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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenSuch rapture and beautyheld at bay.The heart of your volcano,smouldering,wanting to erupt with such forceit takes the breath away.Thus in my own wayI root for thee to be releasedfrom your bondageand secret vows with Grief.~ ... ~ ... ///>! - HM
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenIt makes a difference sometimes,being four thousand feetcloser to thehydrogen-fusion reactorwe call Our Sun, old sol,warming us,ninety-three million miles away.Blue Skies and the Red Rocks of Sedona,these ancient carved landscapesare encouraging and provoking meto step off the trailsto wake up well ahead of the dawnto really drink in and appreciate the freedoms ...Plenty to be grateful forlike our long lifespan,lived in the wink of Sol - ha![sighing]A knowing deep withinthat there are forms and an orderapproaching an infinite underlying magnitude.Resting in the relative timeless backdropof fifty trillion starsbrings its own sense of serenityinsignificance - interconnectedness,shrouded in deep, deep Mystery.~ ~ ~This entry is provoking a sense of sacred reverie, this blissful, temporary release of earthly cares and just basking in the Oneness, like a lizard baking in the mid-afternoon sun. We are indeed well-captured when portrayed as God's creatures of sensual delight. - HM
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenThis past week, I was witness toa rugged, self-reliant, beautiful woman,successful artist, loving wife (etc. rich life resume ...)Completely break downinto great bouts of sobbing,deep weeping from an inner despair.A current friend of hers was not finding any footingand constantly sliding away from love,when this lady's love was close enough to be felt seemingly everywhere.This beautiful woman was invited to attend to her childhood,the stored in the mind-body memories of living in a wasteland,where love would not respond and could not be grown.She was reminded that no matter how diligent in efforting she tried,Visiting her deep and amply filled well,to take up the bucket brigade time-and-againto encourage love in family,it was not even remotely enoughto tip the scales in favor of Love.As these emotional depth charges began to subside,her body went into a lengthy series of inner tectonic quakes.She acknowledged the link between these special effectsand the long-standing chronic fatigue,expressing through her in after lunch naps,the necessary recharging of these fifty year old essence gaps.~ ~ ~This weeping was so profound that it carried the invitation of inclusivity for all humans on this earthDedicated to A. - Blessings to all - HM
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenA friend called me last night,drowning in her mix of sadness and remorse.An eighty three year old dear friendof her now departed mom had died this afternoonin her bed in the assisted living home.My friend had been a devoted visitor and friend to this lady just passed.My friend chose the path of biting her tonguein the face of the chafing cynicism and witthis now passed woman had nursed along.The evening before, she had visited her friend,and felt compelled to speak her peace on a topic.Late, in the pre-dawn of day of passing,her friend's email contained a wobble-of-imbalance,a resistance to accepting another's truth.Then, all signals were lost.Her daughter found her passed that afternoon.My friend would wish everyone blessed to find freedom from the sadness and grief that comes with living in this earth school.... ... ...As I sit with this, and having known the now deceased, I feel that we can all served by knowing when to speak truth when it it contained and carried in love. It can fill the sails of those departing for re-birth, allowing each and every one of us the opportunity to step out of our deeply worn grooves and ruts.This then, is my work-in-process blessing:We live in this earthly realm, this interface of light and darkness. It is in friendship and camaraderie and willingness to explore and uncover the sometimes raw truth that life shares with us, that we may perhaps find liberation, and if not that, at least a resting in solace - with the trouble and turbulence we identify within our experiences. - HM
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenGet it touch with the feelingthis inner knowingat the center of your heartthat,Being is something exquisite.Re-partner and repatriateso you may take up residence and fully manifest this life.Everything else is just playing with shadowslistening to echoes, old habits,nothing to do with naming and experiencing energetic Love.~ ~ ~
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenThe abyss of despairYou're already F'Ked.Hope completely lostthen found in holding thevulnerable other and consoling them.Consoling, nurturing energiespracticed in-the-moment, on-demand,always for someone else's welfare.Make room for loveas it has come back hometo finally roost within you.
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenWe delight in playing in the light.Come join me, finding some playfulnessin the mud and murkiness of the primitive swampThe strength of our Container of fellowship and familywhen built from the full spectrum of energiesbrings a fullness of empowermentan extra sturdiness of backboneto stand still and face the unknowing.
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenI am sitting here on the hot seatin the spotlight I have now transformedinto an interrogation room.I squirm with my anxiety,a circle full of people watching.Quit F'King laughing and staring at this shrinking me.Truthfully, I'm having a dickins of a timeconnecting in this moment to my heart.In my swollen pride, I am not finding the pathwayor handle to add wings to the heart-feltness of "do-over".The AaaaRRRrrrGGGGof frustration is nowadded to my squirming.I feel pinned to the wallfully exposed.Today's poster boy,unable to measure up,caving in again to anxiety,trying to cover it all up with some mix of humor-hostility.And I sit in thisAnd I sit with thisOw, this really hurtsThen humility arrivessoftening the bruises from repeated fallingsand Heart reconnectsand the divine words spread their wingsand the messenger of Love unfolds.Mmmmmm. The dance of pain and ecstasy is alive and arising within.~ ~ ~
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenEat your demons at breakfast todayElse they shall just be 24-hour-a-dayParasites,snacking on your essence,stealing your thunder,strapping on their hi-jacking chargesto collapse your backbone.Their destructive nature is insidious and relentlessas they work diligently to encourage you to cover over and encase your heart.~ ~ ~I've recently reconnected to my Buddhist acupuncturist. His recent treatment has to do with synchronizing gates between my intestines and my heart. Feels to me like what he is aligning within me is a capability to fully digest those demons still scurrying around in my gut. Ha! Just the right inner medicine for the ongoing transformation ... - HM
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenIf we take a look a the state of the Human condition,it certainly looks like we are caught up in some sort of race.To cover over with distortions, deceptions,cosmetic redirectionsmechanistic reflectionsour inner authenticity.Expanded and condensed truths are waiting to be defined.What a massive un-Education Projectis being readiedto restore spirit,authenticity andexpressions of Beauty.Hallelujah!It is up to us to bring it on.~ ~ ~
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenTo shift and transform this seemingly dark juggernaut.Here is how I am seeing it unfoldIf there was not an equivalentaliveness of Graceand her attendants, forgiveness, compassion, ...We would have long agowiped this earth cleanof all traces ofHumanity.We have, at our disposal, our ancestral lineage,a bounty of energies to pull from.Know that you are not alonein your noble struggle.And there are our stories of heroes and heroines.I am feeling into young David and his courage tobring into balance the bullyand oppressive mass of Goliath.Such incredible spirit emerges whenwe decide to put it all on-the-line!Without this commitment,quality of life could already be given away,resolutely lost.
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenLet me please have a double orderof visceral discomfortaccompanied with an in-depth understandingby directly experiencing these energies at play.And, slow it way down,so I can feel and observe it emergeand blossom in my imagination.Ah, so this is one of the trigger pointsthat cranks up my propensity towards contraction.Without this new found awareness,I'd keep caving in to the variousnameless energies, that I can now resolve andidentify as terror, revulsion, rejection, disgust, ...When I was once so intent on escaping or fleeing,now I begin to grok this game that's being playing.Take whatever time is neededto feel into these explicit sequences.Witness the energies and watch them turn less threateningand we will heal another one of our bound-by blindings.~ ~ ~
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(C) 2009 Howard McQueenSo, you've walked intothe Tavern of Annihilationbut you're still talkinglike you're holding outfor some concoctionor cocktail of salvation.Take a long sip from the depth of the Silenceand let everything you know be taken away,especially all that talk and chatter about spirituality.
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Faceless Love

(C) 2009 Howard McQueenHold the simplicity of realizationthat everything external is but experience,and let Grace take care of everything else.In the presence of the faceless love,we bow and are undone.
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(c) 2009 Howard McQueenThe leprechauns, they need feedingalready again intoxicated from too much drinking.Ready the light and divine musicknown to stir open their hearts.Those leprechauns, their mischievousness always ready to peaktheir known proclivity toward mean-spiritedness and misdeed.Lets make sure they are warmed by the musicto instead celebrate the heart and be bawdyand outrageous with their fellowship.Let there be dancing and merriment in abundance,then those leprechauns can take these gifts of practiced experiencedeep into the healing balm of their sleep.~ ~ ~A blessing for all who hold pain and hurt in their heart and who have been struck down, once or repeatedly, by the anger, hostility and pain erupting from another. Let us see this violence for what it really is, so we can respond from the heart and not with fist, knife, pommeling cutting words or the arsenal of weapons. - HM
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© 2009 Howard McQueenSo, I’ve cast the first stone, so you say,in the fold of the first anxious, emboldened kissplanted upon your crumbing fortress walladorned with the graffiti of broken love fragments.I see shades of your beauty-torment ariseAs this boundary-shattering love-offering arriveswell ahead of your orders to open the welcoming gaits.I am stone mason, chipping away with kiss,I am landscaper, placing stones in your shaded rock garden,along side the basil and fine Italian herbs and the deep pooled reserves of passion.More kisses are added to the storehouseAwaiting another place and timea filling in of maturity, letting this be a finer wine,shared in the fullness of respect and reciprocity.Perhaps not with the same face, but another,manifest through the mystery.~ ~ ~This dedicated to all the feminine energies that remind the masculine of the sacredness of approach and the asking of permission and honoring the answer, no matter how full we are in any particular moment. How very challenging it is to lay the foundation and connect into an everyday intimacy with our lover. It would be lovely to have your comments (anonymity is practiced) -
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