.And, meanwhile, life tirelessly sends us an endlessarray of messengersreminding us, through reflectionthat which we are most uncomfortable with and have cast out.How do we know we have received a messenger?When we are internally provoked enough to choose reactive projection.This "spills the beans" we have hidden from in our past.I say "lets make a hearty soup with all these spilled beans."Why not a community pot, which we can all take turns stirring.We can each add some of our uniquely flavored spice.We can make many pots, each with its own unique blend of content.Some vegan, some not.All deeply seasoned with fellowship and these great gifts of integratingUnity and Reunionand living in peace.May we all see through the interruption and disconnection that arrives with our intentional messengers.These open the divine pathways back to suppressed discomfort and pain.and may we see in our reflections and projections,our proclivity to suppress our emotional distress, and not continue to cap it off with self deception.Our journey is to remain inquisitive and honor our personally held discomforts.I celebrate our messengers for holding up the mirror and encouraging us to find our truthsand set ourselves free.~ ~ ~When I feel into sensing that life has been quietly and tireless provoking me to see my short-circuited energies, I welcome this deep sense of gratitude and release, more deeply, the sense that life ever tried to attack me. I am an unlimited beingness, indoctrinated into this conditioned, multi-dimensional experience. When I relax and do not take any of this experience personally, I feel the energetic tides of life ebb and flow and there is this welling-up of connection ... to everything - So much gratitude and love is felt and ripened for expression - HM
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(this posting was rewritten, it was originally titled "Migration from Chutzpah to Gusto")© 2009 Howard McQueenThere is a profound reclaiming of energetic inner peace when we consciously move away from embracing reactionary energy.The revolutionary overthrows and brings in the new. And in that act, force accompanies the revolution and this sews the seeds of revolution’s extreme polar opposite energetic expression, oppression.Until we center ourselves confidentlyin non-aggressive energies,we will continue to manifest into the worldthese contrary pairings of aggressive energies.Only centered in peace can we manifest joy and jubileeand move to uncover our more profound evolutionary authenticity!Modern day prophets of change-thru-peace that come to mindinclude Ghandi and Martin Luthur King.PEACE must be an internally felt sense within.I manifest a feeling of peacefulness when I practice creating win/win relationships. All parties feel good about the outcomes!So called negative emotions undermine and erode inner peaceI found it enlightening when I recently read the causal points for the core human emotions of fear, anger and grief.Fear: short circuited, suppressed jubilation from rejecting the authentic life, and being rewarded to practice pretense and what is inauthentic. All this breeds separation and all the fears of a disconnected self.Anger: frustration with suppressing jubilation and the need to blame others for our inability to take responsibility for our emotional weaknesses and hi-jackings.Grief: sadness experienced from our lost innocence and playfulness we are born with and feelings of hopelessness that we will not recover our authenticity.These definitions (I have changed the wording), come right out of Michael Brown’s insightful book, Alchemy of the Heart . So do many other perceptual surprises to stir our imaginative evolution.A PERSONAL CHALLENGE: Energetically Migrating from Chutzpah to GustoI am undergoing some inner vibrational re-tuning and refinement,something akin to finely tuning a rare, priceless musical instrument(ha, a 58 year old human operating system).My insider’s perspective of the vibration,that which I’ve been tuned to embrace,The one word that keeps coming to the surface - Chutzpah.Chutzpah (defn)Chutzpah can be used to express admiration for non-conformist, gutsy audacity. Chutzpah is nearly arrogant courage; utter audacity, effrontery or impudence; supreme self-confidence.Chutzpah can have an extreme, edgy quality, almost as if there is a deep need to rebel and push back from something suffocating freedom. Reactive mental habits reinforcing the revolutionary can seed the crop and birth the energy containing the other polarity: oppression. More subtle contrary pairs: [revolution <-> oppression!]Yeah, right, spot-on!I see with newly awakened “real eyes” [1] that I have been embracing chutzpah as a means to liberate myself from the clutches, the extremely deep gravities of trauma and conformity. Chutzpah has been the booster fuel to power the necessary escape velocity to achieve and sustain an orbit (that will not decay).Right. Perfectly sound concept. OK.But all these mental concepts of "escape" and "orbit" and "velocity", they are really redirected energy happening inside myself. Sounds like an awful lot of efforting.Right. Spot-on!Take a sip from the well. Take another.Have a sit and be with what is already here, in abundance.MY MIGRATION TO GUSTOGusto (defn)Vigorous enjoyment, zest, or relish, esp in the performance of an action the aria was sung with great gusto . When I feel into Gusto, I sense a celebration, a toasting with friends and family to the deep richness and sensual texture that living from the heart opens us to experiencing. We can use gusto to feel into and express more than joy; gusto can empower us to explore fear, anger and grief (see above). Gusto is one of those magic key energies to welcome back authenticity, without needing to invoke rebelliousness.For me, gusto is a healing, inner-unifying we-ness. It takes the ego out of a need to perform extreme acts and puts the heart at center stage to offer welcoming energies as well as rich gratitude, 24-hours-a-day, through our endless journeying.BLESSINGS FLOW OUT OF GUSTOI celebrate you by pouring two glasses from my container of freshly distilled sense of gusto.May you live richly, sensuously connected to your authenticity.May you surrender those older energetic patterns that may have served you well,but are now holding you back from expressing a more profound love and respect for yourself.~ ~ ~[1] Michael Brown’s insightful book, Alchemy of the Heart
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© 2009 Howard McQueenWhen we are consciously experiencing the momentWhen we are aware that intent births actionWhen we slow down and feel into our intentWe see ourselves, carrying the energetic signaturesof peace and/or conflict.These fear/anger/grief energetic conflict signaturesare inscribed into our emotional bodystarting in the womb they do bloomand are carried forward,reinforced and replayed.These signatures are attentively and obsessivelyvarnished over with armor coating,then decorated so as to appearpart of the form and furnitureof the typical, dysfunctional inner home,sporting deeply disturbingsubliminal emotional graffition the family dining room walls.We redecorate again and againAnd are left puzzled and feeling a bit grim.Why is this same old shitcontinuing to happen to me?I cannot possibly deserve all thisbad-luck and F'King suffering-misery?And then one day, we are encouraged to deeply feelinto something held as traumatic,and magically, we feel it’s vibration becoming somaticand this visceral feeling carries within it something deeply authentic.We can now begin to connect to our feelings of discomfortand something much more deeply covered over,vibrates a call for help, all the way through the wallsand the varnished armorcracksand the innocent child is exposedand the keeper-demons rightly seenas sado-masochistic prison guards,not protectors or confidantsrightfully embracing and nurturing the childto encourage the new muscles forming around authenticityfor life to bloom in its rightful residence.And in this divine corporeal felt sense of selfconnection to the truth of direct experiencebegins the healing, the scrubbing and sanitizing cleanof the emotionally charged evil of defilement of selftriggered in repeated cycles of sufferingfrom over exposure to the inscribed, emotionally toxic graffiti.When you can truly feel the full composition of your intent,You will choose to not hurt yourselfAnd you certainly will not have cause toproject hurtful intent into your / our external world.It requires a slowing down to feel into intentAnd to stay with feelings of conflict and aggression,Transmuting these into a wine worthy of true fellowship.It all begins with me, with you,taking responsibility - internally!~ ~ ~And we honor that which is already presentnot trying to fix it or manufacture anything new - HM
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Towards (Building) a Brighter FutureExcerpted from the above URLAll the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle.The Current SituationTogether, we can and will build a brighter future. Yet in order to give meaningful suggestions for this, we first need to speak candidly about what's happening in the world at present. It appears that there are factions within the world's power elite which desire to exert as much control as possible over the world. Their primary means for establishing control are through promoting fear, secrecy, and polarization, and through distracting people from their deeper purpose in life. When these factions gain greater power and control, our freedoms and liberties are increasingly taken away, sometimes without our even realizing it.Fear is used as a powerful tool of control by these factions of the global elite. "The terrorists want to kill us all. Your job, savings, and retirement are no longer secure. You are either for us or against us. We might be attacked at any time." All of these messages push us towards fear. And by encouraging us to focus blame on others such as terrorists and "evil" leaders, the global power brokers push us away from feeling in control of our lives and towards the role of powerless victims. The more we slip into fear and being victims, the easier it is for us to be manipulated.Secrecy leads to control through preventing the exposure of hidden agendas, and through breeding distrust, suspicion, and paranoia in the world. In the name of "national security," we have been told ever more frequently that we should not know what is happening behind closed doors in government. Yet we are encouraged to keep vigilant watch over our neighbors, over those who question the government, and over those who look or act different from us, as they could secretly be terrorists in sheep's clothing. Rampant suspicion and secrecy cause us to lose touch with the common humanity we share with all around us.Polarization leads to "us vs. them" ways of thinking. Divide and conquer is a tactic that has been used successfully by the power elite of the world for centuries. As long as people focus on blaming and attacking "the enemy," they are not likely to look for the deeper causes of their problems. Controlling factions of the power elite work to keep public and media attention focused on issues which divide us into two polarized camps, so that their greatest concerns of power and control go unnoticed. The power brokers then control both sides of the divided public by assuring that corporate ownership of the media and key candidates from all political parties support their deeper power and polarization agendas, which often involve war profiteering.A final subtle, yet powerful method of gaining control is to distract people from their purpose in life. Consider that television, radio, and movies have been filled with ever more greed, violence, and empty sex. Our educational system has increasingly prioritized passing tests over developing intelligence and creativity. Excessive corporate control of the media has limited what news we receive, and often shaped our decisions and the way we think. Our attention has been subtly diverted from our deeper purpose in life to the more superficial attractions of sex, consumerism, and money.When people succumb to fear, secrecy, and polarization, and when they lose touch with their sense of purpose in life, elements of the global elite are able to exert ever more control over our lives and world.What can we do about all this? Ultimately, it is the collective fear, secrecy, polarization, and loss of purpose within all of us that has allowed leaders to take power who would subvert democracy, and who would take away our freedoms and liberties. By each one of us making a commitment to work on these issues both inside of ourselves and out in the world—and to inspire others to do the same—we can change our collective direction and build a solid foundation for a brighter future. Several actions can help us to take firm steps in that direction.Develop purpose and intentions for your life. To live rich, full lives in today's complex world, it's vitally important to give your life clear direction by exploring what is deepest and most meaningful to you, and by developing a life purpose and life intentions based on this. Then choose to live your intentions and follow your purpose to the best of your ability every day. By choosing to live with clear direction and focus, life becomes deeper and more meaningful. This then weakens the seduction of consumerism and media hype which distract us from our purpose, and allows us to more effectively focus on building a brighter future.Choose to transform fear into acceptance and love. When we notice ourselves feeling fear, we can trace the roots of that fear, so that we are able to identify our core issues and deal more consciously with them. We can open to guidance from friends, teachers, and spiritual sources in helping us to move from fear to acceptance and understanding. We can also transform our fears through welcoming the ever-present love of God, and the love that lies always deep within our own hearts, and in the hearts of those around us. In doing this, we begin to recognize fear as an invitation to growth.Become aware of when you are playing the role of victim, and choose instead to take personal responsibility for building a brighter future. In blaming others for our problems, we often avoid taking responsibility for how much we are involved in creating these problems through the choices we make. Whenever we catch ourselves playing the role of victim by blaming others (including the power elite) for everything that's wrong in our lives, we can choose to take a look inside ourselves, and to explore and take responsibility for our role in what's happening. By focusing less on blaming others, and more on improving ourselves, every one of us can make a difference both in our lives and in our world.Avoid secrecy and encourage openness and transparency. An important way we can do this is to work together to inform friends and colleagues about the major cover-ups being hidden from the public. Then in our personal lives, when we notice ourselves keeping information from others, we can examine our motives for this secrecy. Are we withholding information out of our own self-interest, or because this is really what's best for all involved? And on a deeper level, where are we avoiding being honest with ourselves?Move beyond polarization and the focus on "good vs. evil" and "us vs. them." Consider the possibility that all of us are doing what we believe to be right based upon our beliefs, circumstances, and upbringing. Each of us has a place in our heart that wants only to love and be loved. As we focus less on blaming and judging "them" and more on supporting the highest motive in all people—including members of the power elite—we increasingly come to see that we are all one human family, and that we can choose to transform our world by working together for the good of all.And finally, come together in groups and communities to support each other in making these positive changes. In these groups and communities, we support each other in transforming fear into acceptance and love. We exchange information about all that is being hidden from us and explore ways to move beyond polarization. We also share our life purpose and intentions and encourage each other to live these as fully as we can. And we inspire each other to take responsibility for our lives and to be the best that we can be. When we gather in community to support each other in these intentions, we join in building a growing network of inspiration and empowerment around the planet.These suggestions emphasize changing the collective consciousness of the world by transforming both our own personal lives and the world around us. Let us do all that we can to stop destructive behaviors of the global power elite. Yet let us not overly focus on changing the outside world without first having a solid internal foundation, lest we fall into blaming others, and into the polarizing "us vs. them" ways which only further divide us. By reminding ourselves that the most powerful change starts inside each one of us, we can develop more balance and strength to then work towards positive change out in the world.As we change ourselves from the inside out, we send ripples of inspiration and healing out into the world. By joining together in groups and communities to support each other in this, those ripples become waves which powerfully help to build a brighter future for all of us.
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See my post THE BLAMING MACHINETHE CHEMISTRY OF BLAMEBy Gay Hendricks"Do you choose being right or being happy? I’ve had people come back months later and say, 'I hated you for asking me that question – but it changed my life.'"-- Professor and counselor Gay Hendricks on how to break the addiction to blameThere is a great fundamental issue that overrides many of the things we can do to heal ourselves and the world: the human tendency to step into feeling like a victim and blaming others, instead of taking personal responsibility.It’s not just a habit; it’s an addiction, just like a chemical addiction. When you step into the victim position by pointing the finger of blame, you short the circuitry in yourself that allows you to feel the natural organic ecstasy of fully standing in a co-creative position with the universe itself. That’s the fundamental developmental task we face at this stage of our evolution: opening up the wiring that allows us to feel organic ecstasy for longer and longer periods of time.At present, most people can’t sustain the feelings that arise with this opening, so they slip into a dangerous addiction to blame with its corresponding feeling of a gleeful gotcha! Once we’re accustomed to a certain internal chemical state, we feel comfortable with that state even if it’s attached to really dysfunctional behavior like that glee that arises from apportioning blame.When we try new behavior and our neurochemistry changes, it feels uncomfortable at first. Moving to a new emotional and biochemical state may feel foreign. Even though it may be a healthier one, it is unfamiliar.Usually in couples therapy, the first issue to be addressed is: Are you willing to make a commitment to solving the problem? One of the most typical responses is, “Well, I’d be committed if she were.” It takes about an hour and a half of discussion to work through that objection, until at some point in the process, both people bond and turn on the leader.I tell my students that those are the only moments during which you’re earning your keep as a therapist. Both members of the couple turn to you and say, “Hey, what the hell are you suggesting here? Are you suggesting that it’s not his fault?” That’s always a sweaty moment, but it’s the instant when transformation can come. Once you’re through that issue, the possibility of getting out of the field of blame and actually taking responsibility opens up.“Are you willing to stay completely away from blaming anyone, and instead make a sincere commitment to resolving all the issues we confront?” I’ve asked that question of thousands of people, many of whom had traveled great distances to visit to me, or were paying me very large sums of money.Even with stakes that high, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the person goes into the default position of blame immediately. Weaning people from that automatic behavior takes a great deal of patience and repetition, and a nimble set of therapeutic interventions.The tendency to default to blame is the huge issue confronting couples and societies today. Wherever you see it appear, that’s the area where healing is needed. There’s only one solution, and that’s to take 100% impeccable responsibility – and create a space for the other person to take 100% impeccable responsibility as well. Responsibility has a contagious effect.The initial level of responsibility is going from blame to being willing to consider what you’re getting out of – or contributing to – the problem. Senior level responsibility is being so impeccably clear that you become a space into which it’s possible for other people to step.You then have to confront a person’s despair that the problem is not solvable, which is always accompanied by about fifteen levels of justification. But when both people have made a commitment to resolving the issue, 90% of the work is done. Both people have then stepped into a co-creative role with not only the other, but with the Universe itself.A particular couple comes to mind. They came to work with my wife and me on their relationship. Both partners were Ph.D.s who had written brilliant scholarly papers, but when either of them encountered anything they perceived as a threat, their academic, intellectual understanding flew out the window, and they immediately became convinced that they knew that the other person was wrong.The first thing that we did was to repeatedly ask them if they would be willing to take responsibility for healing, and to make a commitment to solving the issues. When confronted with the question, they would spin out and become more entrenched in the position that it was the other person’s fault. They had endless justifications for this certainty, and thus continually dosed themselves with this highly addictive drug.It took all of the first day and well into the night to produce a shift, but in the middle of the night, the husband couldn’t sleep. His anxiety got worse and worse. In a state of desperation, he said, “Okay, I’m willing to commit to solving this problem.” That created a space for the wife to commit to the same thing. The next morning, they came in willing to solve the problem.In a nutshell, the problem was that she had had a sexual affair and he couldn’t forgive her. They’d gone ’round and ’round with it for the better part of a year. On the second day of therapy, the reason he couldn’t get over it became really clear.One of the questions that I commonly ask people is, “Has anything like this ever happened to you or anyone you know?” At first the husband said, “No,” but then, as we got deeper into the question, it turned out not only was the real answer, “Yes,” but his entire early life had been shaped by his mother running off with another man and leaving his dad with four little boys to raise.It was inevitable that his wife’s infidelity, or something like it, was bound to happen to him, because he had it so thoroughly sealed off this early experience.When we seal something off from our consciousness inside, it has to be brought to our attention in some way by the outside world. Suddenly, he realized that his wife was illuminating this old experience, and he said to her, “Oh, you played this role in my life for me.” At the end of the second day they were in each other’s arms.She said, “This was inevitable. I had to play this role for you.” And he responded, “Yes, this was my bad dream you wandered into.” He asked her, “Can you forgive me, for getting you involved in this nutty scheme of my unconscious?” That couple represented one of the best examples I’ve ever seen of what’s possible when both people take responsibility.There are a lot of programmed-in and even biologically-based characteristics that make human males and females different. I’m interested in what’s underneath that. The deeper you go inside, the more human beings look alike. The further you go toward the surface, the more different we look. The fear a woman feels when she’s upset about the guy not picking up his socks corresponds to the fear the man feels when he’s upset that she’s on his case. The superficial differences point to some underlying unity.To deal with these situations, we voice our fears, then look underneath them. As a therapist, I point out repeatedly, “Okay, having said that your husband is a worthless piece of shit, tune inside. Do you feel happier?” The person begins to recognize that although they feel that “glee-gotcha” feeling that comes from assigning blame, they don’t feel happier.So I help people make choices about whether something can make them feel happy, rather than just gleeful, by inviting them to make tiny choices that are actually huge choices. I say, “Do you choose being right or being happy?” I’ve had people come back months later and say, “I hated you for asking me that question – but it changed my life.“And here’s the great advantage of asking this question: we each only have to make the choice once. That choice changes the whole playing field. Afterwards, it’s simply a matter of practice. It’s similar to getting on a bicycle for the first time. You travel ten feet, then wobble and fall over. You get back on and you master going twenty feet. The first time was the moment in which everything changed.It’s the same with mastering personal responsibility. Once a person shifts out of glee and experiences the real joy of claiming responsibility, everything is changed. They’re launched into the process of learning. How do they remember that they’re in that process and trigger that experience on a regular basis in everyday life? By discovering how great they feel when they do it, and how miserable they feel when they don’t.Twenty-five years ago Kathlyn and I knew we wanted to create something different with our marriage. We looked around to find other couples to model our behavior on, but we found nobody whose relationship we would have traded for our own. We had to make up our path ourselves.It took a long time, but now it’s been the better part of a decade since my wife or I have said one critical thing to each other. It’s years since I’ve experienced blame, since I’ve had that chemistry in my body. I am past the point where I ever want that drug, because I feel good, and I don’t want to bring myself down. We are living in that clear space of impeccable responsibility that offers the possibility for other people to step into it. We choose to be happy. It’s easy now.Note: Gay Hendricks is the author or co-author of 25 books in conscious relationship, conscious business, and body-mind transformation. Included are such enduring bestsellers as Conscious Loving and Conscious Living. Before founding his own institute, Gay was a professor of counseling at the University of Colorado.Over the 24 years of their relationship, he and his wife Kathlyn have raised two children, accumulated a million frequent flyer miles and appeared on more than 500 radio and TV programs. See his empowering website at The above is an edited excerpt from a compilation of essays in the book The Marriage of Sex & Spirit, edited by Geralyn Gendreau.And for an excellent, inspiring online lesson which dives deep into these issues, click here.****See my post THE BLAMING MACHINE
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© 2009 Howard McQueenI’ve personally known two peoplewho in the past ten yearshave used a handgun to end their lives.There are, however, so many more indirect waysto essentially kill yourself.This is a story a close friend told to me recently."I was working for an accounting firm back in the mid 1990s. The lady who was the office manager (Ellen) was a very dignified, non-proselytizing, humble Christian. Her best friend (Francene), a senior bookkeeper, had lost her husband, then both of her parents all in the course of about nine months. Francene became deeply depressed and Ellen, sharing in her friend's deep grief, dispair and misery, just happened to develop cancer. As Francine improved, Ellen’s cancer went into remission.Life moved forward just fine, for about six years, THENThe accounting firm grew and another bookkeeper (Sylvia) was added to the general office shared by Ellen and Francene. Sylvia and Francene were at each other from day one. It was constant stress and complete unrest in the general office. Ellen did what she could, she tried her best to absorb the grueling, mounting bile of stress.There was discussion among the senior management to move Francene into her own office, to dissipate the stress. The managing partner nixed the idea, saying no way a bookkeeper was going to get a private office (entitled to only by principals) just because of her provoking stress.As the stress in the general office perpetuated, Ellen stumbled and fell, cutting her face one day. Her cancer had returned and within six weeks, she was buried."Sometimes a hand-gun is not needed. Just being in proximity to two or more people venting stress loads the gun and pulls the trigger. The slow motion bullet is destructive hateful energies.There are so many soft-spoken nourishers born in the world. Unable (or unwilling) to lobby for themselves, they do what they can to soak up the stress expressed by others, not knowing that they often jeopardize or forfeit their life.If you have any other stories relating to suffering or suicide-outcomes, I would be interested in hearing from you ( I will maintain anonymity with regard to what you share with me.~ ~ ~
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