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(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Like a job you would be loath to show up for,

like a bad dream that seems to want to stick and not go away,

what you have grasped and hold to be your identity 

can be our very own mind-spun spider web,

catching and binding us to suffering.


If no web is spun,

there is nothing to create resistance.

Nothing becomes snagged.

The endless stream of thoughts and concepts,

free of judgments,

are allowed to flow on by.


~ ~ ~


Thoughts and concepts are 100% mind stuff.

Judgments, however, act as spider webs, showing us our attraction (and ultimately our repulsion as well) to our mind stuff.

If you express (fascination or repulsion) you also awaken its polar opposite, (repulsion or fascination) and then both become internalized within your mind, binding and blinding you to suffering.  This is where the seed of conflict is planted.


That which you have identified as you is believed to be incomplete (or likely defective).  Then that you begins wanting something that is missing, or avoiding something fearful.  The mind spins up an incredible storm of psychic energy to address this.  The crystal clear river bottom of peace becomes murky, the river agitated, and what is you takes on these mind-made attributes - and now there is suffering.

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(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


That we appear contained within a separate body

has no real bearing on establishing our identity, what we really are.


Yes, a part of our experience is hard wired into the sensory organs.

This is what makes experience sometimes so very delicious,

sometimes so very frightening.


That experience is ever changing,

that experience can be re-interpreted,

that our ability to become increasing facile

both interpreting and navigating through experience -- points to a mysterious depth,

an inexhaustible mystery.

It is from this origin that the mind cannot begin to fathom.

Accept that this mystery is your birthright, your birthplace,

your alpha and your omega

and all suffering vanishes.


End of all stories.

End of time.


Amen | shanti | shalom | be the peace | 


Welcome to the dynamic interconnected mystery.

Don't obsess over thinking about it.

Just be present.

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(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


There is a fundamental "grace" manifest and underpinning life.

This grace can be seen in the expressions of life as unconditional love.


If this were not true, every resentment would grow

into an insurmountable and impenetrable wall.

We would then strive to stone each other unto death.


That resentment and violence are even temporarily entertained, or acted out

is a sign that unconditional freedom is contained within unconditional love.

This includes the freedom to turn away from grace

and allow the mind that is disembodied and disconnected from heart

to wander and act out of ignorance and fear.

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(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


There is endless investigating,

endless searching and seeking,

endless manipulating

in order to shape circumstances that create and sustain happiness.


There is endless efforting to try to scrub clean (or eradicate)

what we refer to as the ego and all of its bruises and wounds.


Why not drop all this stress-induced restlessness

and no longer make any attempts to personalize experiences.


In our lifetime we will (and already have) 

experienced radical tipping points that

have shaken and cracked the conceptional foundations

in our economic, political, defense and other mind-of-man 

made structures.


If your well-being (i.e. identity, sense-of-self) are interwoven

into believing and trusting in these structures, 

right now would seem to be the opportune time to reassess your identity.

In a not so subtle way, what you identify with is what you believe in, is what your identity and sense of self are constructed upon.


So, a reassessment may appeal to you.

But lets be sure that this is not cosmetic,

that a reassessment of identity is not some easy, interim step,

or some lengthy, progressive process of gradual, measurable transformation.


Why not just uncover what you really are, during this life, in this moment.



Even words contain a seductiveness. 

Remember to dispense with them or the wild goose chase becomes an endless mental fascination, and endless bouts with suffering.




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(c) 2011  Howard McQueen


"I am" points our identity to the here and now.

Now, release this notion.


What are  you (your identity), if you are not

 the body

 the thoughts

 the memories

 the fleeting circumstances?


Yes, you are "the witness" of all this in the here and now.

Your true identity contains and enables "the witness" and all that is witnessed.

Now, release this notion.


So, what are you?



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(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Initiating a full-stop within 

is not creating silence.

It is no more than no longer believing in what the mind wants to dictate.

It is suspending belief in all the cascading judgments,

the inner urges,

the conditioned beliefs,

the false assumptions,

the remembered anxieties,

the fear and grief.


Secretly we hold on to and feed the mind,

hoping that it will protect and defend

the mental-emotional amalgam we believe to be our identity.


Identity is 100% mind-stuff.

Have you had enough drama and suffering?


Are you ready to relax and enter the flow of life,

without any need for identity,

without any need for protection or defense.


What will happen, will happen

and you will be present (or not) as it unfolds.


What a fantastic ride,

this being alive.

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Personalizing Suffering

(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


For there to be suffering,

experience must be personalized,

experience must be resisted (i.e. resented, feared, i.e. singled out by the mind with judgments).


It is the mind that constructs and creates ongoing beliefs that create suffering.


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Identifying with Purgatory

(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


Some memories, when accessed,

bring with them sensations of anxiety.


When we have spent extended periods of time in these valleys of anxiety,

we forget how acclimated and infused we became,

how we held on to this environment,

as if it held a sense of our true (dark) identity.


While in these valleys, the mind frantically struggles,

generating stress, until, often

we feel and perceive ourselves as diminished, dysfunctional and ... defective.

This obsessive self-judgment gens up a personal purgatory.


Back in this ever-present moment, we encounter experiences that the mind has a tendency to consider associations with its experiences - and then, wanting to be useful, fetch fragments from its stored purgatory.


Now, do we believe in what the mind fetches, or do we believe in what is unfolding in the here and now?


By choosing to abide in the presence of the here and now, we offer ourselves the freedom to release the mind from any responsibility for shaping/influencing our identity.



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Confirming and Affirming What You Are

(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


You may come to realize that you are not

the limited, cut-off, defective and helpless self.


You may have felt  like that and told yourself and others stories until

this formed a temporary and wavering sense of identity.


If your essence and nature are not this self, then what are you?


The sweet simplicity of confirming and affirming what you really are

will put a full-stop on suffering, as it appeared to once exist in your personal view of the world.



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From "The Gift"
By Hafiz, interpreted by Daniel Ladinsky
Tired of Speaking Sweetly
Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,
 break all our teacup talk of God.
If you had the courage and
 could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,
 he would just drag you around the room
 by your hair,
 ripping from your grip all those toys in the world
 that bring you no Joy.
Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly
 and wants to rip to shreds
 all your erroneous notions of truth
 that make you fight within yourself, dear one,
 and with Others,
 causing the world to weep
 on too many fine days.
God wants to manhandle us,
 lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself
 and practice his dropkick.
The Beloved sometimes wants
 to do us a great favor:
 Hold us upside down
 and shake all the nonsense out.
But when we hear
 he is in such a "playful and drunken mood"
 most everyone I know
 quickly packs their bags and hightails it
 out of town.
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(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


Knowledge is but an interpretation, an opinion,

 at most, a work-in-process hypothesis.

Knowledge can be bent, stretched and manipulated

 in the service of influencing, persuading, judging and enforcing.

There is great pressure to conform and believe in knowledge,

 not questioning its contexts or biases.

The temptation is to satiate oneself as the plate of knowledge is passed around.


In the absence of healthy skepticism, the breeding ground for gullibility, cynicism and conformity becomes fertile.

Our ability to reason and discern what is authentic and vital to our well-being is covered over.

Uncovering and recovering our ability to weed our own garden and till our own soil is to awaken from the numbing anesthesia - and to yank out the intravenous drip-feed of inauthentic, life-draining beliefs carried within knowledge.


So, my friend, how do we begin to discern and recognize wisdom when there is such an abundance of knowledge?


  Glad to enter into a discussion with you. ... 

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Howard McQueen (C) 2011


Choose to be with the truest emotion alive within you.

There is no need to manufacture any reaction to that emotion.

Awaken from the endless sleep-walking dream of reactive disempowerment.


Stay with whatever is real in this framed moment.

Allow the moment to play itself out,

and you will find, within yourself,

the seed from which to be at peace.


We have so little control over what life brings toward us.

There is so much to harvest,

so much to transmute and ferment into a finer wine,

readied to be shared in friendship and harmony.


May we each connect to the courage to encourage,

rather than to judge.

It is through example that we will begin to dis-empower the wheel of suffering.

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Howard McQueen (C) 2011


Survival of self, at any costs

does not make for a noble beast,

nor a heart-felt community,

nor a vital village.


There is this Darwinian, strangle-hold grip we use to ensure the survival of our identity.

It may just be what is holding you and me in our self-imposed sense of separation.


The more we try to protect and defend our identity,

the more intractable and mired we become in the quicksand of "just needing to survive".


Let our practice becomes one measured by our contributions to a larger container,

one inclusive and supportive of peace, solidarity and unity.


May we learn to keep the faith in values greater that personal identity.

We are now the keepers of the Dream.



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Play With Perception Month - Bayou


“That which is seen is the reflection of one’s own consciousness.”

               -Sri Nisargargadatta

September is International PlaY wiTH PErcEption Month and it starts now, right here in Asheville.


What does that mean?   A new interactive art exhibit is happening in the River Arts District that invites you to become an active participant and write on the commentary art panels. As you view the finished paintings you are invited to ask the question:  “What is the first word or emotion that comes to mind?”.  Share your perceptions on the panels.


This is Facebook social commentary come to life.


It means that every day this month a painting will be posted online on Facebook and blog for commentary.  You are invited to play with the art as a mini meditation or self inquiry.


Along with the show there is a video visual meditation using the artwork in the exhibit., This will be premiered at the opening reception and be posted on Facebok and Julie’s website.


Play With Perception Month



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This is a re-posting from this time last year.  Anahata had their 2nd Annual Summer Cultural Evolution Camp.  I attended this first year (last year) and wrote this to commemorate the impact on my life.


Writing from the Anahata community, Floyd, Virginia

At the conclusion of Summer Evolution Camp.

(c) 2010 Howard McQueen | Version 2.2 8/31/2010

There are places on this earth

fully ripened,

ready for your initiation into inter-connectedness,

ready for you to claim and co-exist with as your HOME.


Gracing and extending your connections beyond the domain and dominion of humans,

the vast natural world is ready to interface and be a lover's embrace.

The invitation is to open to and be infected by all manner of mysterious phenomena,

emerging from and being organically nourished by the Goddess Mother - Gaia.




The first fall leaves float by on the river, infiltrating and embracing my earth suit.

I am buoyed as well as immersed in this liquid life-giving force,

flowing and caressing the everything that is me.

As I focus my attention on listening,

way back up the hill, the chicken run erupts as a hen loudly cackles,

boastings of her laying let another magnificent egg.

My focus shifts back to visual,

to the river’s flowing surface, where,

in the reflected early morning light

water bugs glide, rapidly darting about,

doing their living rhythms.

From my more macro perspective,

their rhythms express a coordination of play.

I sense they are also inscribing and visibly expressing a language,

appearing if but for an instant, on the rivers surface.

Yes, this defies all rational understanding and yet, intuitively,

I smile and am warmed inside by the insidious play and pleasure

knowing this is how nature plays out her rhythms with all forms:

Invisible forces flow into and animate form,

for the sheer joy,

for some vaster, symbiotic, symphonic interplay.


Morning sunlight filters through the forest canopy,

revealing and illuminating the hued colors of the pebbled riverbed.

Rapids downstream echo their frothy spill.

Crickets in trees play their percussive electronic washboard sounds.

Something upstream breaks the rivers surface with a plopping sound.


Memory from last nights cacophony surfaces, with the primal screams and screeches

as two raccoons squared off to fight over the bucket of dinner scraps yet to make it into the compost.


The sweat lodge,

the picnic table,

leaves in slow motion floating down from the sky.

The shimmering of a few select trees moved by an invisible wind

in the midst of complete stillness of neighboring trees.

Ahhhhh, this page is itself curls up, levitated by the winds visitation.


A plastic childrens bath tub, imprinted with Donald Duck underwater in swim goggles;

A white plastic chair,

a white bucket,

two blue kyaks,

a blue laundry basket.

We humans, inhabiting this land with our human-manufactured possessions.


A forest green tarp strung between trees, the tarp's top speckled with spent, dried leaves.

Near vertical support poles, cut from trees, staked into the ground and tied with twine.

Nested under the tarp a woven multi-colored hammock, currently spun tightly closed,

inviting someone to enter and seek the restorative vitality of cocoon. It too is tied to two other trees.

This natural tarp-hammock honors and graces the land, bringing such a sense of

relaxed and sacred harmony.


As I start walking toward the sweat lodge,

A blue butterfly and dragon fly appear to grace my path.

A variety of butterfly cavort over the ashes in the firepit.

There is the circular ring of stones, a big glass cider jug of water

marking due East.

A small shrine just outside the sweat lodge entrance hosts a variety of artifacts:

part of a jaw bone;


smudge bundle;

a black snake replica,



Tibetan coins,

lambs ear, zinnia and other air-drying flower heads.


Back up near the main house,

just off the circular drive,

my eye again finds the slightly worn path.

I step off the gravel into light brush,

Passing a small tractor attachment half covered over with thistle.

I step, viscerally, into enchantment.

Grey brown trunks of naked white pines, easily seventy feet high, surround me.

Down the sloping hill, beyond the fall of the land,

is a lush, verdant narrowing valley, bounded by the serpentine river.

Here the land is hosting a small tent community, a primitive kitchen and,

part way up the hill, on the left, earthen toilets. .

I am imagining a two story tree house resting in this space,

built around and encompassing several key foundational pines.


What a residence.

What a contribution to the larger sense of the land itself as my/our interim,

gypsy-symbiotic home.

I notice a bee-as-emissary investigating my presence.

After gently waving it to create space, I notice it stays in perfect unison with my waves.

This is the dance of first contact. I stop waving now, knowing we have synchronized intentions.

The bee now advances, landing directly on this page of paper I am inscribing.

It makes tactile connection with several words I have just written, seemingly taking a
sample, somehow extracting the wholeness of message from its extraction.

I imagine this message being relayed to everything the bee interacts with, this message

permeating and percolating till it rejoins the hive, which initiates a widespread distribution.

For me, this is an exchanged blessing for a human expressing the intent to be in peacefully

co-existence with all of nature.


The thirty second walk back up the circular drive

opens to a lofted greenhouse and the large modern home.

A wooden vine trellis has been trained in the shape of a heart

graces the front entrance to the house.

Across from the house is a shop with a second story loft. Along the roof line are solar panels supplying the energy needs of the main house.

I resonate with all of this and breath in, slowly and deeply,

then silently mouth the blessing “Welcome Home, loved ones”.


There is an infinity of presence awaiting us, as we surrender our contrived equities and identities and release and relax into these moments with nature ...

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Version 2.0

(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Before pulling up the covers of comfort,

 let us not settle for the suffocation and stagnation of sameness.


Life is change.

Change is the destroyer of hardened habits.

Change is the sandblaster aimed directly at the separated self.


Resist the messenger of change and become intimate with long-suffering.


Embrace change and the web of inter-related aliveness is revealed.

This web of life-in-change is the vital, life-sustaining stream.


Come drink deeply, again and again.

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(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Within the inner chambers of the heart,

 patiently waiting to be reclaimed,

 is a vast cache of feelings.

The heart offers us its innate capacity to become fluent feeling our human-ness,

 to become intimate with all that is overwhelming

 in our experiencing the unfiltered, unguarded life.


To be fully present, 

 to be fully invested,

 to allow yourself to open to your feeling center

 and feel all that is loose in the world.


It requires stretching beliefs, to incorporate all of what we are here to witness and experience.




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Experienced in Dahlonega, GA 

(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


I see the wild, unbridled aliveness in your eyes.

I feel the passion for inviting others into the radiant warmth of your embrace.


At the summer concert in our town square,

 I watch as you hand out small vials containing a magic liquid and magic wand.

The children (as well as a few adults) open these vials,

 then breathe outwardly into their wand,

 releasing a magical salvo of bubbles into the evening air.


This is the essence of you - gifting the world with the joyous experience

 of expressing the lightness of being playful and free,

 of breathing out into this world

 effervescent, contagious joy.



Inspired by my lover and wife, Heart

May this blessing reach all of you other earth mothers, 

 and the men who love and support them!

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(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


Rather than "quiet the mind", see the mind as an instrument that manufactures wildly diverging possibilities, all in an attempt to create control.  We become wise when we realize that controlling sets into motion its own set of repercussions.

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