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A nod and bow to the inspirational teachings of Adyashanti!
(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

Were I able to wave a wand and take away your pain,
I would as well be diverting from you the gathering wind that will fill your sails.

Were I to think I could clarify the mystery for you, or for me,
in any way other than living our own lives as the embodiment of this mystery,
I would be enslaving both of us in this "managed" duality.

Were we to be @Choice to real eyes our manufactured suffering as
the murkiness we add to the crystal clear waters,
the smog-like mitote that we pull over our right seeing,
we will be nudged towards a remembering,
deep within our being
that the love held in all of creation
is constantly coursing through us;
that only we can set down,
our contrived delusion of separation,
and choose to recognize the abundant,
ever-present, everywhere woven into
existence field-of-love

Honor everything that life offers up to you.
See the essence of you in everything
and the essence of each and every thing will be
revealed in its relationship and connection with you.

The painful illusion of separation
will drop away
and there will remain - life,
animated in dance,
infinitely differentiated,
cloaked in temporary form,
conspiring to shake you,
often rigorously,
as well as vigorously,
to awaken you.

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Conversations with Yin and Yang – Version 1.1

© 2010 Howard McQueen

Yin and Yang’s journey into intimacy has manifested a dream state lakefront paradise where in the day, they enjoy the bright unifying sunshine of intimacy. During the night, they slake their thirst under the lover’s honeyed
moon of love.

Recently, they have been visited by disruptive messengers, reflections from their past. These reflections evoke disturbing dark drama that spills into their field of intimacy, obscuring their ability to tune into and resynchronize with intimacy. Like a gathering storm, their fears feed off of these reflected inner negative energetic memories. Outwardly, their lakefront paradise is assaulted by high winds and within the lake, rip-tide undercurrents threaten to undermine their sacred shared ground.

They have learned to implement a buddy-system, like the safety pairings of two scuba divers descending several atmospheres to explore dark caves. They also, like test pilots, are learning to report back to each other, sharing the qualities of their inner emotional turmoil. They are beginning to develop an appreciation for how each other’s energetic vessels are burdened with various aspects of stress held in their reflections.

They discover a pattern: most reflections from their pasts are feelings centered in their youth, when they felt trapped in disempowering relationships. These strongly held feelings are of being treated unjustly and unfairly over extended periods of time. Yin’s feelings center around being disregarded, having promises broken, suffering inequities and feeling abandoned. Yang’s feelings center around being repeatedly scruitinized and criticized and being the target of anger, with the anger erupting into rage and physical abuse.

Their present moment paradise becomes saturated with these reflections and the pressure builds to do something. The stage of drama is set for these reflections to invoke reactive projections. Yang’s stored aggression has the shortest fuse and he is generally first to project his pressure. This immediately causes Yin to feel separation and then her projections around sadness are triggered. With both in projection, their clear, unifying lake surrounding intimacy becomes murky. Feeling cutoff and in the grip of their toxic projections, they experience suffering.

Late Saturday evening, a storm front formed over something as trivial as Yang feeling a growing inequity in the cooking and cleaning up chores. They spent two hours in communion, exchanging descriptions of their feelings, walking back into their past, where the echoed reflections of their child-selves experiences discomfort. Both went to bed that night believing that all was well. In the pre-dawn of morning however, both had failed to fall asleep, an unresolved restlessness remained, holding them back from the felt experience of intimacy.

Yang unilaterally tries to fix the situation by moving out of the bedroom to the sofa, thinking this would be a useful and necessary temporary self-imposed exile. Yin expresses heightened concern that this is a tactical withdrawal, centered in avoidance. Yang, honoring this possibility, enters back into dialog and communion. What Yang finds within himself is more than a tinge of anxiety and avoidance specific to Yin’s surfacing sadness and weariness.

Yang, speaking to Yin, says:

“Dearest Yin, I am becoming fully present to be with you, here and now, to experience
the fullness of your sadness, weariness and restlessness. I bring my full attention and intention to bear, first, to feel and honor my own feelings and emotions, then to honor the feelings and emotions emanating from you.”

As Yang inwardly receives both the words and the energetic opening to his invocation, he is filled from within with presence. Yin, feeling his return to presence, witnesses her feelings of separation and sadness dissolve.

In their shadowed, just before the dawn murky space, dark energies recede and the torch of intimacy is again a bright arcing beacon for connecting to the revitalizing field of intimacy.

The day afterwards, Yin and Yang look back at the unfolding of their all night vigil.

What they realize is that each human instrument is capable of being played to create music that evokes the dark emotions as well as the bright light of intimacy and love. Each human in-being has the innate capability to tune, to calibrate, to occupy and play their human instrument. By becoming present in their human laboratory, by experimenting while in their test pilot seat, by diving into their reflections and projected pain, they are learning to create the profound, healing music for their world.

Yin and Yang believe they have stumbled upon several snippets pointing to a spiritual truth: 1) They did not create this field of intimacy, they inherited it. 2) They did, however, rigorously prepare themselves to be filled with this field; 3) The field of intimacy does not disappear when they entertain and engage in inner storm and turmoil; 4) they do not have to re-create the field of intimacy, they need only relax and release the vice-grip of their own negative energy, which immediately allows them to again be in the field and flow of intimacy.

This direct experience being conductors and beginning to orchestrate the ebb and flow of dark and light energy has them realizing that they are consciously able to tune into and shape their myriad symphonies flowing through their human instruments, connecting them into the flow of intimacy.

They sense this journey, this process of becoming intimate with whatever arises, is the pathway to healing the fear held in the human heart, and the poison and puss linked to the human mind. The mind holds this poison as stories of victimization, and the subconscious entertains all the dis-empowering programming to support these stories and beliefs about our personal world view. This commitment to intimacy is the pathway to neutralize the negative charges running within our human operating system.

As they work to neutralize their negative emotional and mental pockets, the music of intimacy and unity flows in increasing constancy, through the words they speak and write, the depth in which they touch others and the compassion and acceptance that is passed to others they lock eyes with. This conveyance of intimacy awakens the inner presence in others, infecting the whole world with its invitation and example for opening to the heart. They join the swelling ranks of those who, through action and intent are inspiring the human imagination to evolve, by stepping off the inner wheel of suffering.

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All Is Well

“Always remember, deep in your heart that All is Well and everything is Unfolding as it should. You are the Self (God Within), That perfect, immutable Self. There is only the one Self and you are That. You are Bright and Shining. You are the sun behind the clouds. Rejoice! All is Well." -- via Alif Horatio
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Version 2.0 March 31, 2010

© 2010 Howard McQueen

In Michael Brown’s Books, the Presence Process and Alchemy of the Heart, integrity, authenticity and intimacy are an important trinity in his process vocabulary.

As I reenter and apply the Presence Process for the second time, I have been building a working relationship with this trinity.

Integrity is the ability to recognize and honor our work-in-process, unprocessed emotions, no matter how raw and/or unsettling. We do this by feeling our emotions in order to begin the healing of our past discomforts and trauma. Connecting to our integrity allows us to become aware of our manufactured belief structures, how these fuel our reactive behaviors, and how we keep ourselves entrapped in mental confusion and delusion. By practicing integrity, we learn to insert a space of silence, of not doing anything other than witnessing what arises within us. What has, for so long, been automatic and reactive, begins to come into our focus and awareness. We see that our manufactured beliefs have created blind spots, black holes of emotionally charged memories that arise and come alive as others “push our buttons”. We literally become unconscious during these emotional hi-jackings. The space we uncover and create as we connect to our integrity sets us up to consciously challenge our ingrained habits of blaming / shaming, playing the victim or perpetrator (victor).

Authenticity is the process of discovering and learning to discern that these habitual, reactive behaviors of protection and aggression no longer serve us. Authenticity offers us connection to our inner landscape and our inner resources and we begin experimenting with the wealth of inner capabilities and insights to be @choice, i.e. to tend to our own garden. This allows us to begin disempowering and surrendering the belief structures triggering our reactive behaviors. We learn to choose the pathway of reflection, to become responsive and compassion with our self and others.

Intimacy is the clear-seeing, the piercing through the fog of our manufactured conflicted, in-resistance beliefs and behaviors. As we become intimate, we truly feel comfortable and connected with life as it unfolds, accepting the ever changing maelstrom of life’s forces without judgment or conflict. Intimacy is being consciously connect to the inner intent (peace, love, joy, acceptance) we wish to manifest into our world. We take full responsibility for experiencing life, on life’s terms. Even though others, including our birth family, may still be sleep-walking and deeply conflicted, we allow them and the external world to just be as it is. We share our open heartedness, joy and compassion with the world, infecting the world with our radical love and appreciation for life, by being more fully open and vulnerable to all of life and to the full spectrum of emotional feelings life offers us.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

What part of our self are we not willing to give freely, and place into the service of sowing, cultivating and harvesting love?

What are we holding on to that believes we put ourselves at risk by loving?

My own journey of awakening to love reveals that the more conscious, consistent, respectful and trusting I imbue the love I give, these same qualities seem to be magnified and reflected back to me through another.

Love is unconditional.

Love does not try to play it safe.

Love does not seek counsel in holding back.

Love does not behave or conform to human concepts, such as quid-pro-quo.

I choose to open to this radical, transformational love,

a love that celebrates vulnerability,

that acknowledges the hurt, pain and disappointment,

the unpredictability and seemingly limited duration of love within human form.

Emory and I applied and received a marriage certificate yesterday.

The clerk genuinely wished us the best when she handed us the certificate.

The three of us spoke for several minutes about the nature of marriage as a door that swings both ways, that the probate court, on any given day, receives about as many marriage applications as it does divorce

I am again opening and bringing everything I am to bear in a partnership centered in love. I am much clearer as to the conditions and constraints that have obscured and diffused my prior attempts at love, both for my self as well as my relationship with another.

May the courage arise in you to embrace love, over and over, again and again.

~~~ ... ~ ...

This posting completed less than one hour before Emory and I are to be married.

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I awaken completely smuckers for you.
I am your wild, mixed berry passion of madness,
ready to be spread
by your tongue of desire.

I am malleable, yielding, flowing, acceptance,
the divine embrace of surrender,
recognizing in discernment
the harmony in sharing overlapping goals,
goals that promote unity,
goals that collapse separation.

When (not if) the blessing of a compatible mate
arrives at your door,
throw open your heart and mind,
release the cynic and the despot,
free your unbounded spirit
to unfold and catch its wind
so the earth and heavens may be included in the celebration.

It's a clear, beautiful day, full of unreserved WOW. Ready your love offerings!

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This posting written from St. Marys, Ga. the southern-most coastal Georgia
town, camping in the Crooked River State Park. Version 2.0


Intimacy, this experiential journey with self

is accelerated and articulated

in the depth of connection,

the relationship space,

shared, occupied and felt with another.

There is only so much self-discovery work

we can do by ourselves.

We need the reflected surfaces,

the reactions and responses of another

to make our way into reconnecting

and discovering our human interiors.

We need to experience

our depth of separation

to come face to face

with our core, manufactured identity.

Much of what we have accumulated as identity

is destined to die, to burn up in our heightened,

over exposed re-entry

into our true home world atmosphere,

this trinity of integrity - authenticity - intimacy.

Our long postponed journey into intimacy,

this awakening of awareness,

this courage arising in the heart and gut

to send forth expeditions into the hidden pockets

where our discomforts fester.

At first, we don’t so much navigate as flat out

stumble, fall and succumb to the contents of our pockets,

these triggered traps of reactive pretense,

safeguarding and protecting long-held traumas,

dictating habitual behavior,

bullying about, spreading fear,

choking out freedom to be conscious and @CHOICE.

The dark shadows and fear arise and overwhelm … momentarily.

Deconstructing and un-doing identity,

the mentally ill-born, manufactured beliefs,

the passive-aggressive strategies of identity underpinning our hurt.

We learn to unwrap and decipher our human evolutionary capacity

to give ourselves the gift of learning to process,

to power-down and surrender

that which we hide and hold back

from becoming truly intimate

with our Self.


Part of the gift arrives with the personal will of commitment to do whatever it takes when the journey into intimacy leads us into our blindness, our unconsciousness. In truth, it is as much your partner’s matching
contribution to do “whatever it takes” to show you your demons, despots and despairs, to unwaveringly guide you into your discomfort and discord, to shore up and invite into relationship the encouragement to dive into stuck, energetic kinks and knots, to hold the sacred space as both step into the overwhelming journey
into intimacy.

Know how blessed you are to be with a partner willing to process their own work and be a clear enough mirror to guide you inward, towards your hurt and ouch and ultimately transform this discord into a harmonious,
unifying WOW.

My partner, Emory Cortese, last week coined this full circle experience WOWCH! You don’t get to experience and harvest the WOW without doing the work to feel into and pierce through all the

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May every day
hold the blessing
to open your heart
to this world.

May every day
challenge the separation
creeping into our language and our conversations.

May you awaken each and every day
to be present with the inherited fear and pain
bathing the human experience.

May you be enmeshed
in the struggle to Love -
all the accumulated hurt and pain.

May you find, in union
those and a special someone
of substance and courage,
to share the hurt held in OUR human heart.

May blessings again flourish
and flow freely upon your river of intent.
Let this love we cultivate and exchange
be a wild , fierce, all consuming Love,
that we constantly demonstrate
throughout each and every day.

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Ancient Voices (Maui Inspiration)

Ancient memories of childhood’s past
Life recalls its original kiss

Reflecting upon Itself as myriads of form
Choosing to dream - the myth to be born

Thoughts journey through diversity
As the mirror of Unity

Leaping like spray on rocky shore
Playing in abandon with Life evermore

Life recalls its original kiss
Choosing the dream - expressing its bliss

copyright, Chris Allen, March 2010

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Divine Proposal

Writing proposals for a client well-loved
Listening to chants from my cherished iPod

Seeing myself as singer and song
Song becomes One with pages revealed

Springing from my Self, celestial voices so sublime
Expanding my heart, embracing the Divine

What Universes unknown - untold to behold
Contained in my heart free to unfold

I AM Divine choir singing to Thee
When suddenly choir reverses, facing Thee within Me

copyright, Chris Allen, March 2010

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How can couples (and/or individuals) develop a healthy relationship toward money and finances?

Michael Brown writes that money is a metaphor for personal energy flow. If your personal energy is blocked, chances are you will also experience either intermittent or habitual scarcities with money, or you may find that you have an abundance of money and the amount of control you exert over accumulating or manipulating money sabotages intimacy with others.

I remember being deeply in debt back in the mid 1990s and so behind the 8-ball that, even though I was in my mid-40s, I was, at the time, under such stress that I was willing to wish away almost twenty years to be of age to collect social security.

I have a friend who was given cash money from her local minister, and he reminded her that sometimes you needed a helping hand from the community and sometimes a small infusion of cash is the best contribution.

I know a friend that was working for a wealthy couple, the husband having experienced a massive stroke. His wife was paying my friend $8.50 an hour, and my friend, admittedly a "energy architect" was deeply involved with reading "My Stroke of Insight" and other illuminating materials to learn how to reach out to the stroke incapacitated husband. His wife, at a social event, was told that she was over-spending and could hire cheap help for $6.50/hour, so she terminated what could have been her best possible care in order to save $300/month.

I have a friend that, in her mid-40s, was asked by a friend "When did you take your vow of poverty".

Can we see life as a relationship with God's Economy, where we, as capable individuals, do not maintain vaults of fear to store up immense wealth, and rather take the perspective that there will be just enough money flowing to us in each moment to meet our needs.

I'd be interested in hearing from any of you regarding your stories centering around relationships with money and/or couple stories for how to remain healthy with money.


or reply below
or 828.280.4780

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(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Intimacy is a journey
prompting the discovery and reclamation
of restricted inner territories.

The constrictions of personal mind
clenched around fear, hurt and discomfort
the trauma of stored childhood imprinting
invited to be unlocked and freed.

YANG'S Deep discomfort turns toward
his natural groove of habitually expressing
withdrawal, followed by aggression.

YIN"S provoked discomfort is felt as rejection and abandonment

Both feel deeply the hot and cold
currents of separation,
this profound breech of continuity
in their love-fest.

Their pain bodies are triggered
into this raw drama dance
and momentarily,
what seemed only the slightest of a gap
appears to widen into this torrential river of an impasse,
this great gorge
this maw of fear,
these inner wounds being probed and picked at.

YIN and YANG slip-slide down the slope
of their respective despair.
Dark brooding emotions flood their landscape,
The choice to navigate back into the light and brightness is lost ...

YANG calls forth to YIN to raise up her spirit warrior
to meet,
in inquiry,
his aggression.


The next morning YANG awakens
safe and secure in the world.
By mid-afternoon, this continuity
is so contagious
YIN fills in, blossoming
and again,
both are in honeymoon
a great deal wiser,
knowing to meet and inquire into their dark energies.
meeting them more than half-way into the dark recesses
now illuminated by the found courage of attention and intention.

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To be sure, we all have a great deal to learn from each other. However, the process of subtle arrogance and self deception in the spiritual arena is perhaps the most damaging of all illusions. I am a Buddhist, or a Yogi, or a Pagan, or a student of the Fourth Way or the Kaballah or some other mystical or ecclectic school, and I imagine that Christians are at least somewhat deluded. Or I am a Christian, perhaps a Catholic or an Evangelical, or a Course in Miracles student, or a Muslim, or a Jew, and maintain some pretense that my version of “God” or “Love” is somehow more accurate than “theirs.” But in fact, when we think “Jesus said so-and-so,” or “The Buddha taught thus-and-such,” we might ask ourselves, “How would I know, and why am I repeating this?” If we face it sincerely, it is hard to avoid the discovery that all we are doing is trying to justify our own opinions and their connected feelings, perhaps seeking to be tied in with some powerful authority figure(s) which is fortified by our own conditioning. So we each have our private and group stories about things, and continue to surreptitiously elevate ourselves and put each other down.

But in fact, there is no private liberation or salvation. (Where is the “one separate” from the rest, to be saved, except in some mental fiction?) Of utmost importance, finally, is putting an end to this devious and hurtful process of “spiritual ego,” of imagining there’s some kind of competition, and that there’s someone who has to defend his or her particular spiritual turf against others. If you stop using your transient body or your thoughts or feelings as points of reference, it will be obvious that there is no “someone” and there are no “others.” That whole thing is a paranoid fantasy, a pathological delusion, in this case in the name of whatever religion to which we happen to subscribe. So let’s call a spade a spade: God, the Absolute, does not belong to anyone, nor to any particular group.
(So why pay homage to a limited god?)

Furthermore, Enlightenment, Self Realization, does not belong to anyone either. (In fact, everything belongs to Enlightenment. So why pay homage to a limited enlightenment?) Although it may occur in virtually any context - Buddhist, Christian, Yogic, Sufi, Hindu, Fourth Way, Muslim, Taoist, Jewish, Wiccan, 12-Step work, shamanistic, agnostic, scientific and so on, Spiritual Awakening, the Realization of Emptiness, the Tao, cannot be owned. How could That which is infinite be possessed by any religion, tradition, path, lineage, teacher, or hierarchy, all of which are limited? Is God a Christian, or a Jew, or a Muslim? Is Enlightenment controlled by Buddhists or Yogis or Hindus? How could That which is formless be made to conform to any set of assumptions about liberation, past or future? (If you still find yourself resisting that possibility, you might ask yourself how you would know, one way or the other, and what motives are tied up in thinking about it in any specified way, for or against. Why maintain beliefs or disbeliefs at all?) Is truth a really a matter of subjective opinion? Is not truth, if that word means anything at all, an ongoing process of careful observation and uncompromised, undefended honesty?

It’s time we stop pretending, subtly or overtly, that our particular group is superior in some way. That’s a hidden way of saying, “I’m superior,” (and therefore not inferior). Let’s bring our woundedness, our childhood fears and hurts of inferiority, covered over by the pretense of individual or collective superiority, to a total and absolute halt. Completely. Now. If we need to weep, then let’s weep together. And let those tears of shame be tears of relief, tears of joy, in finally putting down this burden of trying to defend and justify what we have imagined ourselves to be. What doesn’t exist doesn’t need to be defended. It never did.

Particularly in recent years, many of us have had very powerful awakenings, but these experiences, in and of themselves, do not mean that much unless we allow ourselves to be transformed, completely, by what we have discovered. If we try to use them to validate our religious and peer identities and opinions, with our various secret and subtle motives and perceptions so shaped, we corrupt our awakening, and are already entangled in delusion. (And when we make ourselves or our group or our path or the teacher we’ve identified ourselves with special, we make ourselves separate.) The most any spiritual institution can do is to support and celebrate what is already real and true without reservation.

Full awareness, peace, freedom, clarity and joy can, and do, only exist now. If any of us still find ourselves suffering from the symptoms of ignorance, divisiveness or competition, that is to say, fear, envy, anger, sorrow, frustration, disappointment, jealosy, self-loathing, guilt, depression, loneliness, despair, or confusion, it is because we are still negotiating with God, still negotiating with Truth, still negotiating with Love, still negotiating with Freedom, still negotiating with Serenity. The pain is none other than the agony of lying to ourselves about what we want more than anything else. It is like finally finding the lover we have always longed for, but holding back in terror of losing that love.

Why put this moment off? That which you seek is That which you already are, and always have been - you are not separate, you cannot be separate from the Absolute, from Infinite Consciousness Itself. If you dare to stop pretending that you and your life are based on some mental version of things that arises out of memory, you will find out beyond any doubt! This is not some kind of wishful thinking or grandiose mental trick. Rather, with total and unflinching sincerity, with no psychological defense or self deception whatsoever, search your heart and find out what you permanently are, what you’ve been all along. Find out if there has ever been a separate “Other.” If you discover there never has been an other, is there one now? Could there ever be? Why pretend anymore?

If you dare to give your heart, your soul, your mind, your body, and your life, unconditionally, to what you discover to be true, you will know an infinitely deep and abiding peace that has never been even a breath away. This bliss, this tranquility depends on nothing, and It is not capable of ending. Furthermore, it doesn’t make a bit of difference what you’ve ever done… or not done. You can put an end to the battle. Yes, that’s correct, just walk right out of the war, right now. All you have to do is surrender, absolutely and completely, not to me, not to some authority figure, or some organization or institution, but surrender only to your own deepest Purity.

God and your own Unbounded Love are not different. If you truly give yourself up completely, it will shock your whole system. It will suddenly dawn on you,

“Oh my God, what a fool I’ve been! What was I thinking?”

Then the absolute insanity of giving yourself to anything else will become apparent. Why wait? Why put off your own complete and total liberation? In your innermost and outermost places, in every single moment, Love waits for you everywhere. Is there really something else you would rather do? Is it possible that the thing that you fear the most, the thing that you avoid the most, is what you truly desire the most? It cannot abandon you. Even if you choose to ignore It, betray It and walk away, It is always closer than your next breath. Suspend all opinion and debate, and find out for yourself.

-- Scott Morrison, author of "There Is Only Now"

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Conversations with Yin and Yang

© 2010 Howard McQueen

YIN, on her very first, inaugural leg of her Journey, offers an outpouring

It was not very long ago

that I was hospitalized and sedated,

all the inner pain and confusion.

A dreading, a deep sense of ending my life felt so near.

A memory of the kindness,

my husband keeping me company,

deep into the night

till in my exhaustion,

I would slip into blessed sleep.

I’ve been a nourisher all my life,

nourishing two children,

now my mother …

I felt a deep connection with a male friend.

I sensed flirtations and urges within him

that caused me to close down.

I felt like I was muted, gagged, unable to utter a word.

He then, without any notice – disappeared.

My hopes for continued connections with him, gone,

seemingly dashed on the rocks.

Threatened – withdrawing – presuming rejection – depression.

This is the cycle, the pit of despair I often find myself stuck in.

I was sexually abused in my childhood

by my father.

I told my mom and in her fear,

she left him.

My dad took me, just us two, for a car ride

out on a solitary sparsely populated country road.

He urged me to recant my story -

I would not.

I thought my life would likely be forfeit during that ominous car ride.


In the police station the following day

My dad’s life was forfeited,

taken away by his just after dawn

massive coronary heart attack.

The only life I’ve known thus far

is to be a heads-down nurturer of others.

I dearly want all those I love to be well


I know,

for me to become whole,

I must continue this journey

to now somehow get a handle and nourish myself,

to call forth deeper parts of myself to awaken.

I am fearful of so many things,

as I take this set of baby steps forward into the unknowing.

YANG pauses to take a long sip from the well

YIN, you are now sipping from a straw,

this journey is revealing to you.

It dips into new dimensions of spirit, of freedom, of trust.

What you are not yet aware of

is that this straw has penetrated deep into you,

connecting your being into the infinite well of spirit.

Your mind, cynical and seemingly bruised,

obsessing over painful memory fragments,

will, on its own accord, never have a clue,

will never understand straws or spirit wells.

Your heart, however, intuitively knows

that it has found

Its headwaters for the soul,

the unconditional source for cleansing and healing Self.

The mind, always distracted,

unable to fathom spirit,

by itself,

only knows to focus on asking its

ongoing nervous-generating questions:

How will I ever make my own way …

The heart, connected through the well of spirit,


Has vision to see through the darkness

and shadows and fears.

It intuitively senses


resolve and manifest each day

that you stay

present to your divine journey,

intimate with nourishing

and integrating

these emergent aspects of yourself:

- Your child self,

the child self you know,


how to hold in unconditional, loving embrace.

- Your intuition,

the inner parent, nourisher and guidance counselor,

that the journey is constantly queuing into arising,

like the fully empowered sun peeking through

its slow-motion sunrise.

You are warming,

your hardened shell of past held pain-trauma cracking,

allowing the infinite love of God to work its way inside

all the way in, and to shine all the way through,

cleansing every aspect

of all you’ve ever defined as you.

As you now begin to accept

full authorship for your story,

it shifts from a plot of

me and my inherited pain

and nourisher-of-others,

to this unbelievable ever-expanding love story,

this sacred,


human rite-of-initiation and passage,

this rising above the pain of the world,

to radiate an intoxicating love,

organically grown through opening to

everything and everyone on your journey,

seeing pain and suffering present

in virtually everyone,

knowing in your heart

that others will awaken,

and like you,

take up their own journey.

Many will radiate the new found vitality of spirit,

learn to unconditionally love

and share their compassion

for a world bathed in inherited pain and suffering.

Perhaps this is the training ground,

the ideal conditions for humanity’s awakening,

for the golden age of spirit to be born.

Yang does not know all the answers,

but knows to trust his authenticity,

to live in the heart,

radiating and expressing love and compassion

and leave the rest up to the great unfolding.

Dear Yin,

know through every cell of our body

that you are,

have been

and will always be

unconditionally cherished, adored and loved.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Don’t presume you can gently explore intimacy.

Intimacy will flat out overwhelm you,

exposing your hidden,

long incubated


A single word spoken

can draws open the flood gates,

drowning ourselves and those we love


in our hidden reservoir

of waiting to be reconciled,

yet to be named

invited to be felt and received

human emotions.

Such are these avoided emotions we label "wounds",

stored in resistance to the unrestrained, unconditional heart.

Clenched closure, shutting down our aperture

for receiving all the gifts life brings to our threshold.

Intimacy transforms the hardened walls of defense

holding at bay the fear held in the human heart.

Walls become again





for the youthful vim and vigor of life to re-enter.

The heart opens, disgorging that which hurt and was hidden

in the hijacked intimacy of childhood.

In awakening,

we are invited to truly feel these hidden emotions,

to navigate and dance with these seemingly blocked demons living within.

As this intimate inward dance progresses,

we are gifted with the name

of these “I can’t handle it” emotional energies

and their energy, with a fullness of capabilities and capacities

are gifted back, returning to us.

Our personal stories,

seemingly etched deep in store grooves,

are seen merely as charged preferences

now rapidly dissolving into the freedom’s clarity.

Thus we come full circle,

face to face

with our authentic nature,

once crimped musical instruments,

now nimble dancers

Our judging and sentencing life dramatically lessens

Our manufacturing resistance to life shifts into decline

and more light enters this world,

as Love.

Read more…


© 2010 Howard McQueen

This zesty gumbo of engagement,

opening us wider and deeper

to the splendor

and rapture

of loving,

and piercing

through our fear,

of living.

This wild,

unfettered spirit

breathing through us,

setting torch

to the holy fire,

consuming the barriers

held between us.

This no holds barred


this vivid


immersed in the fertile fields

of intimacy.

Would it be

that human-i-ty

is being kindled

into awakening,

yet again.

Read more…

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Dear friends, I want to share my article with members of Ashville Sanghanetwork. This is about the link between Mind and Social /Environmental-Issues. You are requested to kindly read. I would like toinform the moderators that I have also posted this article in otherforums and blogs relevant to the article / related to keywords in thearticle.

The link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues.

The fast-paced, consumerist lifestyle of Industrial Society is causingexponential rise in psychological problems besides destroying theenvironment. All issues are interlinked. Our Minds cannot be peacefulwhen attention-spans are down to nanoseconds, microseconds andmilliseconds. Our Minds cannot be peaceful if we destroy Nature.

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment.

Subject : In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
Subject : A thinking mind cannot feel.
Subject : Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys the planet.
Subject : Environment can never be saved as long as cities exist.

Emotion is what we experience during gaps in our thinking.

If there are no gaps there is no emotion.

Today people are thinking all the time and are mistaking thought (words/ language) for emotion.

When society switches-over from physical work (agriculture) to mentalwork (scientific/ industrial/ financial/ fast visuals/ fast words ) thespeed of thinking keeps on accelerating and the gaps between thinkinggo on decreasing.

There comes a time when there are almost no gaps.

People become incapable of experiencing/ tolerating gaps.

Emotion ends.

Man becomes machine.

A society that speeds up mentally experiences every mental slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.

A ( travelling )society that speeds up physically experiences every physical slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.

A society that entertains itself daily experiences every non-entertaining moment as Depression / Anxiety.

Fast visuals/ words make slow emotions extinct.

Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys emotional circuits.

A fast (large) society cannot feel pain / remorse / empathy.

A fast (large) society will always be cruel to Animals/ Trees/ Air/ Water/ Land and to Itself.

I am trying to get the following experiment conducted in a psychophysiology/ bio-chemistry laboratory.

There is a link between visual / verbal speed ( in perception, memory,
imagery ) and the bio-chemical state of the brain and the body.

Emotion can intensify / sustain only when visual and verbal processing
associated with the emotion slows down ( stops / freezes ).

The degree of difficulty of an emotion depends upon the degree of
freezing (of visuals and words ) required to intensify and sustain that
particular emotion.


Subjects (preferably actors specialising in tragedy / tragic roles )
will be asked to watch a silent video film showing any of the

(1) Human suffering.
(2) Animal suffering.
(3) Suffering ( Destruction ) of Air / Water / Land / Trees.

Subjects will be asked to intensify and sustain the subjective feeling of pain/ grief for the sufferer.

The chemical changes associated with the emotion in the body(blood) would be measured by appropriate methods.

The silent video film will be shown at different speeds :
(1) 125% of actual speed.
(2) Actual/real speed.
(3) 75% of actual speed.
(4) 50% of actual speed.
(5) 25% of actual speed.

Results :

(1) Intensity of emotion increases with the decrease in visual speed.
(2) Intensity of emotion is maximum when visual speed is minimum (25%
of actual speed)
(3) The amount of chemical change associated with the emotion in the
body(blood) will be found to increase with the decrease in visual speed.
(4) The chemical change is maximum when visual speed is minimum.
(5) The amount of chemical change will increase with the decrease in
breathing rate. Breathing becomes so slow and non-rhythmic that it stops
for some time at the inhalation/ exhalation stages.

The above co-relations will be valid for all subjects -even for thosewho cannot feel pain/ grief. Such subjects will experience emotionassociated with boredom/ discomfort/ restlessness/ irritability/uneasiness. The chemicals released will be different but theco-relation between visual speed and amount of chemical will be same(the breathing rates will be different/ fast). All subjects willexperience some kind of emotion.

[If scientists can discover 4000 different chemicals in cigarette-smokethen they can certainly detect the few chemicals released in blood whenweexperience higher-level emotions like pain, empathy, compassion,remorse etc… ]

In the 2nd stage of experiment we shall replace the silent video filmwith a Narrator ( Audio only ) and repeat the procedure therebyestablishing the link between intensity of emotion and verbal speed.The narrator will slow down verbal speed by-- speaking slowly,stretching words, repetition of words/ sentences & making use of
pause/ silence between words.

Please note:
(1) A thinking mind cannot intensify / sustain any emotion.
While this statement is generally true for all emotions, it is particularly true for all painful emotions.

(2) Pain / remorse / empathy cannot be experienced in a society inwhich visual (verbal) speed and breathing- rates are fast . It isimpossible.

Proof of the link between pain and slow visuals / words :-

In the last century man has made thousands of movies / films on various
themes / subjects. Whenever pain / tragedy is shown in any film the
visuals ( scenes ) and words ( dialogues ) are always slowed down. In
many films tragedy is shown in slow motion. At the most intense moment
of pain the films almost become static / stationary.

Tragedy-films provide direct proof / evidence of the link between pain
and slowness.

Pain can intensify / sustain only when visual ( and verbal ) speed slows
down( stops/ freezes).

Change in visual speed over the years.

One thousand years ago visuals would change only when man physically
moved himself to a new place or when other people ( animals / birds )
and objects ( clouds / water ) physically moved themselves before him.

Today man sits in front of TV / Computer and watches the rapidly
changing visuals / audio.

He sits in a vehicle ( car / train / bus ) and as it moves he watches
the rapidly changing visuals.

He turns the pages of a book / newspaper / magazine and sees many
visuals / text in a short span.

Change in verbal speed over the years.

In ancient times verbal processing was “live” in nature—ie it happened when people actually spoke.
Today there is non-stop verbal processing inside the mind through printand electronic media ( newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television,computer etc…) as a result of which the verbal content & speed hasincreased thousands of times.

The speed of visuals ( and words ) has increased so much during the last
one hundred years that today the human brain has become incapable of
focussing on slow visuals /words through perception, memory, imagery.

If we cannot focus on slow visuals / words we cannot experience emotions associated with slow visuals /words.

Before the advent of Industrial Revolution Man's thinking was primarily
limited to :

(a) visual processing ( slow visuals )
(b) verbal / language processing ( slow words )

Today there are many kinds of fast thinking :

(1) visual processing ( fast visuals )
(2) verbal / language processing ( fast words )
(3) Scientific / Technical thinking ( fast )
(4) Industrial thinking ( fast )
(5) Business thinking ( fast )

(3), (4) & (5) are associated with Numbers / Symbols / Equations /
Graphs /Circuits / Diagrams / Money / Accounting etc…

As long as the mind is doing this kind of thinking it cannot feel any
emotion - not an iota of emotion.

In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
In a thinking ( scientific / industrial ) society emotion itself becomes extinct.

Emotion is what remains in the mind when visual/ verbal processing slows down (stops/ freezes)

There are certain categories of people who feel more emotion (subjective experience ) than others.

If we attempt to understand why (and how ) they feel more emotion we can learn a lot about emotion.

Writers, poets, actors, painters ( and other artists )

Writers do verbal ( and associated visual) processing whole day- every day.
They do slow verbal ( and associated visual) processing every day.
(A novel that we read in 2 hours might have taken 2 years to write.This is also the reason why the reader can never feel the intensity& duration of emotion experienced by the writer )

Poets do verbal ( and associated visual ) processing whole day- everyday. There is more emotion in poetry than in prose. This happensbecause there are very few words ( and associated visuals ) in poetrythan in any other kind of writing. There is a very high degree offreezing / slowing down of visuals & words in poetry.

Actors do verbal ( and associated visual ) processing whole day- everyday. During shooting / rehearsal they repeat the dialogues ( words )again and again ( the associated visuals / scenes also get repeatedalong with the dialogues )

Painters do visual ( and associated verbal ) processing whole day-every day. They do extremely slow visual processing - The visual on thecanvas changes only when the painter adds to what already exists on thecanvas.

There are some important points to be noted :

All these people do visual & verbal processing - whole day - every day.
They do slow visual & verbal processing.
They do not do scientific / industrial / business processing whole day - every day.

Most of the city people doing mental work either do this kind of mentalprocessing which is associated with Numbers / Symbols/ Equations /Graphs / Circuits / Diagrams / Money / Accounting etc… or they do fastvisual ( verbal ) processing whole day - every day.

This kind of thinking ( processing ) has come into existence onlyduring the last 200 years and has destroyed our emotional ability (circuits ).

Once we speed up our minds we become incapable of slowing down [itwould take years of effort to slow down]. One can understand it thisway - A supercomputer cannot process at the rate of an ordinarycomputer. Once we speed up [and we have been speeding up for severalgenerations now] we cannot slow down because the neural circuits getaltered - the bio-chemistry of the brain and its anatomy changes.

Self-Assessment of ( subjective ) intensity of emotion is almost always wrong.

Suppose the maximum intensity(and duration) of a particular emotion that
can be experienced by any human being is 100 units.

Let us suppose the maximum intensity(and duration) of that particular emotion ever
experienced by two people A & B in their entire life is :
A - 100units
B - 20 units

Now suppose A & B are made subjects on a particular day and are asked
to feel that particular emotion under experimental conditions ( or
outside the laboratory ) and the intensity &duration they actually experience is :

A - 90 units
B - 18 units

If A & B are then asked to indicate the intensity &duration of emotion on a scale
of 0 -10 their response is likely to be ;

A - 9
B - 9

Who is right and who is wrong ?
A is right.
B is wrong - B is wrong by a wide margin - B has experienced an
intensity(and duration) of 18 units out of a maximum of 100 units and his correct / actual score should be 1.8

Self- assessment ( self rating ) can be accurate only if people have
the capacity to experience the highest intensity &duration ( units ) of the
particular emotion under study.

In small(slow)agriculture-based societies the mind used to experience astate of emotion all the time because of physical work and slowvisual/verbal processing . People who do physical work experience thesame good subjective-feeling which is experienced by people who dophysical excercise. [People who do physical work also sleep much betterthan people who do mental work - the quality of sleep is much better].If we read one thousand-year-old literature we will not come across theterm "boredom" - the concept of boredom did not exist in slowsocieties. There were long gaps between different visuals and betweenwords/ sentences - and people had the ability to experience/ toleratethe gaps - it was normal for them.

Emotion can intensify / sustain only when visual / verbal processingslows down ( stops / freezes ). In an Industrial (thinking) societypeople experience very little emotion because of fast ( visual / verbal/ scientific / industrial / business ) thinking.

Suppose the maximum intensity and duration of a particular emotion (for most people ) in a fast society has reduced to 5 units ( from 100units that people used to experience in earlier /slower societies ).

If such people experience 4 units of emotion they will give themselves a
rating /score of 8 on a scale of 0-10 whereas their actual score should
be 0.4

[Please note :
Fast emotions =emotions associated with fast visuals/fast words/fast breathing/fast heart-rate.
Slow emotions=emotions associated with slow visuals/slow words/slow breathing/slow heart-rate.
Rate of thinking=number of visuals/words processed per minute.
Gaps between thinking =gaps between visuals/ words/ sentences.]

Thoughts and Emotions are interlinked - but different things - totally/ completly different.

Words can be spoken - words can be read - words can be heard.

Emotion is a subjective-experience. Other examples of subjective experience are taste, smell, touch, headache, stomach pain.

One can understand the difference this way :

When we eat an apple we can feel the taste of apple. Apple can give us the taste of apple - but apple is not taste.

If we pour apple juice into a glass - the glass will not feel the taste - it does not have the ability to feel taste.

If a person eats an apple he will feel the taste - because he has the ability to generate taste from apple.

Words/ Visuals can evoke, intensify and sustain emotions - but words/ visuals are not emotions.

In every field there is easy work/activity and difficult work/activity.

In mathematics there is easy mathematics and difficult mathematics.Everyone can add 2+4 within microseconds. A PhD level problem ofmathematics would take hours [or more] to solve - and that too only bysomeone who has spent 20 - 25 years learning mathematics upto PhD level.

Same way in the field of emotions there are easy emotions and difficultemotions. Easy emotions are evoked within nanoseconds, microseconds andmilliseconds - anger, lust, fear, pleasure, entertainment andexcitement are some examples. These emotions are associated with fastbreathing and heart-rate. These emotions don"t require gaps betweenthinking to evoke, intensify and sustain. These are the emotions thatcan be found everywhere in today's fast society.

Then there are difficult emotions - which require ability and years ofeffort to develop - emotions associated with pain, compassion andpeaceful states of mind are some examples. These emotions areassociated with slow breathing and heart-rate. These emotions requirefreezing of thought - freezing of visuals and words - huge amounts ofgaps between thinking - to evoke, intensify and sustain.

The experiments I have proposed are primarily meant for those peoplewho understand only the language of science. We don't need experimentsto understand that our present lifestyle is destroying our Minds andEnvironment - the evidence is everywhere - left, right and center. Thecraze and fetish for science and scientific proof has mainly existedfor the last 50 - 100 years. People have lived on this planet forthousands of years without needing scientific proof to understandsomething. It is Science and Technology that created the consumeristIndustrial Society which has led to the destruction of Mind and Nature/Environment. Who needs more science or more scientific proof. Science is not the solution - Science is the problem.

Some people demand proof of everything. They won't accept anythingwithout proof. How do people accept their father as their father? Whereis the proof?
Scientific proof comes from DNA testing. How many people have got the DNA test conducted?

Two things that have destroyed Environment are - Overpopulation andOverconsumerism. Science and Technology is responsible for both theseproblems. World population was less than 1 billion in the year 1800.Nature had its way of controlling population through disease and deathcaused by bacteria and virus. When man made medicines/ antibiotics hecreated disaster - population increased very rapidly. In the absence of"Industrial Agriculture" the feeding capacity of soil would have keptpopulation under control. If Industrial Revolution had not happened,environmental destruction due to production of consumer goods would notexist. In the absence of Science, Technology and "IndustrialRevolution" we would not be facing the two problems that have causeddestruction of ecosystems - overpopulation and overconsumerism.

Humans are incapable of making solutions. Humans have always createdproblems. All solutions of Man have actually been problems in disguise- they have led to bigger and greater problems. The quest for asolution is the biggest problem in itself.

(1) A thinking species destroys the planet.
(2) Animals lived on earth for billions of years (in very large numbers)
without destroying nature.
(3) They did not destroy nature because their thinking / activity was
limited to searching for food for one time only.
(4) Man has existed on earth in large numbers for only a few thousand
years / a few hundred years.
(5) Within this short period Man has destroyed the environment.
(6) This destruction took place because of Man's thinking.
(7) When man thinks he makes things.
(8) When he makes things he kills animals / trees / air / water / land.
( Nothing can be made without killing these five elements of nature ).

(9) A thinking species destroys the planet.

Intelligence Is A Curse.

This planet is on the verge of total destruction.

The cause of destruction is – overactivity.
[Out of millions of species in this world the human-species is the only one that has indulged in overactivity]

The cause of overactivity is – Intelligence.
[The environment would never have got destroyed if Man had been only as intelligent as animals]

Intelligence is a curse - a disease - a disability - an abnormality.

Intelligence is the biggest cause/ source of destruction in this world.

[In fact Intelligence is the only cause of destruction in this world other than natural causes]

Mental work is injurious to the mind and planet.

Life was never good in the past.

Life will never be good in future.

Life can never be good.

Suffering is a part of life - an inherent feature of life. Suffering can never be eliminated.

There is Physical suffering - There is Mental suffering.

In pre-industrial society there were physical diseases caused by virus and bacteria.
In modern society there are hundreds of lifestyle related physicaldiseases - Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Obesity, Multiple Organ Failures.

Mental suffering will always exist. It exists in agrarian society. Itexists in industrial society. As soon as we stop working we experiencemental suffering.

We avoid mental suffering by working ceaselessly.

There is no higher purpose behind work.

People do not work because they want to work.
People work because they cannot stop working.

The energy generated by the food we eat forces us to work ceaselessly.

Energy = Energy[Physical Work] + Energy[Mental Work] + Energy[Suffering/ Subjective Experience]

All three energies on the right side are inversely proportional to one another.

When we do hard physical work or hard mental work or a combination ofphysical work and mental work almost all energy is used up in doingwork.

When we stop physical work and mental work the unused energy isexperienced as suffering/ anxiety/ restlessness/ discomfort. Thissuffering is so intense - so unbearable - that most people cannot stopphysical activity and mental activity simultaneously for even 2 minutes- they can stop work/activity only under the influence of drugs andalcohol.

People do not work because they want to work.
People do not work for their family.
People do not work for their nation.
People do not work for any reason.

People work because they cannot stop working.

It does not matter what kind of work we do - whether it is physicalwork or any kind of mental work. As soon as we stop working we sufferfrom restlessness, anxiety, uneasiness and discomfort.

[ In Yoga and Meditation the goal is to stop Physical Activity andMental Activity simultaneously - and then transform thesubjective-experience of restlessness/ anxiety/ suffering into peace.This requires ability and years of effort ]

For most people the choice is between physical and mental work.
The switch-over from physical work to mental work is disastrous for the planet.

Man can do the same physical work every day.
Man cannot do the same mental work every day.

When man used to do physical work ( farming and related activities ) hecould do the same repetitive work day after day- generation aftergeneration.

After the Industrial Revolution when man switched-over to mental workhe began a never ending process of making new machines / things /products-- a process which can only end with the complete destructionof environment ( planet ).

When we make consumer goods we kill Animals/ Trees, Air/ Water and Land - directly or indirectly.

Industrial Society destroys ecosystems - all Industrial Societies destroy ecosystems.

It hardly matters whether it is "Capitalist Industrial Society" - "Communist Industrial Society" - or "Socialist Industrial Society".

Industrial Society destroys ecosystems at every stage of itsfunctioning - when consumer goods are produced - when consumer goodsare used - when consumer goods are discarded/ recycled.

Raw material for industry is obtained by cutting up Forests. It isextracted by mining/ digging up the earth. It comes by destroying/killing Trees, Animals and Land.

Industries/ Factories use Water. The water that comes out of Factoriesis contaminated with hundreds of toxic chemicals. Industry kills Water.What to speak of Rivers - entire Oceans have been polluted.

Industry/ Factories burn millions of tonnes of fuel and when rawmaterial is melted/ heated up, hundreds of toxic chemicals are releasedinto the atmosphere. Industry kills Air.

Industrial Society has covered millions of square miles of land with cement and concrete. Industry kills Land.

When consumer goods are discarded/ thrown away in landfills it again leads to destruction of ecosystems.

When consumer goods are recycled, hundreds of toxic chemicals are released into air, water and land.

Consumer goods are sold/ marketed through a network of millions ofkilometers of rail / road network and shipping routes which causesdestruction of all ecosystems that come in the way.

Today 50% of world population - 3 bilion people are living in cities.The necessary work of growing/producing Food is being done outsidecities - in villages and countryside. Most of the people living incities are engaged in unnecessary work - making things, buying thingsand selling things. The switch-over from Physical work to Mental work/Desk job has led to an endless cycle of unnecessary and destructivework.

When society switches over from physical work to mental work it startsmaking thousands of consumer goods. People start calling themnecessities. They are not necessities at all - 90% of consumer goodsthat we see today did not exist 50 years ago.

Food, Water, Air, Little clothing, Little Shelter - these are necessities.

Close your nose and stop breathing for a few minutes - you will then know what necessity is.

Stop drinking water for a few days - you will then know what necessity is.

Stop eating food for a few days - you will then know what necessity is.

Today people are making thousands of consumer goods - not because theyare necessities - but because they cannot stop making them. Peoplecannot stop doing work - After switching over to mental work they willkeep on making thousands of unnecessary consumer goods. IndustrialSociety is destroying necessary things [Animals,Trees,Air,Water and Land] for makng unnecessary things[Consumer Goods].This is the reason why the switch-over from physical work to mentalwork is so destructive. This is the point of no-return - once this iscrossed the destruction of Environment/ Nature is inevitable.

If we live a simple life there is individual suffering - but no largescale destruction of Environment.

If we live a consumerist life there is individual suffering - plus largescale destruction of Environment.

The nature of mental work is such that man has to do new mental workevery day- in fact he has to do new mental work every moment- Mancannot repeat in the next moment the mental work that he has alreadydone in the previous moment.

A mathematician cannot solve the same problem of mathematics every day-once he has solved it he will be forced to take up a new( unsolved)problem. Even when he is solving one particular problem he has to movefrom one step to another - there is a continuous change involved --there is no constancy at any stage.

An engineer cannot design the same machine again and again –once he hasmade a machine he will try to make changes/ design a new one.

A writer cannot write the same article every day- he will be forced towrite something new every day/ every moment (This is also the reasonbehind endless discussions/ debates/ arguments).

Discussions, Debates and Arguments.

Let us examine how much discussion we are collectively having in Industrial Society every day.

Millions of pages in print – newspapers / books / magazines.
Millions of web-pages on internet every day.

Now add to this all the conversation (discussion) we are having throughradio / television / telephone and several other media every day.

And add to this all the discussion we are having through face-to-face interaction.

The volume of discussion per individual in one week is greater than thetotal discussion someone living in pre-industrial society would have inhis entire life.

There is too much discussion in modern society.
Discussion is not solving our problems – discussion itself has become a problem – a gigantic problem.

A society that does mental work will discuss itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work will argue itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work will debate itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work can never stop discussions / debates /arguments – it is impossible. It will discuss / debate / argue till thelast moment of it’s existence.

Discussions / Debates / Arguments – these are creations of a society that has switched-over from physical work to mental work.

Discussions / Debates / Arguments – these are diseases of a society that has switched-over from physical work to mental work.

Discussions / debates / arguments can end only in agriculture-based societies that do physical work.

We cannot do physical-work and mental-work simultaneously.

There is an inverse relationship between physical-work and mental-work.
If one is high [more] the other has got to be low [less]

If we want to do physical work we have to reduce mental activity by the same proportion.
If we want to do mental work we have to reduce physical activity by the same proportion.

There is very little discussion / debate / argument in societies thatdo physical work - ie, agriculture-based societies - And this is thereason why they are millions of times saner than industrial societies.

Change is an inherent feature of mental work.

Since change is an inherent feature of mental work - a society thatdoes mental work can never be at peace with itself – it is impossible.

A society that does mental work will always be restless.

Only those societies that do physical work [agriculture and related activities] can find contentment and peace.

As long as cities exist we can neither save the environment nor the mind.

To save the [ remaining ] environment from destruction man will have to
return back to physical work [ smaller communities ].

To save the mind from mental diseases man will have to return back to physical work [ smaller communities ].

Criminality and Abnormality.

Industrial Society has collectively killed billions of Animals andTrees [ Remember - plant and animal species developed over a period ofmillions ofyears]

It has also killed most of Water and Air [ Please note - polluting Water and Air is equivalent to killing Water and Air ]

The soil was not fertile when the earth was created. It became fertile- very slowly - over a period of millions of years. And look what manhas done - He has covered millions and millions of hectares of landwith cement and concrete. All the land that has been covered withcement and concrete has been killed.

Man has stockpiled thousands of tonnes of highly radioactive nuclearmaterial and nuclear waste which is going to remain highly radioactiveand carcinogenic for the next thousands of years - and which hasalready leaked into the environment hundreds of times.

There is an arsenal of 50,000 nuclear missiles that can destroy the planet several times over.

What could be more criminal than this.
What could be more abnormal than this.

Lawyers and Judges are trying to catch a few criminals.
They don’t realize the entire Industrial Society is criminal.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists are trying to classify a few people as abnormal.
They don’t realize the entire Industrial Society is abnormal.

The claim of "science and technology" of curing cancer is a joke."Science and Technology" can never cure cancer - it is impossible."Science and Technology" is the cause of cancer. Most of cancer iscaused by toxic chemicals - carcinogens.Industrial Society has flooded the ecosystems with toxic chemicals.Most of the Farm Land has been poisoned with pesticides due toIndustrial Agriculture. The Land - The Air - The Water - the entirefood chain is contaminated with thousands of man-made toxic chemicalswhich did not exist before industrialiation. There are hundreds ofman-made, toxic chemicals in the blood, bones and tissue of humans.There are toxic, man-made chemicals in the placenta of new born babies.Industrial Society is causing millions of cancer every year. Out ofthese millions of cases, "science and technology" is able to treat asmall percentage - a few thousand cases - through surgery, radiationand chemotherapy etc...And these treatments can hardly be called realtreatments because the toxic chemicals which are the root cause ofcancer still exist in the environment. This is also the reason whythere is a high rate of relapse/ recurrence after cancer treatment. AnIndustrial Society can never prevent high incidence of cancer, becauseit is flooding the environment with chemicals all the time.

Industrial Society is collectively making millions of tonnes of weaponsand explosives [of all kinds] every year – and then it wonders whythere is so much violence in this world.

Big Mystery.

If you make millions of tonnes of weapons and explosives on earth theyare going to be used on earth – they are not going to be used on Mars.

The entire Industrial Society is a terrorist.
The Military-Industrial-Complex is the real terrorist.
Science and Technology is the terrorist.

Make things
Buy things
Sell things

This is not the purpose of life.

Destroy Shopping Culture.

No one deserves more.
Everyone deserves less.
Life can sustain on earth only when everyone has less.

There was a time when Man knew nothing about the number of species and millions of species existed.
Today Man knows the names of millions of species and nothing is left of the species.

It took millions of years for millions of species to slowly come intoexistence on earth - and man has decimated all other species.

After destroying millions of highly-developed species on earth Man istoday searching for a few molecules of life in outer-space.

If a few microbes, a few molecules of methane / water are found on Mars - it becomes the newspaper headline.

They call it progress.

The following is about to come true.

Nature can exist

(1) before man.
(2) after man.
(3) not with man.

Destruction of environment can be divided into two parts - destructionof environment for producing food - and destruction of environment formaking thousands of consumer goods. In pre-Industrial Society peopledestroyed environment primarily for food. In Industrial Society people are destroying environment for food and consumer goods.If we want to save environment we will have to bring down the second tothe minimum level by not making all unnecessary consumer goods.

Environment can be saved only if we stop production of most [ more than 99% ] of the consumer goods we are making today.

Environment cannot be saved by recycling.

The attempt of an industrial society to save the environment byrecycling is like shooting someone 10,000 times and then trying to savehim by taking out one bullet.

Time is running out for this planet.

Regarding Industrialization there is an important point to be noted.Modern Industrial Society has existed for 100 years - 200 years - 300years. When we compare this period with the total duration for whichhuman society has existed on earth this period is so short - so smallthat it almost does'nt exist. It is almost zero.

Humans have spent more than 99% of their time on earth in non-industrial societies.

Non-industrial societies have sustained on earth for thousands of years.
Industrial society has destroyed all ecosystems within 200 - 250 years.

Material things don't bring peace and happiness. Today billions ofpeople have got things which even Kings did not have in the past. Car,computer, television, fridge, telephone - no King ever had thesethings. But people are still restless and unhappy.

Industrial Society is consuming psychiatric drugs/ sleeping pills by tonnes and tonnes.

A very large percentage of the population is surviving on precription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

One-third of the population has become fat like elephants.

People talk about increase in lifespan. What is the use of increasedlifespan if people have to resort to Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes topull through life. And just wait a few more years - the averagelifespan will soon become zero - human life will cease to exist onearth.

Consumerist-Lifestyle is just not sustainable. If we do not immediatelyreturn to living a very simple and frugal life then very soon therewill be no human life on earth. We would need several planets[earths]to sustain the present lifestyle.

The Military-Industrial Complex is all set to destroywhatever life and environment that remains on earth. There is a reasonwhy the two World Wars happened in the recent past and not 1000 yearsago.

It was not possible to have world wars 1000 years ago. World Warsbecame possible only when Science and Technology developed aeroplanes,ships and other carriers which could transport millions of troops andmillions of tonnes of weapons[once again a creation of science andtechnology] from one corner of the globe to another.

And today one does'nt even need all these to fight a war. One justneeds to move finger-tips to launch missiles that can destroy theplanet several times over.

Right at this moment there are several countries fighting wars with oneanother. There is internal war going on in almost half of the thecountries of the world. All these wars are being fuelled and sustainedby billions of tonnes of weapons produced by the Military-IndustrialComplex every year.

And it is going to get worse and worse every day.

If you kill one person they call it murder.
If you kill a few hundred they call it terrorism.
If you kill a few million they call it war.

Science and Technology has made this world [millions of times] more violent and unsafe than before.

Science and Technology has produced billions of tonnes of weapons andexplosives - chemical, biological and nuclear weapons - millions oftonnes of Radioactive material [ which will soon be used to make dirtyradioactive bombs - which are going to contaminate the environment forhundreds and thousands of years]. Science and Technology is the real terrorist.

Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies have labelled a few Environmentalists as EcoTerrorists.

What are the charges against Environmental Activists? - Destruction of property? - endangering human life?

The Military Industrial Complex is doing much more damage to property -it is going around carpet bombing entire countries - flattening entirecountries. The Military Industrial Complex is endangering much morehuman life - it is actually killing - killing millions in War/ Violence- directly or indirectly.

Who is the real Terrorist? - Environmentalists or Industrial Society?

The human race has been destroying/ killing animals, trees, air, water,land and people from the very beginning of civilization. Science and Technology has increased this destructive capacity millions of times

Every citizen of Industrial Societyis using hundreds/ thousands of consumer goods.

Every consumer good is made by killing animals, trees, air, water and land - directly or indirectly. [ more killing of nature takes place when consumer goods are used and discarded]

The per capita killing of animals, trees, air, water and land inIndustrial Society is hundreds of times/ thousands of times greaterthan that of pre-industrial society.

Every citizen of Industrial Society is a serial killer - serial killer of animals, trees, air, water and land.

Those who produce consumer goods are killers.
Those who sell consumer goods are killers.
Those who buy consumer goods are killers.

Before Industrialization humans killed Environment primarily for Food, Clothing & Shelter. After industrialization humans are killing environment for Food, Clothing & Shelter plus [thousands of unnecessary]Consumer Goods.

Industrial Society is destroying necessary things[Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land] for making unnecessary things[Consumer Goods].

The Military Industrial Complex has killed millions ofpeople in War/ Violence. It has decimated all plant and animal species.It has destroyed all ecosystems. It has polluted and poisoned the Sky,Land and Oceans. It has raped and plundered "Mother Earth" in the nameof Progress and Development.

The crimes of "Military Industrial Complex"are millions of times greater than the crimes of Environmentalists.

Comparing the crimes of Environmentalists with the crimes of "Military Industrial Complex" is like comparing the Lamp with the Sun.

The entire Industrial Society is a Terrorist.
Science and Technology is the Terrorist.
Military Industrial Complex is the Terrorist.
Culture of Consumerism - culture of making, buying and selling is theTerrorist. Consumerism kills ecosystems - Consumerism is the biggestact of violence against nature.

Think Positive.

Psychologists say -- Think Positive.
Politicians say – Think Positive.
Economists say – Think Positive.
Scientists say – Think Positive.
Everyone says – Think Positive.

Arctic ice is melting – Glaciers are melting – Rivers are drying up.
Think Positive.

Fish population in Oceans is down to 1/3 of what it was 100 years ago.
Think Positive.

Pollution levels are going sky-high and valley-deep.
Think Positive.

There used to be millions of members in most species of Animals and Birds. Now they are down to thousands and hundreds.
Think Positive.

Weather is getting more and more irregular and unpredictable.
Think Positive.

Metal everywhere - Concrete everywhere - Plastic everywhere.
Think Positive.

All local cultures have been destroyed in the name of consumerism and globalization.
Think Positive.

Thinking positive is the height of insanity.
Thinking positive is the height of abnormality.

This is a world that has become completely incapable of feeling Pain, Compassion, Remorse and Guilt.
The planet is getting destroyed moment by moment – and people are thinking positive.

Very soon there will be 1 Animal and 1 Tree left in this world – and people will still be thinking positive.

They will be holding Seminars, Conferences and Global-Summits to save the Environment.

There is an important point which the human-species needs tounderstand. People think they can save the Environment by doingsomething.

We can never save the environment by doing something.

It is overactivity that has destroyed environment in the first place.

Human-species is the only one out of millions of species that hasindulged in overactivity on this planet [ And for this very reason thehuman speciesis going to exist on earth for the least amount of time]

And it is not Mild Overactivity – It is Excessive Overactivity – Exponential Overactivity.

We cannot save the environment by doing something.

We can only save it by doing less of what we have been doing - much less of what we have been doing.

If we want to save environment we will have to reduce human activity [overactivity] by 99%.

A person is being stabbed repeatedly at regular intervals - every hour.

Some people are trying to save the victim.

The sane way to save is - you first stop the attack – you prevent the attack.

What these insane people do - they allow the attack to be continued. They don’t stop it -- they don’t prevent it.

Instead, what they do - They say we are going to save the victim byusing technology - the best technology - the best medical care.

Bring this technology - Bring that technology.

Bring this technology - Bring that technology.

They give the victim the best technology - the best medical care.
In the meantime the stabbing continues – every hour – even while the best medical care is being given.

One can imagine the fate of the victim.

Ecosystems are getting destroyed due to production of consumer goods.

Every consumer good is made by killing animals, trees, air, water and land - directly or indirectly. [ more killing of nature takes place when consumer goods are used and discarded]

Industrial society is destroying necessary things - animals, trees, air, water and land for making unnecessary things - consumer goods.

The sane way of saving ecosystems is - you stop production of consumergoods - you reduce production of consumer goods to the minimum level.

But the insane Industrial Society continues producing consumer goods [ in fact production is being increased every day]

The insane response of Industrial Society is - We will save the environment with technology - the best technology.

Bring this technology - Bring that technology.

Bring this technology - Bring that technology.

In the meantime production of consumer goods continues - 3 billionpeople living in cities are continuously engaged in - making , buyingand selling of consumer goods - killing the ecosystems moment by moment.

One can imagine the fate of environment.

Height of Insanity.......Height of Abnormality.

Destroy consumerism..... before it is too late.
Destroy Industrial Society.....before it is too late.

The Illogical Logic of Man.

A few birds have got infected with bird-flu and Man has started killing millions of birds.
They say birds are a threat to humans.

Sometime ago there was Mad Cow disease and Man started killing hundreds of thousands of cows.
They said cows are a threat to humans.

Ever since Man came into existence - millions of humans with infectiousdiseases have transferred such diseases to millions of other people -and will continue to infect millions more in future.
Such people are a threat to rest of the people.
Man should follow the same logic here and kill all infected people.

It is Man who has killed millions of people in Wars and other forms of Violence – and can kill millions more any time in future.
Man should follow the same logic here and kill all people.

It is the human species which is the greatest threat to humans and allother life on this planet - In fact the human species is the onlyspecies which is a threat to all life on Earth.

Man has decimated all Animal and Plant species – polluted the Sky and Oceans - and poisioned every square inch of earth.

In a mere 200 - 300 years Industrial Society has destroyed all thatNature laboriously created over a period of millions of years.

Humans pose the greatest threat to other humans.
Humans pose the greatest threat to all other life on earth.

The so-called Rational and Civilized Man should follow the same logic here - and destroy the entire human race.

Please note :

If you indulge in Factory Farming – If you torture the birds – confinemillions of them in prison like conditions – depriving them of Sunlightand the freedom to walk and fly – you are creating an environment forthe spread of virus and disease.

Lifestyle of Mass Destruction.

Destruction is an inherent feature of Development.

Progress = Destruction of Nature.
Development = Destruction of Nature.

We can have Sustainable Lifestyle.
We cannot have Sustainable Development.

Development can never be sustainable.
Sustainability and Development cannot exist together.

Development and Sustainability are opposites.
Development and Sustainability are contradictory.

Sustainable Living is associated with consuming less – being satisfied with a simple and frugal life.
Development is associated with never ending desires – always wanting more.

Sustainable lifestyle requires Constancy.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Sameness.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Repetition.

Development is associated with Change.
Development is associated with New.
Development is associated with Transience.

Industrial Societies can never be sustainable – When you make thousandsof consumer goods you kill Nature - you kill Animals, Trees, Air, Waterand Land.

"Growth Rate" - "Economy Rate" - "GDP"
These are figures of "Ecocide".
These are figures of "crimes against Nature".
These are figures of "destruction of Ecosystems".
These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".

A Society that does mental work [city based] can never be sustainable -it will keep on making consumer goods - destroying the environmentmoment by moment.

Only agriculture-based societies that do physical work can be sustainable.

The term Sustainable Development is like the terms

Stationary Walk.
Silent Talk.
Wakeful Sleep.
Dark Sun
Gentle Torture.
Dry Rain.
Peaceful War.

Infinite growth and development on a tiny planet that is just 40,000 km in circumference? - Industrial Society is insane.

Man can repair and restore things that have been made by man himself.Car, Computer, Aeroplane, Rocket - if anything goes wrong with thesethings man can repair and restore.

Man cannot repair and restore Nature/ Environment - because man did notmake Nature/ Environment. Once a Forest is destroyed - it is gone formillions of years. One cannot create a Forest in 5 or 50 years - ittakes millions of years to make a forest - containing millions ofspecies of animals, insects, birds, plants and trees. Man can create aplantation in 5 or 50 years - not a forest.

The only way to save Environment is by not destroying it - leave italone - leave it undisturbed. If you destroy Environment you cannotrepair and restore it.

No Multi National Company can manufacture the Amazon Rainforests.
No MNC can manufacture Rivers and Oceans.
No MNC can manufacture Mountains and Deserts.
No MNC can manufacture milions of species and fertile soil.
No MNC can manufacture the Sun.

The glaciers have melted. Arctic Ice has melted. Man can use all hisTechnology - all the Refrigeration and AirConditioning Technology buthe will not be able to recreate the glaciers and Arctic Ice.

Many species of wild animals used to have hundreds of thousands/millions of members. Now it is down to a few hundred/ a few thousand.Which MNC is going to restore the animal population to its originallevel?

The Oceans have almost been emptied of all large Fish. Which MNC is going to bring the Fish back in the Ocean?

Man has hunted down several species to extinction after Industrial Revolution. Which MNC is going to make them reappear?

There was a time when Man used to say –

I work in order to feed my family.
I work in order to put Food on the Table.

Today man is putting a lot more than Food on the Table.

Cars, Computers, ipods, Aeroplanes, 200 TV Channels, Luxury Yatchs,Caribbean Vacations, Palatial Homes, Video Phones, Designer Clothes,Designer Drugs, Cosmetic Surgery …………… The list is endless.

Man is putting thousands of consumer goods and services on the Table.
There is too much weight on the Table.
And the Table has begun to creak.

The more you put on your table the more you take out from the mouths of Animals and Birds.

The more you put on your table the more you kill Animals and Trees.

The more you put on your table the more you kill Water, Air and Land.

The more you put on your table the more you kill Mountains and Valleys.

The more you put on your table the more you kill the Sky and Oceans - the Rivers and Lakes.

There are so many things on the Table that one can barely see the Food.

We need just a few things to live.
And we are making thousands of things.

Billions of people are engaged in making, buying and selling of thousands of consumer goods.

Destroy Shopping Culture.

Go back to Simple Living.
Go back to putting just Food on the Table.

Delhi, India

To read the complete/ modified article please follow any of these links :

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

When you least suspect it,
shortly after the dawn
of a new day
on some remote shore,
love awakens - boldly.

Aspects of this love
have visited before.
kindling your fire,
shoring up
your steadfast desire
to honor a love of that
which is whole.

Somewhere along your gypsy journey
you did befriend yourself,
did kiss your Anam Cara.
This love contained within
released the clenching grip
of neediness and held rejection.
You rested in a new order of felt wholeness.

Surprise arrived when you met another
who offered their half for love to nest.
"I love you" became an emphatic inclusiveness,
large enough to contain,
the entirety of what is.

Loving what is,
creating and sustaining
this energetic container
for love to nest,
awakening presence
setting loose the contagiousness,
expanding spaciousness,
opening, constantly,
to possibilities
here-to-fore held in nascent dream-scape,
now released. to spread and unfold,
to flourish and intermix
and transform with wings,
the vocabulary, languaging and intent,
the rites of passage
for our human family to
uncover, till and reseed
and work to harvest
our sacredness
held and experienced
in the heart
of authentic relationship.

The intimacy that accompanies and allows love to arrive and nest creates a constant opening of the heart, a constant presence, a constant opening to love. This can be experienced as a rigorous undertaking, this pervasive opening to love. The focus of attention and intention on remaining open in the heart to love is causal, i.e. it causes one to expose their hiding out places, their cynicism, their ducking away from life and from love. There is a boldness and even a fierceness called forth to embrace this degree of intimacy with love, within oneself, and sharing this openness with another, with others, with this world bathed in inherited pain. I propose we get on with embracing this love. Care to join with me in a community in love?; 828.280.4780!

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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Home is found in the heart,

an emotive, vibrational space

we have painfully strayed

and continue to wander away.

Returning to the heart,

a procession of bouts

of round-about wanderings,

tours in the foreign legion,

the desert of asceticism.

Cleansing, purifying,

a letting go of accumulated remorse, pain and guilt.

A rebirth in the transformational mud, muck and silt,

the water supply, a sacred river of shared tears,

these raw materials and raw energies of life - reclaimed.

The healing found in bonding intimately with birth family,

then with Self, then within the intimacy of a journey partner.

Intimacy with another,

an ongoing mastery of giving and receiving blessings.

Recognizing that others inflicting a vibration of malice

are deeply entrenched in their inherited and projected pain.

The appreciation of the transpersonal Self.

Engagement with life,

no more hiding out.

Facing up to insecurities,

surrendering to whatever life brings forward,

remaining vulnerable to all that hurts

and calls out a deeper aliveness,

a more profound connectedness to remaining intimate

with what is.

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