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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Unconditional Personal Regard is the blanket acceptance of a person regardless of what they say or do. Without Unconditional Personal Regard (for themselves), people may come to see and imagine themselves in the negative ways that others have made them feel.

Further, those sharing their negative feelings may also denigrate and corrupt their image of the person they are projecting their feelings upon.

When we live and our experience is entirely filtered through the shallow field of behavior, it can be very challenging to maintain an unblemished positive potential for ourselves or for others that we are in challenging and loving relationships.

It is a challenge to step back from highly charged emotions, where our thoughts and words are so full of judgments, so fueled by our own projections. When we don’t hold ourselves and others in the field of unconditional Personal Regard, there is the very real risk that the image of self as this vast potential for innate goodness becomes obscured and covered over.

In the darkness and fog of the illusions stirred up by intense vented emotions, we begin to believe that the core of a person (ourselves or others) is corrupted, unsafe, beyond repair, beyond our ability to remain in connection with them. We become the enslaved images of our ego's dramas and we are lost in dramatic illusion and delusion.

We each can benefit from practices and disciplines, such as Unconditional Personal Regard, that help us to separate how we receive behavior from how we receive and regard the core potential of others.

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More on Unconditional Personal Regard

David G. Myers says the following in his Psychology: Eight Edition in Modules:

"People also nurture our growth by being accepting—by offering us what Rogers called unconditional positive regard. This is an attitude of grace, an attitude that values us even knowing our failings. It is a profound relief to drop our pretenses, confess our worst feelings, and discover that we are still accepted. In a good marriage, a close family, or an intimate friendship, we are free to be spontaneous without fearing the loss of others' esteem."

Unconditional positive regard can be facilitated by keeping in mind Carl Rogers’ belief that all people have the internal resources required for personal growth. Rogers' theory encouraged other psychiatrists to suspend judgement, and to listen to a person with an attitude that the client has within himself the ability to change, without actually changing who he is.

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(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

In this posting, two friends (Yang-J) and (Yang-H) are in conversation,
seeking to find ways to uncover a center of calm where love of life can be cultivated. Both parties agreed to allow this conversation to be posted, maintaining their anonymity.

And Yang-J writes

Wow Yang-H,
I am continually impressed by the simple sincerity and gloriously glowing optimism that you have cultivated through your inspiring poetry. That is really fantastic! I need to get into your headspace. To say that I have been consumed with negative thoughts, self doubt and depression would be like saying the Titatanic experienced a slight navigational hiccup.

Luckily I am on the upswing.
3 months of mind numbing self loathing, spineless self pity and morbid catatonic paralysis is about all I can take. Even my brand of masochistic narcissism has its limit.

On the spiritual front, I finally have conceded to myself that there is a higher power if only to stave off the depressing thought that human beings are the highest power on the planet and in control of their own destiny. If that is the case then we are all hopelessly humped and the only remedy for that is slow hedonistic suicide via licentious debauchery before we destroy the planet and the cockroaches take over. That option being neither productive nor affordable, I have evolved in my quest for enlightenment and truth. Dark brooding and philosophical musing has failed to shed light for me on the precise nature of this higher power but empirical evidence and careful observation seems to suggest that it takes the role of an absentee slumlord who no longer bothers to collect the rent. my view of god and mankind boils down to the implication that we are basically squatters living in a universe governed by chaos theory and benign neglect. That being said, my therapist thinks I am improving my positive mental attitude. Although I am a firm believer in psychiatry, there are times that I wonder if my money might be better spent going to brothels instead... Ive done the math and brothels are not only cheaper than psychiatry, each visit comes with fellatio.

It worked for Fredrick Neitzche, but then again he died of syphilis. On the other hand some scholars argue that if it were not for his syphilitic madness, Neitzche would not have written "Thus Spoke Zarthustra". What ever the case may be, I both need to get saner and aspire to a better muse.

Then there is the practical considerations that brothels are neither covered under the national health insurance nor are they tax deductible as a medical expense even if all the new escort services are now called Delivery Health services. Life can be so unfair sometimes.

enough about me, how are you?

And Yang-H responds
Ha, that society's governance rewards conformity and corrective punishments rather than celebrating the benefits of brothels is indeed a barometer for the dysfunction for the human-made belief structures.

The Tao, IMHO, is perhaps most indicative of the mysterious forces that govern all corporeal beings.

I would say that my most profound shift has been to be aware and feeling centered in my Heartspace rather than isolated and cutoff in my overly-developed mental Headspace.

Being in relationship, in-the-flow (so to speak) with the Tao, keeps us humble as well as constantly adaptable to being aware of all the subtle (and not so subtle) beliefs that we inherited from society (and family as society) that are internally running and corrupting our own inherently "pristine" inner operating system.

So, IMHO, we each individually, as well as in our inter-personal relationships, have a commitment to show our masks and blocks to each other. No so that we try to fix each other, but to disrobe and encourage each other to clearly see the blocks and missed-understandings, and the pain that we avoid and then scab over, and try to build our identity and personality layers over this (quicksand of unprocessed fear / confusion / ...).

The work has to be continuous, as well as gentle (in most cases), so that it does not destroy the fragile hold many of us have, through the currently fragmented ego. Our challenge is not to destroy, but to bring in larger and larger, more profound paradoxes and create the inner peace to be with "what is". What is - is the current condition of the world as we humans have currently manifested it, given our long-standing patriarchy of command and control. IMHO, we cannot begin to immediately fix this, other than to use education and demonstrate by our own life, how we choose to create a legacy that demonstrates our own inner transformation.

My wife/partner has, as a core of her being, a desire to assist others see the truth, which I have awarded her the nickname "The Liberator". Seeing into the truth of oneself requires that we let go of all the stories cemented in place to keep the ego on fire with drama. As we deconstruct and dissolve the ego, my experience is that what we find is a benign presence, a pregnant silence that allows everything to just be as it is, and there is a patience and compassion to see all the suffering as a work-in-process that, for many, may be overwhelming, and for others, may push them directly into a magnificient transformation. In this regard, Evolution is seen as perhaps a harsh mistress, as there are (seemingly) acceptable casualties. Course, the ego, always defining itself through the frightened sense of a limited, overly vulnerable and (always gonna die), has no capability to realize the larger, unbelievable macro possibilities. It is in this mapping to the vast rhythms that we, like Neitzche, begin to sense an infinite pattern that flows out of this benign energetic field that allows everything to take place, without any judgment. That we can experience pain, IMHO, can be a recognition that we as an organism, are capable of interpreting (and learning to properly interpret) actions and beliefs that can either contribute to us being intrinsically wired into the fabric of this field, or, feel constantly disconnected and have our vitality drained, leaving us run-down, fragile, skeptical, paranoid, depressed - and then we experience the self-fulfilling nature of a weak immune system, and then the universe seems to be attacking us, or flinging experiences at us that we do not believe to be fair or just. Living as if we are in an unjust universe in and of itself is a brilliant formula for disease, as we are always suspecting that something nasty is headed our way (as in a comet that will wipe out most of life on the planet).

As humans see themselves as cells of a distributed and collective entity that, when communications allow for peaceful resolution, there is the direct possibility for evolutionary outcomes, then cells of humanity begin the transition on the evolutionary pathway. What the rest of humanity ends up doing is so completely out of any one cell's control that it is madness to expect others to follow, unless they do so through responding to a calling which guides them into the flow of the Tao.

On a personal note, I have personally experienced and vented a repressed anger in the direction of my partner and this has caused her to vent abandonment, fear and sadness. As we have put on these dark masks, we have realized how dysfunctional we two humans (as fearful egos) attempt to damage and wash away our closely held images of respect and love. When I really see the depths of how my grooved patterns are perpetuating my inner, unprocesed perpetrator-victim roles, I've begun to build an inner containment capability to stop going there and just rest in a more settled relative unrest that allows my inner responsiveness to become a choice. Being @Choice allows me not to attack, or crumple and loose my voice. The latter only creates resentment and the projections that another is unfairly wielding power over me. What a viscous pattern we find ourselves being called into again and again revisit, while a deeper (covered over) sense of love and justice just patiently waits for the silence and for a crack in the angst to deliver the messages that peace and harmony are inner states that must be cultivated. What happens (or not) in the outer world is whatever it is, that life is not out to get us, but just is this messy causal/effect space of what humans have been practicing and collectively creating - mostly out of a lack of imagination and unwillingness to think they are in comfort and safety by repeating old patterns ...

We are a doing all this suffering to ourselves.
It need not remain this way one day, one moment longer!

Much love Yang-J.
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(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Yesterday, after over two months of conflicts and explosions, a member of my community made the decision to leave the community. This person suffers from deregulation, an inability to see and connect to their empathy for others. There are fond and not fond memories as all of the community tried as they might to assist this person see themselves and the dilemma, and all of us talked and mourned together this afternoon.

Here is the poem I wrote and read to be with my grief AND to celebrate the inevitable need for this shift.

Dearest One
I know you decided you gotta go,
and this one thing I want you to know,
I'm really gonna miss you when you go.

Not all plants can co-exist.
There is no guilt or condemnation in any of this,
as they cannot be thrust together and also survive.

Creating the environment for self empathy to blossom in others
is possible, sometimes,
but it is often only in the most highly skilled therapeutic environment
that the brain and the human mend itself and rebuild the undeveloped pathways.

Blessings to you, dear friend.
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Your Body as an Antenna

Close your eyes and visualize your body as an antenna, picking up invisible waves of energy from the environment around you. Feel the vibrational frequencies permeating your body. Do you experience a tingling sensation? Listen as your ears pick up sound waves coming in from all directions. Feel those same sound waves entering your body as well. Bask in the vibrations.

Feel the aliveness in your body as it breathes in air and expels it. Feel the body where it touches the chair you are sitting in. Stay with the sensations that are constantly being felt in the body. Give your full attention to the bodily sensations.

Do you notice that the mind goes quiet as you do this? Many people say they wish there was an off switch for the mind. Well this is it. You can’t give your full attention to your bodily senses and think at the same time.

Check back in with the sensations being received by the body. The head is the part of the body that receives the most sensations, like the top of an antenna. It hears, sees, smells, tastes, as well as feels.

Close your eyes again and check in with your head, the most sensitive part of the antenna. Listen to the sounds ~ Feel the face ~ “Look” at the empty space between your ears where the brain is located. Do you feel the alive emptiness of your head? It’s quiet in there even as it takes in sounds.

Focus on that silent, empty space inside your head. Focus on the silence underneath the sounds. If thoughts interrupt this silence, focus your attention on the silence underneath the thoughts, and on the silence which exists before and after the thoughts. Does this empty space in your head have any boarders? Keep your eyes closed and notice if that empty silence actually expands beyond the space between your ears. It’s all around the body, as well as within.

With your eyes open, look around and receive the visual input of the things around you. As you look around, wonder to yourself what it is that’s looking through these eyes. Look at the words on this page as if they are nothing more than shapes. These black characters are being seen by something. What is that something? Is it that same empty space behind your eyes? Focus your attention on that space as you read the following:

Space is behind my eyes.
Emptiness is looking at these words.
Is this what I am?
These words are being experienced, rather than read.
They are being felt as they enter the body through my eyes.
One ~ word ~ at ~ a ~ time.
With eyes closed, experiencing continues.
There is only this.
Silent experiencing.

Enjoy the peace that is available simply by paying attention to the experience.
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Version 1.1 2010.10.23
(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Raw Rumblings

When we experience the visceral knowing that we are individual cells of a vast and profoundly complex living organism, we begin to hold these insights as aspects of our Wholeness. These experiences reveal the mystery of unknowable deeper truths that are not comprehensible through our personal mind. We open our core and access the vibratory space of our deeper self that resonates with the Oneness of all of life's flows.

As two and more of us collectively tap into the mystery to share and incorporate into our disciplines and our visions, these glimpses and knowings become the food and fuel for our evolutionary journey. We begin to build, rehearse and activate pathways for spirit to flow, for vitality and awareness to coalesce and concentrate. As we learn to live from this depth, we learn to let go of behaviors and strategies that insulate us from life; we give ourselves the gift of not chasing the surface drama of life, expending all our energies defending a frightened self image.

From my vantage point, the more we can accelerate and reinforce diving and learning to make new depths our home, the better prepared we are to call upon our intuition to navigate the vast sea of change that can seem so threatening. I am finding that my own balance in uncovering my depth of being occurs when I work to be intimate with all of life, especially in loving relationships and extended community / (family) naturally bring forward the external frictions of rubbing up close in intimacy with others. It is in relationship and community where we are challenged to adapt our personal cultures, revealing our inner anxieties, our hiding-from-life patterns and our unprocessed fears. There is considerable projection to work through, as we learn to reveal the scary and sad masks that we still carry, and how deeply our masks are still manipulating our behavior and short-circuiting our deeper authenticity to feel safe with others and to encourage others to feel safe when a debilitating mask from the past will not come off.

When we see the outcomes of our unprocessed fear affecting others so deeply, we have this rare opportunity to truly see what we are holding within. Facing this feedback and truth allows us to relax and begin the process to contain-refrain-dissolve-transmute the accumulated fear and beliefs and pains associated with the separation, which we use we use to condemn and sentence ourselves and others.

We point to the caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly as an example of the miracle of transformation of life living beyond the singularity of a single form.

The inner transformational work we are capable of doing is no less startling and transformational. And, our evolutionary transformation begins to accelerate as we learn how to see ourselves in truth, and stay present long enough to not run or hide in our masks.

We need encouragement to do all this, as we have suffocated ourselves under what has the appearances of a comfortable blanket of ignorance and missed-understandings. We are born into this world as incredibly vulnerable individually centered aspects of consciousness. Our natural vulnerability is this seemingly physical and fragile membrane of our physical body, which we, in all certainty know, ceases to function and ends with our death. This is the natural order of all things that become filled with spirit that animates form. Even the rocks and mountains, in their geologic consciousness, are susceptible to these immutable laws. There is the eternal breathing in (birth and movement into vital living) and the breathing out ( maturation of vital living and then towards death).

What is surprising / frightening / joyful is the uncontrollable nature of all the experiences that will flow, moment by moment, into our environment. May we be blessed with more than just a tolerance or just a willingness to accept the weirdness and pain we create by judging any or all of these and be graced with the openness to celebrate all the feelings of being human and humane in a world that has become clouded by the dysfunctions rising out of fear, dominance (power over) and the calcified patterns of patriarchy that have, until now, created a level of confusion that should only be able to blind children.

So, we as children growing up, are learning to step on the evolutionary escalator, which we believe should be an upward spiral toward something divine and heavenly and rewarding. This may be so, and yet, to pierce through what we as humanity have cumulatively manifested, requires a patience and a compassion that will encourage even the glacial sleepwalkers to awaken on their own accord, so that they do not pre-open and become spoiled, like trying to force open the rose ...

.. Gotta go ...
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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

We incarnate into a living Wonder
far beyond our will to control.

We face the additional challenges of being bred, programmed and indoctrinated into a society that:

- Rewards the out-of-balance mental striving to manipulate and control, at the expense of a healthy planet and the health and well-being of all of humanity.

- Rewards living as merely a surface, linear mechanical striving to survive in a world of relative scarcity

- Represses the vital feedback of emotional pain as a way to connect to and live in our heart

We face so much clearing away,
so many patterns to deconstruct
so we will liberate the Phoenix of our Spirit
to navigate and celebrate life's uncontrollably wondrous
ebbs and flows.

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Version 1.3 | 2010.10.21
(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

Words spoken by others
can be received as so full of judgment, so condemning.
So, we wait
and, rather than expectorate vile, venom and fear,
we let a deeper potential
for what is possible
draw near
and whisper in a new language that informs and awaken in us
a curiosity to stay connected and in conversation
and allow for well-informed possibilities
that what we next dare to speak
frees us from mechanically passing down the chains of judgment and condemnation.

By cultivating and uncovering this innate freedom-consciousness,
we give ourselves the space to completely revise and author
from a deeper core place full of heartfelt intent.
This means that we relax our trying to defend certain inner beliefs,
especially those that gag our authentic voice
and wed our awareness and intent to an unwillingness
to open and be fully listening ...

When we open to the moment and welcome in the presence of whatever is possible, we can literally birth radical new possibilities into this world.

We learn to source from a deeper field of responsive truth, our own innate, intuitive guidance. This allows us to let go and liberate ourselves from the cascading heavy human gravity patterns of repetition. When these patterns are released, what we manifest comes from a fresh, vibrant field of limitless possibilities. Welcome to our deeper core, uncovered through our courage to remain in connection with others and the facing of our own fear.

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(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

I have recently become acutely aware, that in certain situations,
I am not able to access and clearly speak my own truth about what I need.

This can be triggered by something as simple as beginnng to feel that my expectations
for needing something from someone else are in jeopardy of not being met.

Rather than step up to my voice and stay in dialog, I find myself contracting
into an inner insecurity - that what I want is being ignored and overlooked.
So, rather than speak-up, I go into a kind of self-gagged silence.
This pattern then triggers a further contraction, where my more typical fullness of self
and hopefulness becomes a hollowed out feeling, where it feels like energy is draining from me.

I begin to wish that others would notice me and my "condition" and be able
to divine my mind and pay attention to my unexpressed, secretly held needs.
As my disassociation with being able to voice my needs deepens,
a certain neediness grows. As this becomes more acute,
I begin to resent others who are not responding to my needs.
My closing down becomes more intense, and it feels like I am stuck
in a self-brewing storm of separation.

As the pressure of this internal storm builds, well-rehearsed
reactive patterns of sadness and anger become easily accessed.
When these are expressed externally, I dump a toxic dose
of what is brewing inside me. When I do not give others advance notice,
they are caught by surprise and, with their guards down, are often hurt.

These disruptive patterns degrade what is my life, a life filled to the brim with
support, joy and opportunities. This degradation, this defilement occurs, because, in a moment of a discomfort,
I do not yet access and empower my being: my voice, my imagination and my intention.

Be it the result of old programming from our past or a fear of the future (that we
might be disappointed), shutting down virtually guarantees that
we will both disappoint ourselves, as well as not fully build strong,
enduring relationship with others.

When we shut ourselves down and fail to remain in dialog, we loose
our ability to navigate (I don't use the term negotiate) with others to
reach a shared and agreed-up space where our needs overlap.

When we are partially gagged, we loose our capacity to communicate our 100% or even listen to the 100% of others. The words we choose to speak are compromised and our body language full of ambiguity.
We stop being clear and clean and the dark clouds of confusion occlude our radiance.

So, when you find yourself shutting down and loosing connection,
perhaps it would be extremely humane to speak up and let yourself
and others know that you've tripped and stumbled and have begun
to loose your presence. More than likely, speaking this truth will
help you and others to guide you back into new patterns that will allow
you to access and speak the passions contained and fueled by your 100%.

Perhaps by acknowledging and sharing our imperfections, we can lay down our need to be
perfect and spiritual and just feel and express the truth of what is brewing inside us.

Admittedly, we need to cultivate friends and communities that recognize the tools to make it safe enough for us to begin our transformation to realizing the true values for speaking our 100%.

Perhaps you have some tools or communities that you would care to share?
If so, email me:
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Version 2.1 | 09.27.2010
© 2010 Howard McQueen

Our life experience with this world is unimaginably uncontrollable.

And, in the end,
each and every one of us,
must face our own unscheduled death,
as well as the deaths of those we love
and the loss of all things we become attached to.

It is easy to see how a life lived focused on loss,
breeds separation,
may bring about a deep and dark resignation,
the uncontrollability and relentless
howling wind and erosion of life
can beat us into self-sedation,
a comfy blanket we pull over our perpetual grief-based upon feeling separation.

There are universal rhythms born into all life forms

  • Birth – Life – Death (repeat infinitely)
  • Creation – Destruction (repeat infinitely)
When I feel into infinity,
There is something stark and at the same time, satisfying,
some backdrop, something of an infrastructure which is unhinged
from any concepts relating to time,
something outside of time itself,
a dimension of being that is ... everlasting
Contemplating infinity truly short-circuits the churn of our human mind,
opening a gateway into a fundamental Truth,
pointing to what is ultimately,
the Divine Mystery,
revealing a remembering of the grand rhythms that we,
embodied forms of life,
are all governed by.

We can choose to build,
through repetition and rhythms,
the sensations of stability,
of feeling in control.
Life allows this …

We can construct elaborate boundaries,
well-built stone and masonry walls,
super-fortresses where we can hide our heart,
and throw our own meager resistance at life
with whatever force we can muster.
Life allows this …

We can open ourselves to feeling the relentless forces of life,
and awaken to the ancient human family struggle,
all the efforting to cover over the fundamental human fears,
reacting to our delusions, reacting and spewing out all our projections.
Life allows this …

And, in the end,
life and its many mysteries
flow in continuity,
out of the invisible cache,
sustaining an infinity of possibilities.

Can you, unconditionally, in this moment, accept life on its terms?

Realize, now, how you are still empowering,
still sustaining your own internal conflicts?

Realize now, how are you still funding,
still sustaining your own internal war of fear and terror?

Come down to the river,
and allow yourself to be cleansed.
Become the empty chamber,
consciously choose your own unique resonating container,
be it a gourd, cello, flute, drum, …

Know it is your wide-open heart
that breathes in the deeper rhythms and experiences of life,
that, in the silence of deep repose,
translates the uncontrollable messiness and death of forms of life,
as an irresistible melancholy of sorrow
a cornucopia of ecstatic symphonic movements.
This is the genuine, authentic life experience.

It comes from facing and accepting life, on life’s terms.
This is what connects us to our genius for imagining
and realizing deeper and deeper healing rhythms,
for connecting to and breathing out our life sustaining intuition and intent,
a responsiveness that is filled to the brim with compassion,
that includes all forms, all actions,
seeing clearly that there is no need for judgment,
just deeper and deeper healing,
to alter all the distortion,
allowing us to embrace the essentialness of our suffering,
and remain open to the uncontrollable gift
to again experience this mystery.

Will you allow life to
have its way,
make its way,
all the way
into and through the essence of you?
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© 2010 Howard McQueen

Friction, tension,

contrary energies, heated interplay - the inevitable collision.

Inner struggle, confusion, conflict,

The perception of injustice,


Blame, shame, externalizing and perpetrating aggression,

revenge and vengeance – someone must pay for my ache, my anxiety, my pain.

Closing down, hardening, the stoppage of listening,

removal of self and the anesthetic numbness of distancing,

disengagement from the messiness of life,

an inner dis-Heartening – a covering over of compassion.

Laws, lawyers, departments of justice,

all spawned in an attempt to fill the inner void.

Few actually doing true listening,

connecting hearts,

working towards dissolving the paradoxical

pairing of victim .vs. perpetrator.

There is an abundant library of inherited pain and suffering still in circulation, still on the best seller list.

Be aware that there is also an abundance of joy, wisdom-teachings and pathways back into connection to your heart.

Become very clear what is circulating deep within your self. You are the archivist, the librarian, the editor, the director - fully capable of rewriting and updating everything you are subscribed to.

It may feel like many of your stories are inaccessible and read-only. Open these stories and their underlying beliefs and bear witness to the injustices and judgments you carry. You can then begin to dismiss and begin to dismantle the inner judgment, the need to impose justice or the need to remain dis-involved, disempowered and always turning away.

Uncover and turn inward, toward your heart. Learn to project your heartfelt-intent and lay down your judgment and aggression.

This is the essential inner struggle.

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Version 2.0 | 09.24.2010
(c) 2010 Howard McQueen

We are so completely vested in our evidence,
and what our subconscious manufacturers in this vesting.
How can reality become anything other than what our collected and brooded over evidence points to?

Welcome to understanding the Great Bias we bring into living.
No wonder we are often so disappointed,
so dis-en-heartened with our outcomes.

Pain is the greatest of messengers.
The information it carries is designed to realign us,
to place us, like the blind man, back into the center of the street.

The evidence we store, we use to judge others, ourselves and life:
What an incredibly arrogant and infantile way to be in relationship with the great gift of life.
Time to sober up, then relearn how to no longer act upon the inner judgments,
and start loving whatever comes your way!

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Version 2.1 | 09.24.2010

© 2010 Howard McQueen

It is remarkable, this journey we undertake,

constructing and then being faced with the challenge

of deconstructing our home-grown sense-of-self.

Rather than ask the question “why” is life the way it is,

it seems more fruitful to surrender to the realization that we,

like all living things,

even the earth, moon and celestial bodies,

are in relationship to smaller and larger rhythms,

smaller and larger gravities constantly influencing our experiencing life.

We are, each and every one of us,

universally bounded by these powerful influences.

If we choose to not recognize and appreciate the influences of relationship

(i.e. others upon us and our influence upon others),

we can drive ourselves into madness, depression, anger and numbness.

“Why is life doing this to me?”

Life itself becomes the perpetrator

and we, the victim.

However, equally available and at our disposal are our innate abilities to:

1. Focus and concentrate where we place our attention

2. Move from a reactionary to a responsive manner in which we perceive and choose to interpret events and circumstances

3. Begin to experiment with and gain a mastery of how we can shape, influence and direct our intentions to be in relationship with that which is alive in our lives

This journey we have been born into is nothing short of learning to resurrect and reclaim our own self. It is a journey into our own darkness and light, our own stubbornness, our own fear, our own ecstasy, our own ability to shut down or awaken. It is a journey in uncovering and the recovering our native wonder, our innate innocence and our awe at the mesmerizing and uncontrollable flow of life.

True sacrifice, as Saki Santorelli says is

“The pull of the soul toward what is possible (once we have shed) the pull of the past toward what has been conditioned”.

True sacrifice is personally experienced as an ongoing commitment to letting go, to releasing and liberating our own sense-of-self that has become entangled with our learned and practiced conditioning - that which supposedly protects and defends our self from life. Sacrifice is finding the courage to let go and become naked again to being deeply, unconditionally touched by the experiences flowing from life.

May you be blessed, in each and every day, to discern and choose to sacrifice aspects of your burdened sense-of-self, to lay down the feelings of resentment, of being aggressed upon by life, of feeling inadequate,
of your relationship with inner guilt and shame …

Come accept life on its terms. There is an abundance of sacredness to give, to receive and to share, together … in our extended relationship, with

Family, Tribe & Community!

These are some of the most potent and sacred practices that encourage unity.

These are the sacred vows that individual selves can choose to sow,

to capture, redirect and blend the energies of Yin & Yang.

This is a pathway into enlarging each individual heart,

to experience that we are a living we-ness,

that we are, irrevocably born from and return to a common, sacred Oneness,

with all of life's forms.

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Version 2.1 | 9.24.2010

© 2010 Howard McQueen

If we are to evolve,

we must uncover and embody the consciousness of inner peace,

we must find our own “eye in the storm”.

As the perceptual duration between cause and effect collapses,

as the destructive patriarchical power over others erodes,

the old, unsustainable ways of our culture are failing and falling away.

This places cataclysmic stress on our belief structures,

on what we have become accustomed to bring us security and comfort.

What is not yet transparent to us is that our internal operating system has become

compromised and corrupted by the very ways we have turned and looked away,

have sanctioned and even supported ways of living that are not symbiotic,

not in any true sustainable way.

So, we are left, in what feels more and more like the 11th hour,

like the house is on fire, like there is a lack of safety and security,

nearly everywhere we turn.

As much as we would like to say it ain’t so,

so it is for a growing advance guard of us -

challenged with awakening,

with weaning ourselves from the seemingly scarce resources of aging currency,

the propped up and declining economy,

the increasingly polluted human ecology,

for such a long time, based upon fear, anger, greed and exclusionary practices.

It is time to awaken the radical,

the deeper courage

the evolutionary spirit held within our DNA

and step up the pace to wean ourselves from these worn out, unsustainable ways.

There are still many, many caught in deep fear and resistance,

clutching to the inbred ignorance,

flailing about, thinking they are drowning,

and capable of taking others down with them.

There is a fierceness brewing as well

ready to claim and be the embodiment of love,

to do what it takes to demonstrate unity,

love over fear

connection over separation.

For this to happen one human being at a time,

we must all teach, and accept the teachings

that we are the eye of the storm,

not the storm,

that destruction is inevitable,

that resurrection of the sacred

requires that we challenge everything

and do whatever it takes to bring forward

our transformation and evolution.

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Inescapable Here

I’ve always been here.
Never to be anywhere else.
I can’t get away from here.
I try to be somewhere else, but I’m still here.
I leave and yet here follows.
I’m momentarily lost. Where am I?
I’m still here I just wasn’t looking.
I can’t get out of here. I can’t escape here. I’m eternally here.

I always thought I was going somewhere.
Now I know I’ll never get there.
Here is the only place on earth, and everything happens here.
Where else would I want to be?
Where else could I be?

We’re in the same here.
Together and here.
That’s where we’ve always been.
You seem to be way over there, but you’re still here.
Even when you’re not around, you’re still here.
My here, your here, our here, only one here.

Where is here?
Here is where I am laying in bed.
Later, here is at the market.
Then, here becomes a dentist’s office.
Here seems to be changing constantly.
Here I’m sitting cross-legged, here I am standing, here I am walking.
Every moment here seems to be somewhere else, but here never really changes.

Here, present, now.
Nothing not here.
Just here.
Just this.
Only here.

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Tendencies ...

(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

In those moments when we feel afraid and cave in to our fear,
we choose to separate and become what might be called dis-enheartened.
This is a built-in tendency within all of humanity.
If practiced and refined, it becomes a way to loose ourselves in our unbridled fear.

Awaken to this practiced tendency you have embraced.
Know that you've been rehearsing this for so, so many years.
This is one of our greatest undoings,
seeking refuge in what we've manufactured through not facing our fear.

Be still. Endure the discomfort. Know it will pass, leaving the deepest
and most essential force flowing through you - unscathed.
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Version 1.0 | 9.12.2010

(C) 2010 Howard McQueen

Each of us have created and stored disempowering mental states as a result of our feeling vulnerable and over-exposed to the world. These states contain our unprocessed, distorted and obsessed over sensations, feelings and unfelt emotions. They represent our shadow, our pain body.

Take a moment and face this truth: When we become anxious in the moment, we have learned to refer to, to believe and trust these mental states to give us the guidance and wisdom to navigate our life.

When we were little, we were wide open and gullible. When we were overwhelmed, we learned to tell ourselves lies, then listen to the echo of these lies as we repeated them back to ourselves. And then we forgot it was the shadow side of our selves that was doing all the talking, speaking all the lies – all the while we were hoping it was our authentic self coming to our rescue.

My inner liar, your inner liar, it is these liars that are feeding us the poison that we, still gullible and childlike, so robustly continue to consume. Why is this? Perhaps it is because it is easier to still suckle on lies that hurt ourselves and then hurt others. Doing this give us drama and attention. It is much more work to to bring forward the courage to fiercely stop listening to all the lies, discern what is true and live in love!

I understand, first hand, how compelling these lies are. They always seem to start with a judgment about self or someone else - these judgments are typically juvenile and simplistic, and they assassinate character and are ugly. They are ugly because they show us how we are so self-absorbed in trying to defend the brittle ego that has bought into all the lies.


The lies are powered through our ancient flight-fight survival response mechanisms, originally developed to protect us as an organism. In reality, in this modern world, 99.9% of what we encounter is merely the exacerbated and accumulated stress of psychological discomfort. Even so, our primitive brain, having encountered pain and the discomforts from past experiences, indelibly etches these experiences and, without us even knowing it, manufactures strategies of avoidance (if experiences were painful) or pursue and capture (if experiences were extremely pleasurable or rewarding). These strategies and their underlying judgments are transmitted to us at near instantaneous speeds, loading up like life-or-death messages, pulling on our awareness, demanding our attention and shaping our intention.

Considerable training is required to begin discerning that this high-potency information coming to us at such a velocity and amplitude have little or no value being reacted to. In fact, if they are reacted to, people around us will begin to wonder why we are “wigging out”, as they sense the in-the-moment reality is calm.

So, the challenge becomes one of beginning to extract our awareness and consciousness from these highly charged messages, so that we do not become hijacked and behave in reactive, unconscious ways. When we give in and succumb to these messengers and the messages, we exit the moment and become non-living, sleepwalkers, living in the dream that is best called a “nightmare”.

Learn to become acutely aware of what you are serving when you feel anxious, or when you feel a story that includes judgment blooming in your mind. Know that you are accessing the demon-liar within, and that believing in any of what is conveyed is to breed suffering – your own, as well as exporting suffering to others.

You need not continue to play the powerless victim, as the unreality of the demon-liar is of your own mind’s making. Be mindful that when you catch yourself loosing focus on being fully in the moment, that confusion, restlessness, doubt, pessimism, fantasy, delusion, illusion and numbness are the breeding ground for falseness, for our conditioning and our deep groove to seek out and listen to our demon-liar.

Get your awareness into your physical body. Get your body moving. Get your breathing deepened and focused. Open your eyes and your senses to what is going on in this moment. Begin discerning what is really real from the veil and inner environmental distortions created by the demon-liar Begin to discern what is a lie from what is real, from what the demon-liar is manufacturing over reality, so you can experience and discern what is real.

And, be fierce as well as kind to yourself. Our current awareness is a work-in-process. When our sense of reality shrinks and/or begins to collapse, know that we are merely repeating the age-old acquired habit of listening to the demon-liar. As we continue to rehearse and bring our increased awareness to bear, we begin learning to no longer trust the demon-liar. If the intensity of the hi-jackings are on the increase, now that the demon-liar knows it is threatened, threatened with extinction. What it fears the most is no having you a willing participant in listening to its lies and then going into reaction.

It may just be that a friend will slap you into awareness! Let it be a blessing if you meet those that will love you without constantly trying to coddle and cater to your dramas!

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Trying to Make Sense of It All

Hey Guys,

For many of us, Autumn is approaching as the northern half of the planet begins to seemingly tilt away from the sun. The Fall Equinox is about a week away, and change is much more noticeable as days shorten, temperatures cool and leaves begin to fall. Change is constant, but one thing remains the same, and that reliable constancy is what most of us are all looking for in order to feel safe and secure.

I’ve written a bit about how we tend to go about finding that one constant truth a bit before, but this writing came out of a recent discussion regarding the analytical approach to truth seeking. Being a very analytical person myself, it was fairly easy to analyze the process of analysis ;)

Reduction - Latin - To lead back, or bring down the size, quantity, value or intensity of something

Deduction - Latin - To move away from, or infer from a general principle

Words at their very basic level are vibrations of the vocal chords that we ascribe meaning to. Each vibratory noise has a definition, typically one that has been agreed upon by those in a given society who speak a common language. If you believe in evolution, then it’s safe to say that millions of years ago words began to form as a necessary part of human survival and development. As the human species began to migrate, so did different languages. I have no idea how the evolution of languages (much less dialects) really happened, but it is certainly a fascinating area to explore.

An interesting thing about language is that most words not only have an accepted dictionary definition, but are also accompanied by a mental image. That mental image usually varies from person to person, and is unique to his or her upbringing – cultural, parental, educational, etc. From that perspective it could be said that no two people “see” anything the same way since everything we see or experience is filtered through, and interpreted by, our personal grasp of language. For example, say the word “tree” and a mental image pops up of something, whether it is a generic tree or a specific tree, its setting is going to look different from the image that comes to mind for anyone else. As far as I can tell, the same is true for most words in our language.

So, what does this mean? It means that we are all seeing the world as one big run on definition, which we tend to assume is the same as everyone else’s run on definition. Then, when we encounter someone who has a different definition of something, we think they are wrong. Why wouldn’t we? After all, we have spent our entire lives determining which definitions are true and which aren’t by using language to define the world and ourselves.

How did we determine what’s true and what’s not? How did we go about figuring out this whole ball of wax? I would suggest it’s been through a process of reduction and deduction. First, we reduce the Universe into manageable concepts. It seems too much to take in as it is, so we organize it using words and categories, which formulate the foundation of our beliefs about the world. Instead of seeing shapes and colors, we learn to see things as distinct objects with names and characteristics. This starts when we are very young as our parents introduce us to the world we inhabit, and it is absolutely necessary for our growth and survival.

As we reduce the world out there into digestible ideas, we use those ideas to learn more about how the world works, and how we fit into it. In order to do that, we make deductions based on a combination of our acquired concepts and experiences (i.e. everything we have ever said, done, read, heard, seen, etc.). We combine our definitions with our experiences, and use them to determine what the world is really about. It would seem we are hard wired to desire knowing the truth, even if it’s only a relative truth.

Therefore, we reduce the whole into parts, then deduce or infer from our knowledge of those parts in an attempt to know the whole. So what happened to the whole that we had to reduce to find out what’s true and what’s not? We stripped it of its wholeness, then rebuilt it using words that someone handed us with attached definitions, which we assumed to be accurate. It’s still whole, we’re just not seeing it that way any more. We’re stuck seeing our interpretations of it.

So, if our desire to know the truth is indeed instinctual, we go about trying to find the whole again (i.e. truth) with our filtered and diluted deductions about the world. We’ve broken it down, then built it back up, but can never completely rebuild it. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle of the Universe where pieces are missing – we are constantly running into gaps as we try to rebuild it.
When we run across an area where a piece is missing, we either fill it in by deduction (cutting a piece to fit), or just forget about it and leave it blank. But, no matter how hard we try, we’ll never get an accurate view by using what we’ve learned. That’s why it’s said that discovering the truth involves unlearning what we think we know, and a surrendering of our preconceived ideas, beliefs, and opinions.

Our ability to parse environmental data and extrapolate that information to reach certain conclusions about the inner workings of the world is a wonderful gift. The mind is a very powerful tool, and all you have to do is look around to see examples of how well it has served the evolution of the world we live in. All of the modern technology we take for granted (i.e. the wheel, indoor plumbing, electricity, atom bombs, iPods, etc.), we owe to the incredible power of the mind. But it’s important to realize that it has an equally destructive side to it that has resulted in hundreds of years of war and suffering.

However, if you look you will see that most of the mind’s energy is wasted on trivial matters: dwelling on past conversations, speculating on future encounters, wondering what others think of us, passing judgment, singing a song you can’t get out of your head, etc. Here’s a quote from Gina Lake’s book “Radical Happiness.”

“We need the mind to function, but it is also full of useless and incorrect information – conditioning – that passes as facts. We need the aspect of the mind that allows us to do mental work, but we don’t actually need the egoic mind to function. Self-realization entails a certain mastery of the mind that includes being aware of our thoughts and being able to discriminate between ones that have some truth and usefulness and ones that don’t.”

Finding the truth involves finding who we were before we “knew” everything. That’s why the present moment is the key. Without past everything becomes new again, just like when we were infants looking at this world in a state of awe. Katie Davis says it well in her book “Awake Joy” – “When you are free of past mental images, you recognize that the world is created new every moment that you become aware of it.”

That new and mysterious world is staring you in the face 24 hours a day, and has been all along. Do you want to see it for what it truly is? You have to be willing to set aside everything you hold true. Drop all of your labels and look at what’s in front of you right now.


Here’s a parting quote from Eckhart Tolle’s book “Stillness Speaks” – “When you perceive without interpretation, you can then sense what it is that is perceiving. The most we can say in language is that there is a field of alert stillness in which the perception happens. Through “you,” formless consciousness has become aware of itself.”
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© 2010 Howard McQueen

In every moment,

especially those where we become filled with anxiety,

we have capacity and choice,

to either capitulate to entrenched habits,

drifting into grooved repetition ...


we can become present to the tug and pull

of repressed fear-anger-grief,

uncover our humanity,

connect to the heart of our compassion,

fill with responsiveness -

and remain vividly connected to the mysterious

journey of experiencing life,

on life’s terms ...

It is always the myriad small choices

that will show us our strength,

let us realize our short-circuits,

our blind spots,

keeping us separate from our authenticity

and the unity which is our birthright.

Indeed, this is the noble struggle.

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Writing from the Anahata community, Floyd, Virginia

At the conclusion of Summer Evolution Camp.

(c) 2010 Howard McQueen | Version 2.2 8/31/2010

There are places on this earth

fully ripened,

ready for your initiation into inter-connectedness,

ready for you to claim and co-exist with as your HOME.

Gracing and extending your connections beyond the domain and dominion of humans,

the vast natural world is ready to interface and be a lover's embrace.

The invitation is to open to and be infected by all manner of mysterious phenomena,

emerging from and being organically nourished by the Goddess Mother - Gaia.


The first fall leaves float by on the river, infiltrating and embracing my earth suit.

I am buoyed as well as immersed in this liquid life-giving force,

flowing and caressing the everything that is me.

As I focus my attention on listening,

way back up the hill, the chicken run erupts as a hen loudly cackles,

boastings of her laying let another magnificent egg.

My focus shifts back to visual,

to the river’s flowing surface, where,

in the reflected early morning light

water bugs glide, rapidly darting about,

doing their living rhythms.

From my more macro perspective,

their rhythms express a coordination of play.

I sense they are also inscribing and visibly expressing a language,

appearing if but for an instant, on the rivers surface.

Yes, this defies all rational understanding and yet, intuitively,

I smile and am warmed inside by the insidious play and pleasure

knowing this is how nature plays out her rhythms with all forms:

Invisible forces flow into and animate form,

for the sheer joy,

for some vaster, symbiotic, symphonic interplay.

Morning sunlight filters through the forest canopy,

revealing and illuminating the hued colors of the pebbled riverbed.

Rapids downstream echo their frothy spill.

Crickets in trees play their percussive electronic washboard sounds.

Something upstream breaks the rivers surface with a plopping sound.

Memory from last nights cacophony surfaces, with the primal screams and screeches

as two raccoons squared off to fight over the bucket of dinner scraps yet to make it into the compost.

The sweat lodge,

the picnic table,

leaves in slow motion floating down from the sky.

The shimmering of a few select trees moved by an invisible wind

in the midst of complete stillness of neighboring trees.

Ahhhhh, this page is itself curls up, levitated by the winds visitation.

A plastic childrens bath tub, imprinted with Donald Duck underwater in swim goggles;

A white plastic chair,

a white bucket,

two blue kyaks,

a blue laundry basket.

We humans, inhabiting this land with our human-manufactured possessions.

A forest green tarp strung between trees, the tarp's top speckled with spent, dried leaves.

Near vertical support poles, cut from trees, staked into the ground and tied with twine.

Nested under the tarp a woven multi-colored hammock, currently spun tightly closed,

inviting someone to enter and seek the restorative vitality of cocoon. It too is tied to two other trees.

This natural tarp-hammock honors and graces the land, bringing such a sense of

relaxed and sacred harmony.

As I start walking toward the sweat lodge,

A blue butterfly and dragon fly appear to grace my path.

A variety of butterfly cavort over the ashes in the firepit.

There is the circular ring of stones, a big glass cider jug of water

marking due East.

A small shrine just outside the sweat lodge entrance hosts a variety of artifacts:

part of a jaw bone;


smudge bundle;

a black snake replica,



Tibetan coins,

lambs ear, zinnia and other air-drying flower heads.

Back up near the main house,

just off the circular drive,

my eye again finds the slightly worn path.

I step off the gravel into light brush,

Passing a small tractor attachment half covered over with thistle.

I step, viscerally, into enchantment.

Grey brown trunks of naked white pines, easily seventy feet high, surround me.

Down the sloping hill, beyond the fall of the land,

is a lush, verdant narrowing valley, bounded by the serpentine river.

Here the land is hosting a small tent community, a primitive kitchen and,

part way up the hill, on the left, earthen toilets. .

I am imagining a two story tree house resting in this space,

built around and encompassing several key foundational pines.


What a residence.

What a contribution to the larger sense of the land itself as my/our interim,

gypsy-symbiotic home.

I notice a bee-as-emissary investigating my presence.

After gently waving it to create space, I notice it stays in perfect unison with my waves.

This is the dance of first contact. I stop waving now, knowing we have synchronized intentions.

The bee now advances, landing directly on this page of paper I am inscribing.

It makes tactile connection with several words I have just written, seemingly taking a
sample, somehow extracting the wholeness of message from its extraction.

I imagine this message being relayed to everything the bee interacts with, this message

permeating and percolating till it rejoins the hive, which initiates a widespread distribution.

For me, this is an exchanged blessing for a human expressing the intent to be in peacefully

co-existence with all of nature.

The thirty second walk back up the circular drive

opens to a lofted greenhouse and the large modern home.

A wooden vine trellis has been trained in the shape of a heart

graces the front entrance to the house.

Across from the house is a shop with a second story loft. Along the roof line are solar panels supplying the energy needs of the main house.

I resonate with all of this and breath in, slowly and deeply,

then silently mouth the blessing “Welcome Home, loved ones”.

There is an infinity of presence awaiting us, as we surrender our contrived equities and identities and release and relax into these moments with nature ...

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Version 2.0 | 8/29/2010
(C) 2010 Howard McQueen
Feeling our place and claiming our right to be at-ease,
being exposed and exposing ourselves to the forces
and ever-changing forms cycling through the
rhythms of birth, life and death.
Remembering and continually rekindling a center in self
AND opening self to the vulnerability,
the porous and permeable connections to life's many forms.
Remaining present while in the deep gravity well of others
not centered in self.
Holding the space for not having or needing to fix anything.
Allowing and encouraging surrendering and shedding of the protective armors
built around self.
Being a bright, reflective listener and mirror,
being one who encourages the recognition and awakening to truth.
Facilitating others to feel heard and seen,
facilitating others to learn to contain their aggressive tendencies
their shyness and reluctance to back away, collapse and retreat into hiding.
When I feel a need to say "be quiet",
let me share the intent of requesting space for serenity.
Let my energies of request not morph into demand,
nor allow me to shrink or hide in the cold cess pool of resentment.
This continuous balancing act of honoring self and Self,
what a dynamic opportunity to become fully alive
and feel our interconnectedness with all living things.
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