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Version 1.1

(C) 2011 Howard McQueen


When we grasp for things, we sometimes clinch,

 and pull ourselves off center.


When we shrink and hide, we become adrift,

 out-of-touch with our center.


When we realize we are over-indulging

 the ten thousand arising thought forms,

 we realize we've been robbing ourselves of our presence.


When we hold ourselves in contempt,

 through repetitious judgment,

 we set the wheel of suffering into motion.


Into this Oneness we are born,

 cast into a separate form.


Form is fleeting, the experience of occupying form

 is utterly fantastic,

 and terrifying.

The opportunity is present to witness and express

 the fullness of the human family,

 without overlooking or speeding past anything.


We will be broken,

 split wide open to the raw elemental forces

 that shape, scour and ultimately separate form 

 from its animating life force.


Remaining in our center with all that comes our way,

 is the greatest spiritual gift.


You've been given another turn.


What a marvelous opportunity to bear witness to  ...




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Excerpts from Douglas E. Harding's book "Open to the Source".  Mr. Harding founded the "Headless Way" as a way, using direct experience, to connect to source. 


My comments are not bracketed, while Mr. Hardings are within brackets [ ] 


The personal ego can be so full of need to do, so anxious, so churning [Yet, what's needed is coming up form the depths just when it should.  In Heaven you discover the quiet upsurge from the Abyss.]


[If we wish to find out what it's really like to create the world, we have only to desire nothing and pay attention.]


[Part of the price of involvement in the world is to have feelings, some of which are agreeable, som of which are disagreeable, and some of which are tragic.  I can't exist, ca't express at all, without this dualism:  the dualism of good and evil, eauty and ugliness, black and white, etc., which is the inescapable condition of expressing into the world from the place that is free of those dualities.]


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Version 1.1

(c) 2011 Howard McQueen


Deep within,

our demons snack upon our essence.

They are the quantum parasites taken up residence within our being.

This breath of essence we refer to as I

has the challenge to remain present and fully consciousness,

or trip off and vacate our body, loosing our awareness in the quantum distortion.

Welcome to the home of the Parasite.

It has the nickname - Fear.

It's reactor and energy core,

the need to manipulate and control.


For when we fear,

we are urged to give away the ultimate, abundant resource.

It goes by the labels of peaceful presence,

loving interconnectedness,

the grand romance with unity, the mysterious collective existence,

the perpetual knowing that all existence is both fleeting and forever,

that we are born into and are heir to all that is Timelessness.


Peeking into the paramount paradox of choice,

we realize we need not hand over the reigns to the Parasite.


Call it surrender,

call it inner Jihad,

Call it the thousand deaths by suffering.

Do whatever it takes,

or undo in yourself what has taken hold

so you can choose to no longer relinquish the reigns

on this never-ending journey.

This is the call to awaken and light up the world.




Begin to harness and reclaim the energetic emotions surrounding your fear. These are your allies in disguise. Realize that you cannot be extinguished and only you can leave yourself seemingly diminished.  Cultivate courage and not give yourself away to your fear.



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© 2011 Howard McQueen

Slow down,
look around,
take the time to feel the rhythms of others
AND turn inside to begin establishing a center,
a source
an inlet
where what is outside
starts as an impulse, a current
flowing through whatever might be what is you.

Remember to rest within, with a steadfastness of patience.
This will allow circumstances to unfold,
instead of you rushing ahead or trying to pre-empt the unknown.
There is a delicacy-of-genius knowing when to move towards action
to keep yourself clear, open and alive,
so as to not become closed off, stale, numb or sleep-walking.

This great artistry, being present and alive,

at the edge of the mystery,
and cultivating connection to listen to and heed the
whispered counsel of our deepest, inner intuition.

In our speed to complete, compete and remain bound to reactive patterns,
we speed past the fullness, failing to harvest and appreciate the bounty life brings.

Slow way down,
catch the rhythm of another
while also softly beating your own drum.
Practice co-ordinating the creation of another shared,
co-created rhythm,
stopping regularly to witness the evolution.
This is living in the impromptu,
making up what is manifest
without knowing what will turn out.

We all know how to do this.
Why have we settled for the security of sameness and conformity for so long?
Where has it gotten us?


*** ***** ***

Musicians, impromptu theater actors and comedians, speakers and poets can sometimes honor this space.  Let us encourage ourselves and everyone we meet to begin laying down their own stale molds and start living generously within the impromptu ... 


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Version 2.5

(C) 2010 Howard McQueen


Within this Wholeness that has been breathed outward,
there are a whole host of characters wanting expression.

There is you and there is me.
And, even when there is only the "me",
there is an "i" and an "I".

We are bound to become entangled and confused
in the perplexity of all these relationships

and the sheer need for expressiveness. 

I am remembering a golden rule:
In my anxiety and fear,
before I assess and begin to blame you,
let me remember to ask what the "i" inside of me
most needs to express.

This fragmented "i" is born of our domestication,
is infected with a man-made sense of separation.

If we fully identify
with this "i",
differences of opinion never resolve,
unresolved differences escalate into conflict and derision.
We call upon our intellect to stimulate fight and flight
and create vast perceptual gaps,

and then we find our relationships defined by these gulfs of separation.

By awakening within this perplexity,
we have the capability to encourage the "i" to say what it feels to be separate
and allow the space and silence for deeper truths to shine through.
It is in listening to this separation-speak
and not projecting it upon another
that we begin to cleanse our "i" of its sensations of separation
and all it's flight and fight reactive-ness,
this anxiety ginned up believing in and then acting out our projections of separation.


What is left are the deeper sensations signaling our belonging,

the warm desire for connection,

and so much more.


For some these signals may not be any stronger than a faint perfume,

for others, a near and ever-present intoxicant.

Whatever the strength or intensity,

be of a strong heart and bring forth your compassion and encouragement

when you hear the pain and confused signals carried in separation-speak.

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(C) 2011 Howard McQueen

When we bring all our awareness to bear,
when we set all expectations aside
and just inquire,
we open ourselves to deep listening.

Deep listening penetrates the myriad surface noises,
piercing through all the echoes and ghost signals bound to fear and anxiety.

Deep listening is non-linear.
It does not rest at the rational plateau to try to fix or solve problems.
Deep listening connects us to where we have systematically blocked
or walled ourselves from the essential flow of source.

Deeply listen to the mountain stream.
Deeply listen to the ocean's surf.
Deeply listen to the wind rustling the canopy of trees.
Deeply listen to the icy-laden tree limbs crack in the blizzard's rest.
Deeply listen to the howl of hurricane force winds
or the anxious and pain-filled cry as someone slides off a slippery roof
and falls to break their back.

Years after all these events have passed,
deeply listen NOW and you'll be privileged to encounter
the residue from forces that shape and strip us of feeling safe and secure.
When you are fortunate enough to meet someone who is deeply listening,
don't hold back in telling on your own echoes and ghosts.

remember to pass on this gift of deep listening ...
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© 2011 Howard McQueen

What feelings and intent will we fill our world with?
These are matters for the heart to help us feel,
so we may then direct our healing.

We are awakening to a constant choosing:
to live in and broadcast our heart-felt presence,
to honor, share and acknowledge this presence with all living things.
As we do this, we create a high fidelity heart-felt experience.
By consciously connecting and activating our own heart,
we gently also invoke the invitation to awaken the hearts of others.
This literally activates the vast web of interconnected Heart space,
and the quality of our earthly experiences rise in fidelity,
and the quality of intents we shape and contribute to the world
aligns with this rising fidelity.

Make no mistake, this is the long-awaited, much anticipated
grand evolutionary symphonic movement,
this musical flowering of the heart.
It is joyous,
it is heart-breaking,
it carries the cries of loss
and the ecstasy of interconnection
as we more deeply learn the interplay of love and compassion.
It brings forth a humble as well as a fierce courage,
one born of knowing from a depth-of-integrity,
how to be responsive in each moment,
and bring forward heart-felt intent.


The opening and ripening of the heart
is the invitation to fully show up,
to be present,
to claim and occupy
the vibrant, life-giving sacred space
set aside for our spirit and consciousness to fully download and embody.
It is awakening and allowing the free flowing of our essence,
as we shift away from the drama of the head-stuff of programmed fear and separation
into the in-the-moment dance, being present, holding and activating our interconnections
and remaining in communion with the mysteries that will unfold.


It is a call to upgrade your own personal operating system,
to cleanup all the old, unsupported, judgmental programming,
and create the space within to stream
ultra high-fidelity heart,
the super-charged,
vital life force flowing
from pure source.
It all begins with passing what you intend to create directly through your heart,
and again … and again.

This human family is awakening,
as we join in streaming in
the rhapsodic infectious musically emotive language
of ultra high-fidelity heart-felt intent.

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From Don Miguel Ruiz


Your heart can create any amount of love, not just for yourself but for the whole world. Open your heart, open your magical kitchen, and refuse to walk around the world begging for love. In your heart is all the love you need.

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© 2010 Howard McQueen


All will be well,

and as it should

in each moment,

we cease resisting

what we fear.


When we can actually encourage,

actualize courage

from within.


What we fear


When our relationship within



The work of relationship,

freeing ourselves from

bindings and boundaries,

from the resistance grown

and installed within our operating system.


Relax and release

all fear.

Freedom awaits,

consciousness celebrates

our coronation.

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Version 2.4 |  12/26/10

© 2010 Howard McQueen


We know, from our intimate experiences

with those we have loved and trusted,

and that have loved and trusted us,

that we, as one family,

have occasion to turn toward the infections of fear and confusion,

and become unconscious - overwhelmed.

This infection has spread,

till it seems to be so near,

seemingly at times,

so everywhere.


Rather than practice the long-standing patterns of avoidance,

we wait for the infection to erupt and confound,

and plunge ourselves straight into its core.

We are blessed with a conscious partner,

one where the agreement has been consecrated

“to remain holding on to one another”.


Rather than fling ourselves into separation,

we hold on as the storm rages.

It is such a tempest, such strong emotional eddies surge through us.

We remind each other that we are learning to share

the encouragement that comes

from holding on.


This holding on is a miraculous medicine

any two or more can invoke, 

just by holding on - together.


Holding on opens us to the direct experience of witnessing what we fear the most,

as seen through the eyes of another.

We learn by seeing what we are trying so hard to manipulate and control

and, in receiving this, have the honor to nurture and console another,

knowing we are ultimately also nurturing ourselves

and learning to let go

of the need to control -- outcomes.


Resident and underneath our motives of needing to manipulate and control

lie patience, grace and a growing wisdom

to allow most things to just be.

When left alone, these things and we

are swept into the timeless mystery

of not knowing.

and in this timeless space we uncover an inner trusting,

a willingness to rest and relinquish control

until the healing inevitably comes.


It is this healing that now also spreads,

virally, throughout our one family.


Find at least another someone,

and then let it be a community of others,

and make a pact to practice this art of holding on

and healing our family!



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© 2010 Howard McQueen


Every moment of life is gifted to us,

so why is it we find ourselves

so often reminded

of when we experienced all the conditions to love,

all the conditioning passed on down stream to us,

conditions which suggested and often dictated

we no longer believe in the unlimited flow of love,

of nurturing,

of respect,

of being appreciated,

of being so interconnected with this great big human family,

this vastness of interconnection with all that is.



Our will, once influenced,

once infected with the false advertising of conditioning,

sets us to task to manufacture disturbance-based

strategies to avoid or to acquire

what we are already completely interwoven into

and inseparable from.

The sheer futility, the mental madness

The toxic emotional wasted-ness,

of hiding from, of by-passing, the sacredness of this life – well-lived.





Striving for,

Not being judged good enough,

Not feeling worthy or deserving

of this infinite moment to flow into the unlimited joy and love

of being alive.


We slip and trip in these personal pathways and corridors

so well worn by us,

so well trafficked by our fellow human family and all our ancestors.



These vast corridors that closet the mind

stretch into icy snow-drifted mazes,

which we believe are safe to seek comfort by hiding out,

from this great big unlimited flood of abundant love,

that comes rushing in at us,

not discriminating good from bad,

right from wrong,

pain from pleasure.

For all that judgment is left for us to decide,

or not to step into those corridors.



Set your resolve to become aware of what you are appreciating in the moment.

When you discover you have slipped into a corridor,

encourage your awareness to willfully step out of that corridor

into the freshness and vitality of the realness of this moment.

Then, you may choose how to go about unwrapping and more fully

appreciating this gift of life.




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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

To remain connected-in-love with another
is to honor the constant willingness
to uncover the sacred sense of self,
the self image evolved,
no longer depending upon the courtroom of judgment
or its minions of reward and punishment.

We step off all know paths
when we learn to love - without condition.
We choose compassion over revulsion
inclusiveness over exclusiveness.
Our awareness swells to take in
more and more of the full spectrum of what is humanly possible,
all the abuse
all the sorrow
all the broken and shattered expectations.
And, we begin the process to allow all experiences to settle,
and reassemble without judgment.

This Mystery, fully lived
bring us into a vast cathedral
of journeying with other beings,
cycling through spans of being incarnate
each given the opportunity,
time and again,
to awaken to our expansive and all inclusive.
most curious and compassionate,
innate nature.

* *** * *** * *****

Our work in clarifying what we hold to be true involves a conscious reexamination of how our personal awareness has evolved out of the lies and deceptions manufactured by trying to protect ourselves, by believing that we should be exempt from aspects of life.

The flowers and trees, they are not distracted by the mental derisions and masturbations we humans imbibe in. Life is lived without warranties.

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(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Each time I say "I Love You"
I sense within me
both an expansiveness
as well as the echoes of constrictions and restrictions.

This "I" that loves,
when not feeling secure,
constricts and closes down
the natural, living, abundant expansiveness.

This "I" that chooses to obsess over the experiences triggering restrictions
is self diminishing itself,
is separation becoming pervasive
is us receiving the consequences of believing in what was once seemingly diminished.

We need not continue to believe in or continue making this choice to suffer.

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This posting comes from the DailyOM blog

Life has its way of bringing us into contact with people who challenge us with their differences.

We tend to gravitate toward people who are the most like us, at least in the ways that make us feel comfortable. But life has its way of bringing us into contact with people who challenge us with their differences. It may be an obvious difference reflected in their outward appearance or an invisible but powerful philosophical stance, but even in our closest circle of friends and family, there are those that confront us with their different ways of experiencing and expressing life. We can choose to resist , but we can also choose to learn from them and appreciate that they too have a place in the kaleidoscope of life.

As much as we may say that we want peace and quiet and a life without struggle, the truth is that human beings are, at this time, thriving in a world of dualities and challenges. It is how we choose to approach these hurdles that determine if we sail over them, confirming our agility, or trip and end up face down in the dust. And each of us absolutely will and must stumble, and then get up, brush the dust off and carry on. This is how we learn and grow, developing depth of character and shades of understanding. In a world of dualities, we have trouble defining ourselves without something opposite, and can't discover who we are. Without challenge, there is nothing to do and nothing to discover. That leaves us either in a state of non-being or the state of pure spirit, but as humans, we are spiritual beings experiencing the physical world in all of its startling contrast and beauty.

No matter how spiritual we are, our lives will have challenges. We will always run into people that are different that we are, but the true challenge may be in finding ways to be at peace with this process. Rather than give in to the fight or flight response that comes from our animal nature, we can find new ways to evolve together into higher more beautiful expressions of ourselves, realizing, embracing and celebrating the beauty of diversity and the strength it offers for the future.

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Version 2.0
(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Anahata, the heart-center of community,
the one family
and wounded,
all coming together
in the pressure cooker of extended family.

Sharing from the inside out
an emerging trans-personal integrity,
constantly pressing against boundaries,
threatening all personally-held senses of safety and security.

Anahata, where
process structure and control
and radical independence
are freight trains speeding, seemingly toward collision.
Come step into the fire
and be forever altered,
your spirit inexplicably infected,
with the great love and compassion of her founder
and this entire experimental family,
we lovingly chant into the mystery,
her name --- Anahata.

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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

Something extraordinary is happening.
You and I and others are awakening.
Realizations are blooming in a sacred space,
finding their way through personal and collective
mind numbing and heart restricting patterns.

What is alive, what allows us to tap into this sacred space
is known to us as flowing, healing, living Grace.
Faith is required to maintain the sacred healing power of Grace.
For our humanity to heal, to integrate, to evolve,
we encourage each other to consciously choose to nourish and incubate,
by every small and seemingly mundane choice,
each contribution and interaction we shape
our collective, evolutionary experience.

Will we breed old patterns of fear and confusion?
or will we speak our most radical, deepest truths,
and dis-empower what suffocates,
what gags and constricts us,
what sleight of mind we allow to continually rob us
of right action?

Bring forward our wise elders
let us teach from right action.
Let us be responsible (response able) to our fear and aggression.

I will meet you in this container of collective Grace,
where we can release old patterns and
recover our wholeness,
our collective we-ness
and share in the heart-felt intent
as we spread the spirit of abundant Grace.

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From The Invitation, by Orion Mountain Dreamer

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithlessand therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

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This morning I sat down and began to write about a common vision for community. My sense of community is focused around inner growth and developing unity.

This draft has omitted the important financial and labor contribution components.

So, below is a very early rough draft.

I am wondering if anyone else has any visions they would be willing to share? If so, please send these to

**** COMMUNITY ****

We affirm, through our conscious intent, to build and sustain relationships that encourage co-operation and foster trust and respect.

As individuals, we hold ourselves responsible for developing a depth of understanding of our own unresolved and un-integrated feelings, emotions and fears.

We as individuals are also motivated to combine into co-operative relationships (partnerships, families, pods in a community, communities, etc.). While participating in these relationships and working to accomplish and realize shared goals, friction and conflict is inevitable. A core belief we hold is that conflict arises first and foremost as an internal energetic disturbance/imbalance. In addressing and working to resolve this inner conflict, we agree that the primary emphasis is to address the triggered inner conflict, not the external stimulus that serves to trigger the conflict. We agree to try out, test and, when appropriate, adopt various tools and modalities and become trained in facilitating inner growth.

Some examples of this lifestyle include:

Encouraging each other see the behavior patterns that short-circuit unity and lead to feelings of separation.

Encouraging each other to open-up and re-examine the stories and underlying beliefs that empower our shadowy fears.

Encouraging an ongoing adeptness in knowing when to be gentle and when to be direct and fierce to awaken ourselves and another.

Bringing forward our authentic voice and willingness to dialog, to encourage our individual and collective needs to coalesce into a shared vision, and into joyous activities where we can express and exchange our passions and appreciations.

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The Miracle of Life

I am pleased to announce to the world that my wife Shelby and I are expecting. By that I mean that she’s pregnant with our first child, who has an ETA of April 17, 2011. Needless to say, this a very exciting time for both of us. A miracle is unfolding as we speak :)

To be honest, I never really had any interest in kids up until a year or two ago. Before that, I thought all of my friends were crazy for wanting them. I saw procreation as something that people were just programmed to do, and I didn’t feel that same software running in me. But, as I started realizing that the secret to life’s beauty and perfection lay in the eyes of innocence, I started paying more attention to children, especially infants, and how they view this world. That was the kindling that started the flame of interest.

When you look at a wide-eyed baby staring at everything around them for the first time ever, it can give you an appreciation for the miracle of being present only to this moment, in all its glory. They see everything without a story, without judgments. They are born free from preconceived notions and beliefs, and completely open to what life has to offer (that doesn’t necessarily mean they like everything it has to offer). Infants have no fear of gaping at other people, or doing other things that adults tend to be embarrassed by, because they are ego-less beings. Babies are like little Buddhas, staring through untainted eyes, inviting us to do the same if we are willing.

As my appreciation for infants deepened, my desire to have a baby increased as well. It was like my biological clock had finally started ticking, and my wife and I started seriously talking about having a baby for the first time in our almost 20 year relationship. It was finally time.

Once the magic stick appeared with a pink plus sign, we were both excited, but it didn’t seem real until our first real Doctor’s appointment, where we got to see a little dancing being on the computer screen. Here was this tiny little organism that would one day be a human being.

That’s when I started visualizing holding our child for the first time, staring into its all knowing eyes, while I cry tears of joy at what a beautiful miracle this Life is. How magical it is to be able to create life. It’s something I always took for granted until it dawned on me how magnificent it really is. Life has been giving birth to Life since the beginning of time, and I never really appreciated it until now. I now understand why they refer to babies as little Bundles of Joy, because that’s exactly what they are. I tear up just thinking about seeing him or her smiling for the first time :)

It may seem to go without saying, but everyone you see around you was a tiny little Bundle of Joy at one point (technically we all started as tadpoles, but that’s neither here nor there). Imagine that! Every person that you meet is still that same innocent baby all dressed up in a mask. We start weaving our identity masks at young ages, and have them well crafted by adulthood, but nothing underneath has really changed since the day we were born. If you really take a close look at a stranger or a loved one, you can see the child in them, hiding under that mask. When you set aside your own mask, and look at the world through the eyes of the child you once were (and still are), you can see the innocence of others reflected back at you. It’s almost as if our mask creates theirs.

I’m ready for little baby Boo (our nick name for him/her) to show me the way to unmasked Love, though it’s hard to imagine not breaking down into tears of joy each time I look into those eyes. As you can probably tell, I am very excited about being a father (it still sounds kinda weird to say that), and I’m glad we waited until we were older to have a child because I needed to feel this sense of gratitude in order to be the best possible parent.

I could write for hours on this subject, but let me just end by saying, “Here’s to the miracle we call Life and all the Love it has to bring.” <3

In Peace and Love,
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© 2010 Howard McQueen

We give away our power to continue dynamically authoring our life

forgetting we are always @Choice to step into and embody our innate authority.

Most of the time, we become challenged to be @Choice

over the small things,

like feeling interrupted or not feeling heard.

And, because of past patterns that have left us with blind spots,

we blindly repeat patterns that create separation

from our inner, authentic authority.

It is really important to see what is really going on

in order to effect a shift in these victim-perpetrator stories.

If I fail to step into my courage and loose my voice

because I have the sensation that someone/something external has challenged my authority,

I have no business becoming frustrated or being mad or holding someone else responsible.

This merely perpetuates the originating experience when, as a young child, I was in a position of powerlessness.

That I am still behaving as if someone can seemingly wield power over me

reveals that I am still stuck in a repeating pattern,

that I still believe in the old story, thus perpetuating it,

that I am not remembering that just a touch of courage and encouragement

will dissolve all these stories

and allow me to be in touch with my innate, authentic authority.

This authority rests in love: love for self, love for the heart of humankind, love for speaking the truth and embodying what Parker Palmer calls

“a fidelity to the best potentials of the human spirit”.

Fidelity has such a musical, energetic quality, such a sense of tuning into the wondrous sensations of what the soul, through our Anam Cara, holds in store for us.

When we are willing to be in the moment and realize that we are, even in the extreme discomfort of challenging circumstances, fully @Choice.

Granted, life can at any moment send just about anything our way. That we are at best, a navigator and, to continue writing our experience, we must be grand interpreters to open wide and bring in all life offers us. We so often forget that we are written into the great Shakespearean playing out of life.

What a most incredible ride, that we can indeed be @Choice and have a sense of authority, without having any degree of control. Not an easy consciousness to embody and hold steady, where there is so much distracting surface noise and agitation.

Love is our softening agent, allowing is to be @Choice and free to accept life and constantly navigate to stay in the dynamic flow of the unknown.

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