All Posts (15)
I've been sitting on this blog post for a while now. It's created a bottle neck effect on the other ones that want to push through and be shared, so I had to get it off my chest, so to speak.
I have found myself at a bit of a crossroads lately. I’ve written quite a bit on the subject of “enlightenment” over the last few years, much of it representing where I envisioned readers to be on their own path, which has also reflected where I have been on mine. However, I have tried to avoid certain ideas that might turn some people off. As I ran across quotes and insights, each one was instantly judged based on how useful it would be for my projected audience. As time went on, I found myself revising my writing more and more to make the message more palatable for the potential readers in my mind. All of this has become much more noticeable of late, which makes me think I used to be less concerned about how my message was received than I am now.
The Internet has increased the exposure of my writing, and its potential circle of influence and exposure. The potential audience has now diversified and left me a bit uncertain as to who will be reading these words. Will it be spiritual adepts, teachers, critics, or will it be the curious and beginning seekers (which seems to be mainly who I have had in mind when I write)? Is it possible to write something that resonates with everyone? Whose needs am I trying to appeal to anyway?
Up until now, I have had a “known” audience of about 90 people on an email list comprised of friends, family, and acquaintances, plus a blog. So, I have written with many of those people in mind. Now, there are online discussion groups popping up all over for Truth seeking people and those interested in enlightenment. There are a lot of people out there, such as myself, who have a very firm grasp on the ideas surrounding enlightenment. They have it all figured out on an intellectual level, have had a few awakening experiences, and want to tell people how it is. I’m no different, but I am not one to debate another on what’s true and what’s not (at least not openly ;), but that’s what I have seen in some of these online discussion forums.
There are those people drawn to these discussion groups wanting more insights from fellow seekers or teachers. Then there are others who seem to have all the answers, while others who disagree and point out inconsistencies in what someone else has said. Ultimately they are all saying what’s true for them and disagreeing with someone else who doesn’t see things the same way. In many cases it’s a philosophical debate over semantics among egos about Oneness.
After seeing this a couple of times, I decided these groups weren’t for me. Obviously there is no harm in a friendly debate, which is what these tend to be. But if I don’t resonate with what’s being said on a deep level, then it’s just brain candy and fodder for the ego. Having said that, I have benefitted from this ego fodder because it has pointed out my own judgments I have about people, but that’s a different story.
I have found online discussion forums that are a bit more structured, which involve an actual teacher answering questions, that serves members well. A spiritual teacher who is willing to foster and facilitate online discussions is a wonderful thing. Not only is it enlightening, but it prevents endless debates from arising, and actually points readers toward what lies underneath the words.
As for me, there is nothing I can say that is actually true (except for maybe what I just said). However, I am finding myself projecting out my own insecurities, being careful not to say something that an imaginary spiritual critic might take issue with. Basically, my ego is trying to protect itself from criticism by censoring what it says. The increasing tendency to revise is how its desire for praise is manifested. This is very interesting to notice and acknowledge, so I felt compelled to share it.
Of course, this idea filtering has been going on all along, I just happen to be noticing it more and more these days. Much of what I have written has been written with specific people (or types of people) in mind, and my perception of how my message would be received by those people based on my story of them. I have avoided using many terms and phrases that I thought might alienate those with only a mild curiosity, or those who still have firm beliefs. I would prefer to tone it down a bit rather than cause a mind to close down by stepping on a sacred cow (so to speak).
My intention has always been to spark interest in those who have accepted simply being content with life, rather than search for that unadulterated joy that’s at their fingertips. That joy is what we are all searching for, and I want everyone to know that it is attainable at this very moment. This is something that everyone should know.
Now that I am becoming connected with more and more people via Facebook, I am feeling a bit more pressured to watch what I say. There is great potential here to reach hundreds of people with tiny bits of wisdom that might resonate with someone who had no interest in the idea of enlightenment before. I think the key is not to make broad sweeping statements as an authority figure (i.e. “This is how it is.”), but instead scatter ideas or questions that might spark interest.
It’s yet another example of how I have been living my life. I find my actions governed by what I think “so and so” will think about such actions or words. It’s been that way all along and I’m seeing it for what it is more clearly now – protection of the ego. At this point I feel it’s time to be a bit more free with my words, with less concern about how the imagined world perceives them to be. I can learn more about myself by seeing the “me” in “you” anyway ;)
This poem speaks to the ability to self-integrate, to uncover a wholeness by facing that which we have turned away from. In so many ways, for so many years, we have dis-empowered ourselves by perpetuating the fear, caving in to the discomforts we have lodged in our beliefs, in our imagination. We can honor that which we fear by leaning into it and learning, from direct experience, a deeper truth covered over by our fear.
This tapestry is woven and held together with language. The nouns; labels for objects and locations. The adjectives, the way in which we describe the tapestry, the verbs, the way in which we move about in this tapestry. This tapestry exists in the domain of language and is everything we think is real. All our thoughts and responses are woven, repeating patterns of this human tapestry, patterns that have existed for thousands of years.
What is not so obvious is that our very identity, the very concept of everything "I am," the very idea of a separate individual self, has also been woven into this human tapestry. All our beliefs, our values, the way we relate with each other, the way we move about our "world," the very way in which we can think, all woven in the fabric of this human tapestry. As soon as we start speaking, we are caught within the fabric of this linguistic human tapestry.
© 2010 Howard McQueen
What do you constantly lend your attention and awareness to?
Knowing this will help you to see what you cultivate, what you worship,
the shaping of your life,
this odyssey of experience.
As of late, I’ve been checking the stock market about three times a day. I’ve also, at least daily, been entering our household expenses into this ever-expanding spreadsheet of
now thirty plus columns.
The stocks I own are down.
The household budget for June completely blown due to some expected and also some unexpected extraordinary expenses.
I’ve recently been worshiping in the fields of scarcity.
I’ve been cultivating the fruit that siphons off energy,
a worship that denies hope and renewal,
that opposes the natural abundance of life itself.
And, even though I fly the banner of perpetual sabbatical,
I have been sailing my ship into troubled seas.
My captain, my captain, we have run aground.
What’s this, an absence of awareness
A forgetfulness to course-correct?
We’ve become lost again in the fog of our own fears,
sailing again back into the Sea of Scarcity.
It is such an amazing odyssey,
This energetic field of life we are immersed in.
Having no real control over so many outcomes,
And with the remembered ability to find and practice gratitude and acceptance,
we remember the true sacredness of this gift of awakening,
this raucous wild abandonment and pleasure
and the revisiting of old discomforts and pains.
All this not knowing
how things will unfold.
And yet things unfold,
without the need for any real efforting from us.
© 2010 Howard McQueen
One of the challenges
we (each and all) face
is discerning and separating
that which is real,
from that which we imagine.
May you find within,
again and again,
the ability to learn and apply
the wisdom and guidance
liberated by discernment.
To know when it is wise to be tolerant of yourself and others
and when tolerance is to be set aside,
and a firmness of backbone
placed in your stride
as you move toward,
literally lean into and call forth your compassion,
to be more fully present with your own discomfort
and the discomforts of others.
May the gifts you unwrap from this life lived
be to see all the inbreeding falseness
in the painful beliefs
our brothers
and our sisters
still cling to
so closely,
so tightly